Special Senses Part 1 Flashcards
what is the difference between the palpebral conjunctiva and the bulbar conjunctiva ?
conjunctiva is the mucus membrane
the palpebral conjunciva is the back of the eyelids and the bulbar conjunctiva covers the globe surface and the limbus
what does uveitis mean?
inflammation of the vascular layer of the eye, the uvea
what is the term for inflammation of the uvea and the three ocular chambers (anterior, posterior, and vitreous)
what is a hypopyon?
what is a hyphema?
hypopyon: accumulation of neutrophils and fibrin that settles ventrally in the anterior chamber of the eye
hyphema: accumulation of blood in the anterior chamber
what is this?
what is this an example of?
the inner most layer of the cornea is called the
descemet’s membrane
the cornea is mainly in a ________ state
inflammation of the cornea is called
what is the name of the strain you use to see corneal ulcers?
what is a common sequelae of chronic corneal irritation?
cutaneous metaplasia of the surface epithelium where the surface thickens, rete pegs are formed, pigmentation occur as well as some fibrosis and vascularization (the cornea is becoming more like skin)
a deep corneal ulcer that reaches down to the level of descemet’s membrane is called
a descemetocele, remember they don’t show up with staining but you can usually see the ulcer grossly
what is this lesion called?
a descemetocele
what is an indolent ulcer? what animal are they most common in?
when an ulcer fails to heal with no specific cause. the newly formed epithelium fails to adhere to the underlying stroma. common in dogs
what is this showing?
an indolent ulcer
what kind of ulcer can be sterile but usually involved bacterial or fungal infection?
melting ulcers
what are two common etiologies that can cause this condition?
melting ulcer
gram negative bacteria
fungus especially in horses (keratomycosis)
what is KCS? who is it common in?
keratoconjunctivitis sicca, dessication (removal of moisture) due to reduced quantity of the tear film
common in dogs
what is a dermoid?
a developmental abnormality where you have ectopic hair follicles and adenexal glands/sebacceous glands
aberrant proliferation of normal tissue in an abnormal location is called
aberrant proliferation of normal tissue in a normal location is called
what is the actual name for pink eye in cattle? what is it caused by? Cattle can have this disease concurrently with what other disease? When are outbreaks more common?
infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis
caused by gram positive bacteria like morazella bovis
concurrent with ibfectious bovine rhinotracheitis caused by bovine herpes virus 1
outbreaks more common in the summer
a producer tells you a bunch of his cows have pink eye and you go out to the farm to examine them. When you arrive (it is summer time, nice and hot), you notice there are many flies buzzing around bothering you and the herd of cattle. What is your immediate reaction?
flies are important vectors of pink eye so you should tell the producer to control the fly populations to reduce infection
infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis can progress to
phthisis (thai-sis) bulbi (end stage scarring and atrophy of the eye, yikes!)
what disease is this?
infectious bovine keratoconjunctivits (pink eye)