French Listening Practice 3 Flashcards
Use this deck to hone your French listening comprehension skills!
What is being said?
Los Angeles a la pire circulation des États-Unis.
Los Angeles has the worst traffic in the US.
What is being said?
Ses parents nous ont invités à dîner dans un beau restaurant.
Her parents treated us to dinner at a nice restaurant.
What is being said?
Il a volé mon cœur.
He stole my heart.
What is being said?
Les voleurs ont dérobé les tableaux et les ont brûlés.
The thieves stole the paintings and burned them.
What is being said?
Je vais considérer ta demande.
I will consider your request.
What is being said?
Dis-lui que c’est urgent.
Tell him it’s urgent.
What is being said?
Cette appli est chère.
That app is expensive.
What is being said?
Une fois qu’elle aura son diplôme, elle souhaite continuer à étudier l’espagnol à l’université.
When she graduates, she would like to continue studying Spanish at a university.
What is being said?
Elle était motivée pour en apprendre davantage sur le pays de ses parents.
She was inspired to learn more about her parents’ country.
What is being said?
La dissertation doit être écrite à la main proprement, à l’encre bleue ou à l’encre noire.
The essay must be neatly handwritten in blue or black ink.
What is being said?
Elle fut l’une des deux seules femmes à recevoir ce titre.
She was one of only two women to receive this title.
What is being said?
Il refusa de coopérer.
He refused to cooperate.
What is being said?
Je ne peux pas le nier.
I can’t deny that.
What is being said?
C’est un peu accablant.
It’s a bit overwhelming.
What is being said?
Tu t’es coupé ?
Did you cut yourself?
What is being said?
Elle est soudainement devenue très silencieuse.
She got really quiet all of a sudden.
What is being said?
Ne me prends pas pour un imbécile.
Don’t insult my intelligence.
What is being said?
Pour moi, la pauvreté ce n’est pas le manque d’argent.
For me, poverty is not lack of money.
What is being said?
Les sirènes sont mi-femmes mi-poissons.
Mermaids are half woman and half fish.
What is being said?
Tu as eu raison de me le dire.
You were right to tell me.
What is being said?
Baisse la voix au lieu de crier.
Lower your voice instead of shouting.
What is being said?
C’était plus sympa que ce à quoi on s’attendait.
It was sweeter than we had expected.
What is being said?
J’ai vu une dinde sauvage par là-bas.
I saw a wild turkey over there.
What is being said?
Prends juste une respiration profonde et détends toi.
Just take a deep breath and relax.
What is being said?
Ne me fais pas perdre mon temps.
Don’t waste my time.
What is being said?
Je trouve cela difficile à croire.
I find that hard to believe.
What is being said?
Voici le livre que tu cherchais.
Here’s the book you’ve been looking for.
What is being said?
C’est ici que je me sens chez moi.
This is where I belong.
What is being said?
Dégage de mon chemin !
Get out of my way!
What is being said?
Il se pourrait que ça te surprenne un peu.
This may come as somewhat of a surprise.
What is being said?
Arrête de faire l’imbécile.
Stop acting like a fool.
What is being said?
Mon agenda est très rempli.
My schedule is pretty tight.
What is being said?
La peau est plus belle quand on a la vingtaine.
Skin is at its best in our twenties.
What is being said?
Quand elle était adolescente, elle faisait tout ce qu’elle voulait.
When she was a teenager, she did as she pleased.
What is being said?
Il n’a pas pu aller bien loin.
He can’t have gotten far.
What is being said?
Quelle vue impressionnante !
What a breathtaking view!
What is being said?
Tu fais des progrès satisfaisants.
You’re making satisfactory progress.
What is being said?
Je ne toucherais pas ça si j’étais toi.
I wouldn’t touch that if I were you.
What is being said?
Pourquoi tu ne le vérifies pas toi-même ?
Why don’t you go find out yourself?
What is being said?
J’aimerais mieux que tu ne le fasses pas.
I would rather you didn’t do that.
What is being said?
Le livre a été bien reçu par la critique et par le public.
The book was well received by critics and the public.
What is being said?
Quelle personne bien dans sa tête irait voir ça ?
Who in his/her right mind would go see that?
What is being said?
Il y a entre 100 et 400 milliards de planètes dans la Voie lactée.
