French Listening Practice 1 Flashcards
Use this deck to hone your French listening comprehension skills!
What is being said?
Elle adore sortir dancer.
She loves to go out dancing.
What is being said?
Le mari de la prof est un auteur connu.
The professor’s husband is a well-known author.
What is being said?
Il n’arrête pas de parler de son travail.
He never stops talking about his job.
What is being said?
Je ne peux ni manger ni dormir.
I can’t eat or sleep.
What is being said?
Et à quoi ça sert tout ça ?
What’s the point of all this?
What is being said?
Quelles foutaises.
What a load of baloney.
What is being said?
J’ai beaucoup de choses à faire.
I have a lot to do.
What is being said?
(Fais) comme tu veux.
(Do) as you like.
What is being said?
Tu peux me passer le sel, s’il te plaît ?
Can you pass the salt, please?
What is being said?
Il y a un nouveau restaurant super en ville.
There’s a great new restaurant in the city.
What is being said?
Cette phrase n’est pas difficile.
This sentence is not difficult.
What is being said?
C’est facile d’apprendre l’espagnol.
It is easy to learn Spanish.
What is being said?
Il est enfin en train de finir le livre !
He is finally finishing the book!
What is being said?
J’ai cinq doigts sur ma main droite.
I have five fingers on my right hand.
What is being said?
Le peuple veut voir le président.
The people want to see the president.
What is being said?
Je descends les escaliers.
I am going down the staircase.
What is being said?
Je peux t’offrir un verre ?
Can I buy you a drink?
What is being said?
Que fait-il ici ?
What is he doing here?
What is being said?
Est-ce que tu te sens mieux ?
Do you feel better?
What is being said?
L’orage se déplace vers le nord.
The storm is moving north.
What is being said?
Je suis amoureux de toi.
I’m in love with you.
What is being said?
J’ai pas le temps pour ça.
I don’t have time for that.
What is being said?
Tu as encore beaucoup à apprendre.
You still have much to learn.
What is being said?
C’est une longue histoire.
It’s a long story.
What is being said?
Plus besoin de penser à ça.
We don’t need to think about it anymore.
What is being said?
Tu te sens fatigué au cours de la journée ?
Do you feel tired throughout the day?
What is being said?
Je m’en rends compte.
I realize that now.
What is being said?
C’est un grand gaillard, mais il a une voix très douce.
He’s a large guy, but has a very soft voice.
What is being said?
Je fais de mon mieux.
I’m doing the best that I can.
What is being said?
Le petit déjeuner est le repas le plus important de la journée.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
What is being said?
C’est une femme mariée heureuse dans son couple.
She’s a happily married woman.
What is being said?
C’est l’homme d’une seule femme.
He’s a one-woman man.
What is being said?
J’habite dans un grand immeuble.
I live in a tall building.
What is being said?
Je ne travaille pas demain, donc je peux faire la grasse matinée.
I don’t have work tomorrow, so I can sleep in.
What is being said?
Par où dois-je aller ?
Which way do I have to go?
What is being said?
Maintenant que j’y pense, je ne sais pas.
Come to think of it, I don’t know.
What is being said?
Mon Dieu, il est déjà si tard ?!
Good God—is it that late already?!
What is being said?
Je n’ai pas envie de sortir aujourd’hui.
I don’t feel like going out today.
What is being said?
Mon anniversaire est en novembre.
My birthday is in November.
What is being said?
Elle a une surprise pour toi.
She has a surprise for you.