2.10 Spanish Listening Practice Flashcards
Use this deck to hone your Spanish listening comprehension skills!
What is being said?
Hay que luchar por lo que quieres.
You have to fight for what you want.
What is being said?
La práctica hace al maestro.
Practice makes perfect.
What is being said?
Me alegro de que estemos de acuerdo.
I’m glad you agree.
What is being said?
¿Quién te dijo eso?
Who told you that?
What is being said?
Quédate con el cambio.
Keep the change.
What is being said?
No entendí ni una palabra que dijiste.
I didn’t understand a word you just said.
What is being said?
No sé si tendré tiempo.
I’m not sure if I’ll have enough time.
What is being said?
Me crié en una granja, pero ahora vivo en la ciudad.
I grew up on a farm, but now I live in the city.
What is being said?
El hogar es donde te relajas y pasas tiempo con la familia.
Home is where you go to relax and spend time with family.
What is being said?
No cometas el mismo error que yo.
Don’t make the same mistake I did.
What is being said?
¿Por qué no te escuchó?
Why didn’t he listen to you?
What is being said?
El plan fue un éxito.
The plan was a success.
What is being said?
Es la mujer más valiente que conozco.
She’s the bravest woman I know.
What is being said?
Es la cosa más loca que he oído en mi vida.
That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.
What is being said?
Llevo años diciéndolo.
I’ve been saying this for years.
What is being said?
No es el mismo hombre que yo conocía.
He’s not the man I used to know.
What is being said?
Nunca olvidaré la primera vez que te vi.
I’ll never forget the first time I saw you.
What is being said?
Él canta mejor que nadie que he conocido.
He sings better than anyone I’ve ever known.
What is being said?
Regresaré lo más pronto posible.
I’ll be back as soon as I can.
What is being said?
Mañana mando la carta a primera hora.
I’ll send the letter first thing tomorrow morning.
What is being said?
Tampoco estuvo tan mal.
It wasn’t all that bad.
What is being said?
No toma mucho tiempo aprenderlo.
It doesn’t take much time to learn.
What is being said?
Los libros están ordenados por título en orden alfabético.
The books are listed by title in alphabetical order.
What is being said?
Eso está por cambiar.
That’s about to change.
What is being said?
Gracias, pero no será necesario.
Thank you, but that won’t be necessary.
What is being said?
Lo hecho, hecho está.
What’s done is done.
What is being said?
Me quedaré aquí sentado tranquilamente.
I’ll just sit here quietly.
What is being said?
Echemos un vistazo.
Let’s have a look.
What is being said?
No presentó ninguna excusa.
She made no excuses.
What is being said?
Ella te lo explicará mejor que yo.
She’ll explain it to you better than I can.
What is being said?
¡Cuidado con esa boca!
Watch your mouth!
What is being said?
El perro no te hará nada.
The dog won’t hurt you.
What is being said?
¿Cuánto hace que se fue?
How long ago did she leave?
What is being said?
¿Fuiste a la última reunión mensual?
Did you go to the last monthly meeting?
What is being said?
¡Se me olvidó apagar el horno!
I forgot to turn off the oven!
What is being said?
¡No puedo creer que acabo de ver a mi actriz favorita caminando por la calle!
I can’t believe I saw my favorite actress walking along the street!
What is being said?
Sólo es de tres meses al año.
It’s only three months out of the year.
What is being said?
Anótalo a mi cuenta.
Put it on my tab.
What is being said?
¿Cuánto quieres?
Name your price.
What is being said?
¡Sáquenme de aquí!
Get me outta here!
What is being said?
Creo que actualmente ejerce medicina.
I think she’s practicing medicine nowadays.
What is being said?
Qué raro, estaba pensando lo mismo.
Funny—I was thinking the same thing.
What is being said?
…lo que me recuerda que tengo una cita a las seis.
…which reminds me, I have a meeting at six.
What is being said?
Estoy seguro que existe una razón perfectamente aceptable para todo esto.
I’m sure there’s a perfectly good explanation for all of this.
What is being said?
La próxima vez lo haremos mejor.
We’ll do it better next time.
What is being said?
¿¡Qué fue eso!?
What was that!?
What is being said?
¿Qué querías preguntarme?
What did you want to ask me?
What is being said?
Tuve una pesadilla terrible anoche.
I had a terrible nightmare last night.
What is being said?
Si necesito tu ayuda, te lo haré saber.
If I need your help, I’ll let you know.
What is being said?
Parecía una buena idea en ese momento.
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
What is being said?
Se nota que necesitas un descanso de tu trabajo.
I can see you need a break from your work.
What is being said?
Si no hay un doctor disponible, vaya a la sala de emergencia.
If there’s no doctor available, go to the emergency room.
What is being said?
Deberías tomar un descanso.
You should take a break.
What is being said?
Vamos a tener que acostumbrarnos.
We’ll have to get used to it.
What is being said?
Creo que se divirtió mucho.
I think he enjoyed himself.
What is being said?
Creo que encontré el problema.
I think I found the problem.
What is being said?
¡Imagínate las posibilidades!
Imagine the possibilities!
What is being said?
Hubo un cambio de planes.
There’s been a change of plans.
What is being said?
La conozco desde hace diez años.
I’ve known her for over ten years.
What is being said?
Me alegra saber que no perdiste tu sentido del humor.
It’s good to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor.
What is being said?
