Social Intraction Flashcards
Positions in society used to classify individuals
behaviors and expectations associated with a status in a particular contex
A collection of at least 2 people
Is a more formal illustration of the relationships between individuals, usually through a graphic rep. A pattern of interations
Is a body with specific set of goals, a structure and culture; It is made up of members and may exist before and after an individual member’s association with the organization
ascribed status
One of three types of status, _____ status is involuntarily assigned to an individual based on race, ethnicity, gender, family background, and so on.
achieved status
One of three types of status, _____ status is voluntarily earned by an individual.
master status
One of three types of status, _____ status is the status by which a person is primarily identified.
role performance
The carrying out of behaviors associated with a given role.
role set
All of the different roles associated with a status.
role conflict
Difficulty in satisfying the requirements or expectations of multiple roles.
role strain
Difficulty in satisfying multiple requirements of the same role.
Ferdinand Tonnies
The German sociologist that coined the terms Gemenschaft (community) and Gesellschaft (society).
Gemeinschaft (community)
A group that is unified by feelings of togetherness due to shared beliefs, ancestry, or geography.
Gesellschaft (society)
A group that is unified by mutual self-interests in achieving a goal.