French Listening Practice 4 Flashcards
Use this deck to hone your French listening comprehension skills!
What is being said?
Tu t’es déjà décidé ?
Have you made up your mind yet?
What is being said?
Je n’ai absolument aucun regret.
I have absolutely no regrets.
What is being said?
Pourrais-je avoir votre autographe ?
May I have your autograph?
What is being said?
Il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas avec cette photo.
Something’s wrong with this picture.
What is being said?
J’ai super mal aux pieds !
My feet are killing me!
What is being said?
(Il ne) faut pas se fier aux apparences.
There’s more than meets the eye.
What is being said?
J’avais l’impression que mes mains étaient en train de brûler.
My hands felt like they were burning.
What is being said?
Il a été dépouillé de son titre.
He was stripped of his title.
What is being said?
Jadis, elle fut reine de beauté.
She was once a beauty queen.
What is being said?
Il m’a dit ce qu’il en pensait vraiment.
He gave me his honest opinion.
What is being said?
Je sais que ça a l’air horrible, mais on s’en fiche.
I know it sounds awful, but who cares?
What is being said?
C’était clair que ça allait lui arriver.
He had it coming.
What is being said?
Mon rêve s’est réalisé.
My dream has come true.
What is being said?
C’est juste une drôle de façon de le dire.
That’s just a funny way of putting it.
What is being said?
Elle a sauvé un chien abandonné.
She rescued an abandoned dog.
What is being said?
J’ai gardé le meilleur pour la fin.
I’ve saved the best for last.
What is being said?
Il a arrêté d’écrire pour faire de la recherche.
He stopped writing to conduct research.
What is being said?
Il est plus respecté en tant que poète qu’en tant que dramaturge.
He’s more respected as a poet than a playwright.
What is being said?
C’est une ville florissante !
It is a flourishing city!
What is being said?
Tu auras plein d’occasions de la voir.
You’ll have plenty of opportunities to see her.
What is being said?
C’est mauvais pour ta santé.
It is detrimental to your health.
What is being said?
Il a une pièce toute neuve.
He’s got a shiny new coin.
What is being said?
Ce quartier est en train de s’embourgeoiser.
That area is becoming rather gentrified.
What is being said?
Ils ont pris un deuxième prêt pour leur maison.
They took out a second mortgage on the house.
What is being said?
Je parie que tu ne tiendras même pas une journée.
I bet you won’t last even one day.
What is being said?
La cote de popularité du président a chuté à environ 40 %.
The president’s approval ratings have fallen to nearly 40%.
What is being said?
Mon aéroglisseur était plein d’anguilles, mais elles ont été anéanties depuis.
My hovercraft was full of eels, though they’ve since been exterminated.
What is being said?
Les hackers et les cyber criminels sont motivés par l’argent.
Hackers and cybercriminals are motivated by money.
What is being said?
Pour empêcher les coups de soleil, tu dois protéger ta peau des rayons du soleil.
To prevent sunburn, you must shield your skin from the sun’s rays.
What is being said?
Il a grillé un stop et il s’est fait arrêter par la police.
He ran a stop sign and was pulled over.
What is being said?
On a mieux aimé le groupe qui a joué en première partie que la tête d’affiche.
We liked the opening band more than the main act.
What is being said?
Vous ou quelqu’un qui agit en votre nom doit signer le document.
You or someone acting on your behalf must sign the document.
What is being said?
Si un arbre tombe dans la forêt, mais qu’il n’y a personne pour l’entendre, est-ce que ça fait du bruit ?
If a tree falls in the forest with no one to hear it, does it make a sound?
What is being said?
Le pancréas se trouve derrière l’estomac et devant la colonne vertébrale.
The pancreas lies behind the stomach and in front of the spine.
What is being said?
Tu devrais t’abstenir d’écouter ou de répéter des ragots.
You should refrain from listening to or repeating gossip.
What is being said?
La course à pied est un bon exercice pour tonifier les muscles des jambes.
Running is good for toning up the muscles in your legs.
What is being said?
J’ai besoin d’un manchon pour ma tasse de café.
I need a sleeve for my coffee cup.
What is being said?
Le temps me fait des frisottis aux cheveux.
The weather makes my hair frizzy.
What is being said?
Elle a retwitté un mauvais commentaire sur moi.
She retweeted something nasty about me.
What is being said?
Ils lui ont accordé l’asile politique.
They granted him political asylum.
What is being said?
C’est vraiment trop tôt pour le savoir, mais je pense qu’il se rétablira rapidement.
It’s really too early to tell, but I expect he’ll make a speedy recovery
What is being said?
Nous devons reprendre les négociations immédiatement.
We must resume the negotiations immediately.
What is being said?
Nous sommes prêts à faire tout ce qui est nécessaire.
We’re willing to do whatever it takes.
What is being said?
Pour la plupart des gens, c’est un indice très révélateur.
To most people, that’s a dead giveaway.