Tuvo sus momentos…
He had his moments…
What is being said?
Creía que habíamos llegado a un acuerdo…
I thought we had reached an agreement…
What is being said?
No digas luego que no te lo advertimos.
Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
What is being said?
Nunca te he comprendido.
I’ve never understood you.
What is being said?
Es normal no tener apetito cuando te sientes enfermo.
It’s normal not to have an appetite when you’re sick.
What is being said?
Sácalo de aquí.
Get him out of here.
What is being said?
Solía ir todas las mañanas a visitar a mi abuela.
I used to visit my grandmother every morning.
What is being said?
Veré qué puedo hacer por ti.
I’ll see what I can do.
What is being said?
¿Me permite hacerle una sugerencia?
May I make a suggestion?
What is being said?
Eso es todo lo que le importaba.
That’s all that mattered to him.
What is being said?
Hemos sido afortunados en la vida.
We’ve been lucky in life.
What is being said?
Olvídalo, ¡estaba en mi bolsillo!
Never mind, it was in my pocket!
What is being said?
A veces, hasta me sorprendo a mí mismo.
Sometimes I even surprise myself.
What is being said?
¡Qué oferta tan generosa!
What a generous offer!
What is being said?
¿Qué se te vino a la mente?
What went through your mind?
What is being said?
¿Qué regalo le compraste a Mónica para su cumpleaños?
What did you get Monica for her birthday?
What is being said?
Él se cayó y se quebró el brazo jugando béisbol.
He fell and broke his arm playing baseball.
What is being said?
No le gusta la idea ni le gusta hablar de ella.
She neither likes the idea nor likes speaking about it.
What is being said?
¿Entendiste lo que te dijo Carlos?
Did you understand what Carlos told you?
What is being said?
No tuve la oportunidad de visitarlos.
I didn’t get a chance to visit them.
What is being said?
Organicé una cena de cumpleaños, pero debía ser una sorpresa.
I arranged a birthday dinner, but it was supposed to be a surprise.
What is being said?
Estoy seguro de que podremos arreglarlo pronto.
I’m sure we’ll be able to repair it soon.
What is being said?
Déjame adivinar.
Let me guess.
What is being said?
Aún no sabemos nada de ellos.
We still haven’t heard from them.
What is being said?
Hazlo ahora antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Do it now, before it’s too late.
What is being said?
A veces no sabía cuando cerrar la boca.
Sometimes he just didn’t know when to shut up.
What is being said?
¿Podría ser más específico?
Could you be more specific?
What is being said?
Tómese el tiempo necesario.
Take all the time you need.
What is being said?
Necesitaba un lugar tranquilo donde pensar.
I needed a quiet place to think.
What is being said?
Siempre estaba allí para ayudarme.
She was always there for me.
What is being said?
Me gustaría conocer a esta persona.
I’d like to meet this person.
What is being said?
¿Cómo se conocieron ustedes dos?
How did you two meet?
What is being said?
Deberías comer algo.
You should eat something.
What is being said?
Él no ha perdido el sentido del humor.
He hasn’t lost his sense of humor.
What is being said?
¡Me siento mejor de lo que me he sentido en años!
I feel better than I’ve felt in years!
What is being said?
¡No quise decir eso!
That’s not what I meant to say!
What is being said?
Me siento un poco nervioso.
I feel a little nervous.
What is being said?
No vale la pena.
It’s not worth it.
What is being said?
Me pregunto cuánto tiempo debo esperar antes de devolverles la llamada.
I wonder how long I should wait to call them back.
What is being said?
Siempre hay construcción en esa calle.
There’s always construction on that street.
What is being said?
El perro saltó al agua para buscar la pelota.
The dog jumped into the water to fetch the ball.
What is being said?
Pienso que ustedes dos deben hablar sobre sus problemas.
I think the two of you should talk things over.
What is being said?
A mi perro le gusta sacar la cabeza por la ventana del carro.
My dog likes to stick his head out the car window.
What is being said?
Siempre me toca a mí quedarme con los niños cuando ella sale.
I always get stuck with the kids when she goes out.
What is being said?
¿Estás seguro que es una buena idea?
Are you sure this is a good idea?
What is being said?
No debes esperar hasta el último momento.
You shouldn’t wait until the last minute.
What is being said?
Apenas tocaste tu comida.
You barely touched your food.
What is being said?
Creí que nunca se iría.
I thought he’d never leave.
What is being said?
Tengo bastante tiempo para aprender.
I have plenty of time to learn.
What is being said?
Tengo una teoría muy interesante sobre ese tema.
I have an interesting theory about that.
What is being said?
No tienen una relación muy sana.
They don’t have a very healthy relationship.
What is being said?
Resulta que fue él quien se lo llevó.
It turns out that he was the one who took it.
What is being said?
Me vendría bien un par de zapatos nuevos.
I could use some new shoes.
What is being said?
Tenía el presentimiento de que habría un problema.
I had a feeling there would be a problem.
What is being said?
Hagámoslo. Sólo para divertirnos.
Let’s do it. Just for fun.
What is being said?
Sé que ya has oído todos sus cuentos, pero complácele.
I know you’ve already heard all his stories before, but just humor him.
What is being said?
Todo nuestro esfuerzo finalmente dio sus frutos.
All our hard work paid off.
What is being said?
Sé suave con él.
Go easy on him.
What is being said?
Se rieron en mi cara.
They laughed in my face.