3.3 Spanish Listening Practice Flashcards
Use this deck to hone your Spanish listening comprehension skills!
What is being said?
Los Ángeles tiene el peor tráfico de EEUU.
Los Angeles has the worst traffic in the US.
What is being said?
Sus papás nos invitaron a cenar en un agradable restaurante.
Her parents treated us to dinner at a nice restaurant.
What is being said?
Me robó el corazón.
He stole my heart.
What is being said?
Los ladrones robaron las pinturas y las quemaron.
The thieves stole the paintings and burned them.
What is being said?
Consideraré su solicitud.
I will consider your request.
What is being said?
Dile que es urgente.
Tell him it’s urgent.
What is being said?
Esa app es muy cara.
That app is expensive.
What is being said?
Cuando ella se gradúe, le gustaría continuar estudiando español en una universidad.
When she graduates, she would like to continue studying Spanish at a university.
What is being said?
Se inspiró para aprender más acerca del país de sus padres.
She was inspired to learn more about her parents’ country.
What is being said?
El ensayo debe estar escrito a mano, con letra clara, con tinta azúl o negra.
The essay must be neatly handwritten in blue or black ink.
What is being said?
Fue una de sólo dos mujeres que recibieron este título.
She was one of only two women to receive this title.
What is being said?
Se negó a cooperar.
He refused to cooperate.
What is being said?
No lo puedo negar.
I can’t deny that.
What is being said?
Es un poco abrumante.
It’s a bit overwhelming.
What is being said?
¿Te cortaste?
Did you cut yourself?
What is being said?
De repente se puso muy callada.
She got really quiet all of a sudden.
What is being said?
No insultes mi inteligencia.
Don’t insult my intelligence.
What is being said?
Para mí la pobreza no es falta de dinero.
For me, poverty is not lack of money.
What is being said?
Las sirenas son mitad mujer y mitad pez.
Mermaids are half woman and half fish.
What is being said?
Hiciste bien en decírmelo.
You were right to tell me.
What is being said?
Baja la voz en lugar de gritar.
Lower your voice instead of shouting.
What is being said?
Fue más dulce de lo que habíamos esperado.
It was sweeter than we had expected.
What is being said?
Vi un pavo silvestre por allá.
I saw a wild turkey over there.
What is being said?
Simplemente respira profundo y relájate.
Just take a deep breath and relax.
What is being said?
No me hagas perder el tiempo.
Don’t waste my time.
What is being said?
Me resulta difícil creerlo.
I find that hard to believe.
What is being said?
Aquí está el libro que ha estado buscando.
Here’s the book you’ve been looking for.
What is being said?
Pertenezco a este lugar.
This is where I belong.
What is being said?
¡Quítate de mi camino!
Get out of my way!
What is being said?
Esto puede parecer algo sorprendente.
This may seem somewhat surprising.
What is being said?
Deja de hacerte el tonto.
Stop acting like a fool.
What is being said?
Mi calendario está bien apretado.
My schedule is pretty tight.
What is being said?
La piel está en su mejor momento a los veintitantos.
Skin is at its best in our twenties.
What is being said?
Cuando era una adolescente, hacía lo que le daba la gana.
When she was a teenager, she did as she pleased.
What is being said?
No pudo haber llegado muy lejos.
He can’t have gotten far.
What is being said?
¡Qué vista impresionante!
What a breathtaking view!
What is being said?
Estás evolucionando favorablemente.
You’re making satisfactory progress.
What is being said?
Yo no tocaría eso si fuera tú.
I wouldn’t touch that if I were you.
What is being said?
¿Por qué no vas y averiguas por ti mismo?
Why don’t you go find out yourself?
What is being said?
Preferiría que no hicieras eso.
I would rather you didn’t do that.
What is being said?
El libro fue bien recibido por la crítica y el público.
The book was well received by critics and the public.
What is being said?
¿Quien en su sano juicio iría a ver eso?
Who in his/her right mind would go see that?
What is being said?