What is being said?
Si je te l’avais dit plus tôt, peut-être que tout aurait été différent.
If I’d told you earlier, maybe things would’ve been different.
What is being said?
Fais-le glisser sur l’icône de la corbeille sur le bureau.
Drag it into the Trash icon in the dock.
What is being said?
L’hypophyse est située à la base du cerveau.
The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain.
What is being said?
Il peut être utile d’avoir une routine avant d’aller se coucher.
It may be helpful to develop a bedtime routine.
What is being said?
Je ne vais pas t’embêter avec les détails.
I am not going to bore you with the details.
What is being said?
Nous avons décidé de remodeler complètement la maison.
We’ve decided to remodel the house from the ground up.
What is being said?
Les énergies renouvelables sont la priorité pour le pays.
Renewable energy is top priority for the country.
What is being said?
Il essaie de se faire un nom.
He’s trying to make a name for himself.
What is being said?
Avec la chance que j’ai, mon vol a été annulé.
As luck would have it, my flight was cancelled.
What is being said?
Ça a dû sortir de mon esprit.
It must’ve slipped my mind.
What is being said?
C’est sans aucun doute un malentendu culturel.
This is a undoubtedly a case of cultural misunderstanding.
What is being said?
Ne faisons pas les choses à la va-vite.
Let’s not be hasty.
What is being said?
D’une certaine façon, oui.
In a manner of speaking, yes.
What is being said?
Il a un alibi sans faille.
He has an airtight alibi.
What is being said?
Il se trouve qu’il est arrivé pile au moment où je partais.
It just so happens he arrived as I was leaving.
What is being said?
Jusqu’à un certain point, tu as raison.
To a certain extent, you’re right.
What is being said?
On a encore du travail à finir.
We still have unfinished business to attend to.
What is being said?
Je ne peux pas imaginer ce qu’aurait été ma vie sans le sport.
I can’t even imagine what my life would have been like without sports.
What is being said?
Le médecin a soigné les blessures qu’elle avait sur le bras.
The doctor healed the wounds on her arm.
What is being said?
Elle faisait sans arrêt des scandales pour rien.
She was always making a big fuss about nothing.
What is being said?
Je vous laisse seuls tous les deux.
I’ll leave you two alone.
What is being said?
A-t-il été très abîmé ?
How badly was it damaged?
What is being said?
Tu ferais mieux de te dépêcher.
You had better hurry.
What is being said?
As-tu pu y jeter un coup d’œil ?
Did you get a chance to look at it?
What is being said?
C’est la chance d’une vie.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
What is being said?
On a pas eu le temps de s’ennuyer.
There wasn’t a dull moment.
What is being said?
Il arrive bien à cerner la personnalité des gens.
He’s a keen judge of character.
What is being said?
Le bon sens et la politique ne vont pas toujours de pair.
Common sense and politics don’t always go hand in hand.
What is being said?
Je n’ai pas vraiment été accueilli les bras ouverts.
I wasn’t exactly welcomed with open arms.
What is being said?
Mais qu’est-ce qui prend autant de temps, bordel ?
What the hell is taking so long?
What is being said?
Ça ne cessera jamais de me surprendre.
It never ceases to amaze me.
What is being said?
J’en ai eu plus que je n’espérais.
I got more than I bargained for.
What is being said?
Il y a un homme qui n’a pas dormi depuis 1973.
There’s a man known to not have slept since 1973.
What is being said?
Regardons de plus près.
Let’s take a closer look.
What is being said?
Il se passe plus de choses qu’il ne semblerait au premier abord.
There’s more going on than meets the eye.
What is being said?
Les choses sont devenues quelque peu incontrôlables.
Things got a little out of hand.
What is being said?
Ils ont été totalement tirés d’affaire.
They were totally let off the hook.
What is being said?
J’ai investi beaucoup de mon temps dans cela.
I’ve dedicated a lot of personal time to this matter.
What is being said?
Personne ne pouvait nier qu’il y avait eu une injustice.
No one could deny that injustice has been done.
What is being said?
Il n’y a rien d’autre que j’aimerais être en train de faire.
There’s nothing I’d rather be doing.
What is being said?
Un jour mon nom sera sur le grand écran.
One day my name will be on the silver screen.
What is being said?
Peut-être que ça va te rafraîchir la mémoire.
Maybe this will jog your memory.
What is being said?
On reçoit des donations sans arrêt.
We’re receiving donations nonstop.
What is being said?
Sois tranquille, tu atteindras tes buts.
You can rest assured you’ll reach your goals.
What is being said?
On est contents d’être à nouveau en tournée avec le groupe.
We’re happy that we’re touring with the band again.
What is being said?
Je n’aime pas me vanter, mais j’en sais bien plus que lui.
I don’t like to brag, but I know much more than he does.
What is being said?
Dans ton livre, on dirait que tu veux tenir le lecteur en haleine.
In your book, it seems you want to keep the reader on edge.
