Neuro 2 Flashcards
define meningitis
inflammation of the meninges
in neonates what is the common bacterial cause of meningitis or meningoencephalitis?
E coli
what is the word for the meninges and the brain both being inflammaed? Meninges and spinal cord?
out of all the infectious agents, what is most likely to cause meningitis?
what is the major risk factor for neonatal septicemia? How old are these animals?
usually happens in farm animals that have failure of passive transfer. these animals are usually les than 3 days old
what is the difference between bacteriema, septicemia, and sepsis?
bacteremia: presence of bateria in the blood
septicemia: presence AND multiplcation of bacteria in the blood
sepsis: body wide inflammatory response to septicemia
in neonatal septicemia, bacteria from the blood tend to seed out in which locations?
- filtration organs such as the liver, lung, spleen and kidney
- joints
- growth plates
- uvea
- meninges
grossly, what is the main feature of bacterial meningitis?
cloudiness on the ventral aspect of the brain, unable to see the blood vessels as clearly
this came from a young calf, 2 days old. what is this probbaly?
bacterial meningitis
vertebral body abscesses are common in what animal? what are some causes/correlations? what does this disease result in?
young prduction animals
tail docking, tail biting
when a vertebral body abscess happens, the discs and adjacent bodies can get involved, and this is called ______
discospondylitis (think DISCO)
what is the most common place to get a vertebral body abscess?
above the heart and above the kidney
what is the word for this and explain why?
discospondylosis because the adjacent discs and vertebral bodies are affected/involved
in very simple terms, what is spina bifida? which breeds are predisposed to this disease? what is a common sequelae (aka how do they die from this?) which part of the spine does this affect and why?
- it is a neural tube closure defect
- english bulldogs and manx cats predisposed
- secondary spinal cord infection
- caudal spine because it is the last part to close in development
animals with spina bifida can have two types of herniation as well which are called:
- meningocele (just the meninges)
- meningomyelocele (meninges and spinal cord)
what is spina bifida occulata?
the version where there is no herniation. there is still no skin covering the cord but muscle is there with the cord below it, these animals die of secondary infections
these are showing photos of what disease?
spina bifida occulata (no hernation)
what is hydromyelia? how does this disease happen usually?
- abnormal dilation of the central canal of the spinal cord (congenital disease)
- either infectious or genetic damage of the ependymal cells which disrupts CSF flow, leading to increased CSF pressure causing compression and loss of surrounding tissue
what is syringomyelia?
tubular cavitation of the spinal cord that extends over several segments, the resulting cavity is called a syrinx