Socialisation, culture and identity Flashcards
The shared behaviours and beliefs of a group of people and includes material and nonmaterial elements.
People with a common culture – the term is often used to describe nation states.
Informal rules that influence social behaviour and are established over time.
a principle or belief that determines how a person leads their life .
- A culture’s standard for discerning what is good and just in society.
Miller (1998)
We may consume the same things across the world but the way we consume them differs across cultures.
Patterns of behaviour expected by individuals in different situations.
Give two examples of cultures
Could state any of which:
- Muslims’ giving to the poor during Ramadan
- Holidays
- Food
- Clothing
Give two examples of a society?
Could state any of which:
- British society
- The law and regulations
- Family
- Politics
Give two examples of norms?
- Sitting in rows, silently in assembly,
- Queuing up in a shop in the UK to pay for something
- Being polite
- To bath or shower every day
- To wear clothes in public
Give two examples of values`
Could state any of which:
- One should be polite
- One should be hygenic
- One should respect their elders
- One should not steal
Give two examples of a role
- Teacher
- Student
- Police officer
- Doctor
- Lawyer
Convictions that people hold to be true.
Individuals in a society have specific beliefs, but they also share collective values.
A small culture within the dominant culture that may have different norms and values while having many aspects in common.
High culture
High culture refers to that which is deemed to be superior in taste and associated with the privileged intellectual elite.
Popular culture
Refers to the cultural products and activites that are enjoyed by the majority of the population.
Oakley (1981) - Gender role socialisation
Evidence could used in:
Socialisation (Family as an agent)
Ann Oakley is a feminist who argues that gender roles are socially constructed through socialisation. She explains how children are socialised into their gender roles by their families in four ways:
- Manipulation
- Canalisation
- Verbal appellation
- Different activities
A minority in society, compared to the dominant group
Social construction
A theory of knowledge that have been created by people in society through shared interpretations and assumptions.
Youth culture
A set of norms and values that connect young people. eg what makes young people similar, what makes them different to other age groups.
Low-level criminal and/or anti-social behaviour, typically carried out by young people.
Give two examples of Delinquency
- Skipping school
- Underage drinking/ Purchasing Alchohol
- Underage smoking/ purchasing cigarettes
Consumer culture
Set of ideas that encourage people to buy a range of never-ending products.
Global Culture
Collection of specific norms and values, which cross national boundaries. Many can communicate and travel much more = globalisation
Hebdige (1979)
Argued that because subcultures have their roots in deviance, they are usually made up of working-class cultures and individuals.
- Working class individuals do not typically feel that they have a lot of power in society, therefore they create new subculture and establish new norms that do not conform to the dominant culture’s norms.
What are the characteristics of Subcultures?
- Diffuse networks
- Shared norms, values, practices, beliefs
- Shared identity (Outward or Inwards)
- Shared language
- Marginalisation
The process by which an individual learns the norms and values of society - The way we learn to be a member of society
When you define other people as different from you based on your own identity and membership of groups, they are the ‘other’
Cultural hybridity
A new form of culture created from combining two or more forms of culture
Nature debate
Genes and other biological factors
Nurture debate
Secondary socialisation
What is received after primary socialisation. It is an ongoing process.
Deliberate socialisation
Teaching them personally on purpose
E.g. Telling a child to say ‘please’ and ‘thankyou’