There are 100-400 billion planets in the Milky Way.
What is being said?
Vu comme c’est parti, on aura fini de déjeuner juste à l’heure du dîner.
At this rate, we’ll be done with lunch just in time for dinner.
What is being said?
Je n’ai pas pu m’empêcher de surprendre leur conversation.
I couldn’t help overhearing their conversation.
What is being said?
Il a dit que l’ouragan ne pouvait pas être si terrible que ça.
He said the hurricane couldn’t be as bad as it sounded.
What is being said?
Le jardinier est venu arroser les plantes.
The gardener came to water the plants.
What is being said?
Je ne manquerais ça pour rien (au monde) !
I wouldn’t miss it for anything (in the world)!
What is being said?
Tout en est réduit à ça.
It’s all come down to this.
What is being said?
Tu auras besoin d’une lampe-torche dans les zones peu éclairées.
You’ll need a flashlight in poorly lit areas.
What is being said?
Il y a des choses qu’il vaut mieux ne pas dire.
Some things are better left unsaid.
What is being said?
Son sens de l’humour est assez noir.
She has a dark sense of humor.
What is being said?
C’est de la torture.
This is torture.
What is being said?
S’il te plaît, laisse la porte entrouverte.
Please leave the door cracked.
What is being said?
Partager des photos est une des choses principales que j’avais en tête quand j’ai acheté cet appareil photo numérique.
Sharing photos was one of the main things I had in mind when I bought that digital camera.
What is being said?
Ce fut une conversation très ouverte et honnête et elle a éclairci beaucoup de choses.
It was a very open and honest conversation and it made many things clear.
What is being said?
J’ai froid à un moment et la minute suivante j’ai chaud.
I’m cold one minute and hot the next.
What is being said?
Quel est le meilleur épisode de la série ?
Which is the best episode in the series?
What is being said?
On peut déterminer l’âge d’un arbre en comptant les cercles sur son tronc.
We can determine the age of a tree by counting its rings.
What is being said?
Laisse-moi te l’expliquer en détail.
Let me break it down for you.
What is being said?
C’est déjà partout sur Internet.
It’s all over the Internet by now.
What is being said?
Je n’arrive pas à trouver mon crayon et je viens de le poser !
I can’t find my pencil and I just put it down!
What is being said?
Mon père a une imprimante laser.
My father has a laser printer.
What is being said?
Très peu de gens atteignent un tel succès.
So few people achieve that level of success.
What is being said?
Je ne suis pas aussi naïf que tu le penses !
I’m not as naive as you think!
What is being said?
On est arrivés là avec 10 minutes d’avance.
We got there with 10 minutes to spare.
What is being said?
Pourquoi croirais-tu plus un homme politique qu’un scientifique ?
Why would you believe a politician over a scientist?
What is being said?
Ce ne sont pas vraiment des plans définitifs.
They’re not really firm plans.
What is being said?
Ils ont un avantage injuste.
They have an unfair advantage.
What is being said?
On dirait que tu t’es entraîné.
It looks like you’ve been practicing.
What is being said?
À partir de ce moment- là, je n’ai plus parlé avec lui.
From then on I didn’t speak to him again.
What is being said?
Cette partie me semble claire.
That much seems clear.
What is being said?
Mon père m’emmenait à la cascade quand j’étais petit.
My father used to take me to the waterfall as a kid.
What is being said?
J’ai bien peur d’avoir pris ma décision.
I’m afraid my mind’s made up.
What is being said?
Maintenant que j’y pense, il a en effet parlé de ça.
Come to think of it, he did mention that.
What is being said?
Tu devrais essayer de profiter de la vie.
You should try to enjoy your life.
What is being said?
Prends ça comme un signe de ma gratitude.
Consider it a token of my appreciation.
What is being said?
La porte est coincée.
The door is stuck.
What is being said?
Si c’est une sorte de ruse, il s’en rendra compte.
If this is some kind of trick, he’ll figure it out.
What is being said?
Ma soeur et moi, on organise une fête pour son bébé.
My sister and I are throwing her a baby shower.
What is being said?
Je veux lui donner une chance de me prouver ce dont il est capable.
I want to give him a chance to prove himself.
What is being said?
Qu’est-ce qu’il a à voir avec ça ?
What does he have to do with it?