Soc2: and soc3:Componets Of Fitness (health and skill) Flashcards
What are the 5 health related components of fitness?
Cardiovascular fitness Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Body composition
What is Cardiovascular fitness?
The ability to exercise your whole body for long periods of time.
What is Muscular strength?
The amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance.
What is muscular endurance?
The ability to use voluntary muscles repeatedly without getting tired.
What is Flexibility?
The range of movement in your joints.
It is important in gymnastics to have particular skill gymnastics
You are less likely to get injured.
What is Body composition?
The percentage of body weight that is muscle , fat or bone
What are the six sill-related components of fitness?
Agility Balance Co-ordination Power Reaction time Speed
What is Agility?
The ability to change position and control the body at speed.
100 Meters does not require agility but it might to a rugby player to dodge a tackle).
What is Balance?
Keeping the body stable while at a rest or when on the move.
What is Static balance?
Keeping the body stable while stationary- doing a handstand or yoga. A good example for a sport that requires static balance is archery.
What is Dynamic balance?
Maintaining a controlled
stable position whilst moving. A good example is hammer throws and basketball
What is Power?
The ability to undertake strength performances quickly.
Power=strength x speed
What is Reaction time?
The time between a presentation of a stimulus and a movement in response to it.
What is Speed?
The maximum rate at witch an individual is able to preform a movement or cover a distance.
What is Co-ordination?
The ability to move two or more body parts at one time efficiently and in control
What are the Types of co-ordination?
Foot-eye co-ordination
Chest-eye co-ordination
Head eye co-ordination
Hand eye co-ordination
What are the two different types of balance?
How do you work out your BMI?
BMI=. Weight (kg) divided by height (meters SQUARED)