What is being said?
Je ne pouvais rien voir, donc il a fallu que je conduise très doucement.
I couldn’t see a thing, so I had to drive very slowly.
What is being said?
C’est exactement ce que le médecin a prescrit.
This is just what the doctor ordered.
What is being said?
Épuisé d’avoir étudié autant, il s’est endormi.
Exhausted from so much studying, he fell asleep.
What is being said?
Les résultats de cette étude sont disponibles.
The findings of this study are available.
What is being said?
J’espère qu’il ne va pas mal le prendre.
I hope he won’t take offense to it.
What is being said?
Tenir hors de portée des enfants.
Keep out of reach of children.
What is being said?
C’est un petit pas pour l’homme, mais un grand pas pour l’humanité.
That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
What is being said?
J’aurais probablement réagi de la même façon.
I probably would have reacted the same way.
What is being said?
Comme par hasard… le temps s’améliore le jour où on part.
It figures—the weather improves the day we leave.
What is being said?
Je me pliais en quatre pour être poli.
I was bending over backwards to be polite.
What is being said?
Ça s’est avéré être l’une des meilleures expériences de ma vie.
It turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life.
What is being said?
Il serait incapable de faire une pompe, même si sa vie en dépendait !
He couldn’t do a pushup if his life depended on it!
What is being said?
Tu m’as fait perdre le fil.
You’ve made me lose count.
What is being said?
Qui ne gaspille pas ne manque de rien.
Waste not, want not.
What is being said?
Joins-toi au club…
Join the club…
What is being said?
On ne voit pas le temps passer quand on s’amuse !
Time flies when you’re having fun!
What is being said?
C’est pour ton bien.
It’s for your own good.
What is being said?
Tu es un vrai gentleman.
You’re a gentleman and a scholar.
What is being said?
Est-ce que je te dérange ?
Did I catch you at a bad time?
What is being said?
Il sait à peine comment tenir un bar.
He barely knows how to tend bar.
What is being said?
Il y a de très bonnes perspectives qui se profilent à l’horizon.
There are some very good prospects on the horizon.
What is being said?
Ce n’est pas une raison pour faire les choses à la hâte.
That’s no reason to rush into things.
What is being said?
Laisse-moi te rafraîchir la mémoire.
Let me refresh your memory.
What is being said?
Tu aurais pu m’avoir…
You could’ve fooled me…
What is being said?
Ça m’avait traversé l’esprit…
It had crossed my mind…
What is being said?
C’est un petit geste, en témoignage de mon appréciation.
It’s a small token of my appreciation.
What is being said?
J’ai essayé de les raisonner.
I tried to reason with them.
What is being said?
Ça devrait se passer en douceur.
It should be smooth sailing.
What is being said?
Je vais bien, je m’en sors.
I am fine; I am getting by.
What is being said?
Garde les yeux grands ouverts.
Keep your eyes peeled.
What is being said?
Reste attentif.
Stay on your toes.
What is being said?
Elle joue la fille difficile.
She’s playing hard-to-get.
What is being said?
Tu peux parier là-dessus.
You can bank on it.
What is being said?
Mon chien est très affectueux.
My dog is very loving.
What is being said?
Tu tiens le coup ?
How are you holding up?
What is being said?
Les choses commençaient vraiment à s’agiter et c’est alors qu’elle a laissé tomber.
Things started getting really hectic and then she just bailed.
What is being said?
Eh, écoute-moi un peu.
Hey, just hear me out for a sec.
What is being said?
Je pense que je vais attendre une meilleure offre.
I think I’m going to hold out for a better offer.
What is being said?
Il me manque deux dollars. Tu peux me dépanner ?
I’m short two dollars. Can you spot me?
What is being said?
On en est où au niveau du temps ?
How are we doing, time-wise?
What is being said?
Ne t’en fais pas, je connais cet endroit comme ma poche.
Don’t worry, I know this place like the back of my hand.
What is being said?
Ben en fait, je ne peux pas y aller tout seul.
The thing is, I can’t go by myself.
What is being said?
Mes pensées vont aux gens qui sont là-bas.
My heart goes out to the people there.
What is being said?
Il m’en veut.
He’s out to get me.
What is being said?
Il dit toujours des vilaines choses sur les gens.
He’s always bad-mouthing people.
What is being said?
Il a changé d’avis.
He’s had a change of heart.
What is being said?
Elle a vraiment un talent pour arranger les choses.
She really has a knack for fixing things.
What is being said?
On va te laisser tranquille cette fois.
We’ll let you off the hook this time.
What is being said?
L’économie est sur le point de s’effondrer.
The economy is on the verge of collapse.
What is being said?
On a fini par se perdre de vue.
We just kind of grew apart.
What is being said?
On s’est perdu de vue après quelques années.
We lost touch after a few years.
What is being said?
On s’est embrouillé. Nous ne sommes plus amis.
We had a falling out. We’re not friends anymore.