4.3 Spanish Listening Practice Flashcards
Use this deck to hone your Spanish listening comprehension skills!
What is being said?
¿Ya decidiste?
Have you made up your mind yet?
What is being said?
No me arrepiento de nada en absoluto.
I have absolutely no regrets.
What is being said?
¿Puede darme su autógrafo?
May I have your autograph?
What is being said?
Hay algo aquí que no cuadra.
Something’s wrong with this picture.
What is being said?
¡Los pies me están matando!
My feet are killing me!
What is being said?
Las apariencias engañan.
There’s more than meets the eye.
What is being said?
Parecía como si mis manos estuvieran ardiendo.
My hands felt like they were burning.
What is being said?
Fue despojado de su título.
He was stripped of his title.
What is being said?
En otro tiempo fue reina de belleza.
She was once a beauty queen.
What is being said?
Me dio su opinión sincera.
He gave me his honest opinion.
What is being said?
Te parecerá una barbaridad, pero ¿a quién le importa?
I know it sounds awful, but who cares?
What is being said?
Se lo tenía merecido.
He had it coming.
What is being said?
Mi sueño se ha hecho realidad.
My dream has come true.
What is being said?
Es una manera graciosa de decirlo.
That’s just a funny way of putting it.
What is being said?
Recogió un perro abandonado.
She rescued an abandoned dog.
What is being said?
He guardado lo mejor para el final.
I’ve saved the best for last.
What is being said?
Dejó de escribir para dedicarse a la investigación.
He stopped writing to conduct research.
What is being said?
Es respetado más como poeta que como dramaturgo.
He’s more respected as a poet than a playwright.
What is being said?
¡Es una ciudad que florece!
It is a flourishing city!
What is being said?
No te faltarán oportunidades de verla.
You’ll have plenty of opportunities to see her.
What is being said?
Es perjudicial para la salud.
It is detrimental to your health.
What is being said?
Él tiene una moneda nueva y reluciente.
He’s got a shiny new coin.
What is being said?
Ese barrio se ha aburguesado.
That area is becoming rather gentrified.
What is being said?
Sacaron una segunda hipoteca sobre la casa.
They took out a second mortgage on the house.
What is being said?
Te apuesto que no durarás ni un día.
I bet you won’t last even one day.
What is being said?
La tasa de aprobación del Presidente ha caído a cerca del 40%.
The president’s approval ratings have fallen to nearly 40%.
What is being said?
Mi aerodeslizador estaba lleno de anguilas, pero ya han sido exterminadas.
My hovercraft was full of eels, though they’ve since been exterminated.
What is being said?
El dinero es lo que motiva a los hackers y delincuentes cibernéticos.
Hackers and cybercriminals are motivated by money.
What is being said?
Para prevenir una quemadura de sol, debe proteger su piel de los rayos solares.
To prevent sunburn, you must shield your skin from the sun’s rays.
What is being said?
Pasó un señal de alto y fue detenido por un policía.
He ran a stop sign and was pulled over.
What is being said?
Nos gustaron más los teloneros que el artista principal.
We liked the opening band more than the main act.
What is being said?
Usted o alguien que actúe en su nombre deberá firmar el documento.
You or someone acting on your behalf must sign the document.
What is being said?
Si un árbol cae en el bosque sin que nadie lo escuche, ¿produce algún sonido?
If a tree falls in the forest with no one to hear it, does it make a sound?
What is being said?
El páncreas se ubica detrás del estómago y en frente de la columna vertebral.
The pancreas lies behind the stomach and in front of the spine.
What is being said?
Deberías abstenerte de escuchar o repetir chismes.
You should refrain from listening to or repeating gossip.
What is being said?
Correr es bueno para tonificar los músculos de las piernas.
Running is good for toning up the muscles in your legs.
What is being said?
Necesito un aislante para mi vaso de café.
I need a sleeve for my coffee cup.
What is being said?
Este clima me encrespa el cabello.
The weather makes my hair frizzy.
What is being said?
Retuiteó un comentario malicioso sobre mí.
She retweeted something nasty about me.
What is being said?
Le concedieron asilo político.
They granted him political asylum.
What is being said?
En realidad es demasiado pronto para poder decirlo con certeza, pero supongo que la recuperación será rápida.
It’s really too early to tell, but I expect he’ll make a speedy recovery
What is being said?
Debemos reanudar inmediatamente las negociaciones.
We must resume the negotiations immediately.
What is being said?
Estamos dispuestos a hacer todo lo que sea necesario.
We’re willing to do whatever it takes.
What is being said?
Para la mayoría de las personas, es un claro indicador.
To most people, that’s a dead giveaway.
What is being said?
Si te lo hubiera dicho antes, quizás todo sería diferente.
If I’d told you earlier, maybe things would’ve been different.
What is being said?
Arrástrelo hasta el icono de Papelera en el escritorio.
Drag it into the Trash icon in the dock.
What is being said?
La glándula pituitaria está localizada en la base del cerebro.
The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain.
What is being said?
Puede resultar beneficioso desarrollar una rutina para la hora de acostarse.
It may be helpful to develop a bedtime routine.
What is being said?
No te voy a aburrir con los detalles.
I am not going to bore you with the details.
What is being said?
Decidimos remodelar la casa desde los cimientos.
We’ve decided to remodel the house from the ground up.
What is being said?
Para el país la energía renovable es una máxima prioridad.
Renewable energy is top priority for the country.
What is being said?
Intenta hacerse un nombre por sí mismo.
He’s trying to make a name for himself.
What is being said?
Quiso la suerte que mi vuelo se cancelara.
As luck would have it, my flight was cancelled.
What is being said?
Se me pasó por alto.
It must’ve slipped my mind.
What is being said?
Esto es claramente un caso de un malentendido cultural.
This is a undoubtedly a case of cultural misunderstanding.
What is being said?
No te precipites.
Let’s not be hasty.
What is being said?
Sí, en algún sentido.
In a manner of speaking, yes.