Hay entre 100 y 400 mil millones de planetas en la Vía Láctea.
There are 100-400 billion planets in the Milky Way.
What is being said?
A este paso terminaremos el almuerzo justo a tiempo para la cena.
At this rate, we’ll be done with lunch just in time for dinner.
What is being said?
No pude evitar oír su conversación.
I couldn’t help overhearing their conversation.
What is being said?
Dijo que el huracán no podía ser tan malo como decían.
He said the hurricane couldn’t be as bad as it sounded.
What is being said?
El jardinero vino a regar las plantas.
The gardener came to water the plants.
What is being said?
¡No me lo perdería por nada (del mundo)!
I wouldn’t miss it for anything (in the world)!
What is being said?
Todo se ha reducido a esto.
It’s all come down to this.
What is being said?
En los sitios de poca luz vas a necesitar una linterna.
You’ll need a flashlight in poorly lit areas.
What is being said?
Algunas cosas es mejor no decirlas.
Some things are better left unsaid.
What is being said?
Ella tiene un sentido del humor mórbido.
She has a dark sense of humor.
What is being said?
Esto es tortura.
This is torture.
What is being said?
Por favor, deja la puerta entreabierta.
Please leave the door cracked.
What is being said?
Poder compartir mis fotos fue una de las razones por las cuales compré una cámara digital.
Sharing photos was one of the main things I had in mind when I bought that digital camera.
What is being said?
Fue una conversación muy abierta y honesta y muchas cosas quedaron claras.
It was a very open and honest conversation and it made many things clear.
What is being said?
De repente siento frío y al minuto siguiente calor.
I’m cold one minute and hot the next.
What is being said?
¿Cuál es el mejor episodio de la serie?
Which is the best episode in the series?
What is being said?
Podemos determinar la edad de un árbol contando sus anillos.
We can determine the age of a tree by counting its rings.
What is being said?
Déjame explicártelo.
Let me break it down for you.
What is being said?
Ya está esparcido por todo Internet.
It’s all over the Internet by now.
What is being said?
¡No encuentro mi lápiz y acabo de soltarlo!
I can’t find my pencil and I just put it down!
What is being said?
Mi padre tiene una impresora láser.
My father has a laser printer.
What is being said?
Muy pocas personas logran ese nivel de éxito.
So few people achieve that level of success.
What is being said?
¡No soy tan ingenuo como tú piensas!
I’m not as naive as you think!
What is being said?
Llegamos con 10 minutos de sobra.
We got there with 10 minutes to spare.
What is being said?
¿Por qué le creerías más a un político que a un científico?
Why would you believe a politician over a scientist?
What is being said?
En realidad no son planes firmes.
They’re not really firm plans.
What is being said?
Tienen una ventaja injusta.
They have an unfair advantage.
What is being said?
Parece que has estado practicando.
It looks like you’ve been practicing.
What is being said?
A partir de entonces no volví a hablar con él.
From then on I didn’t speak to him again.
What is being said?
Eso está claro.
That much seems clear.
What is being said?
Mi padre me llevaba a la catarata cuando era niño.
My father used to take me to the waterfall as a kid.
What is being said?
Lo siento, pero estoy decidido.
I’m afraid my mind’s made up.
What is being said?
Ahora que lo pienso, sí lo mencionó.
Come to think of it, he did mention that.
What is being said?
Deberías intentar disfrutar de la vida.
You should try to enjoy your life.
What is being said?
Es una muestra de mi aprecio.
Consider it a token of my appreciation.
What is being said?
La puerta está atascada.
The door is stuck.
What is being said?
Si esto es alguna clase de truco, él se dará cuenta.
If this is some kind of trick, he’ll figure it out.
What is being said?
Mi hermana y yo le vamos a organizar una fiesta de regalos para bebé.
My sister and I are throwing her a baby shower.
What is being said?
Quiero darle la oportunidad de demostrar su valía.
I want to give him a chance to prove himself.
What is being said?
¿Y él qué tiene que ver con esto?
What does he have to do with it?