Soc 8:PAR-Q, Warm Ups And Cool Downs+smart goals Flashcards
PAR-Q def
Physical activity readiness questionaire
Can be a self screening tool that can be used by anyone who wants to start an exercise or training routine
Used to idenity the small amount of people for whom exercise may not be appropriate
What does a warm up do?
Prepare the muscles
Preapre the joints
Prepare the mind
Prevent injury
Prepare the ligaments
Prepare the cardiovascular system.
Phases of a warm up?
Cardiovacular(pulse raiser)
Sports specific training
What is Stage 1 of a warm up?
Cadiovascular phase:
more oxygen to muscles eg. Run around a rugby pitch
. It gradually increases the heart rate from RHR to working heart rate
-it can take various forms depending on the main activity
Time: it usually rakes 10-15 mins depending on the person and the activity.
Professional athletes may take longer to as they need to get psychologically ready
What is Stage 2 of a warm up?
Streching: static on the spot, dynamic on the move.
This warms up the muscles gradually increases reach and speed.
What is Stage 3 of a warm up?
Sports specific: a drill that correlated to the sport. Eg passing drill in rugby
- sprint starts
- throwing/passing a ball
- throwing and catching in cricket
- shot stoppng from goalkeepers
What are the two stages of a cool down?
- A slow jog for 10 mins(to retuen the Working heart rate to resting heart rate)
- Streches for 15 mins(streches should be for 30 seconds) to get rid of lactic acid in muscles-avoid being stiff on the next day
Why do we do a PAR-Q
To prevent ingury
To identify medical condotions(a new persons starting for a team)
What 3 main events does an exercise session consist of?
Warm up
Main event
Cool down
Why do you put ice on your leg
Ice is so cold your body warms you body up causing blood to be pumbed(contains oxygen and white blood cells). It floods out lacid acid and repairs muscles
Why is the cool down important?
The body gradually returns to its resting heart rate and normal temperature
and normal blood pressure
- lower risk of injury
- it helps regulate blood flow.
What is the point of a SMART goal?
They make the end goal (e.g completing a marathon) easier to achieve
-it helps people achieve their end goals
What must a smart goal be?
Hint, its an acronym
- specific
- measurable
- achievable
- realistic
- time-bound
What increases the likelyhood of success after setting smart goals?
- plan
- monitor
And record the goals
(E.g bleep test and measuring HR)
How does a smart goal being specific optimise performance?
Knowing exactly what the goal is
-it may include a series of steps towards the overall goal
(E.g: I want to run 100m futher in the 12 minute copper run)
How does a smart goal being measurable optimise performance?
It will be easy to know when goals are achieved
E.g:completing a marathon if that was the target
How does a smart goal being achievable optimise performance?
- goals must be attainable
- unachievable goals can result in demotivation
E.g 100m more in the copper run not 1,000m more)
How does a smart goal being realistic optimise performance?
A goal may be achievable in practice, but there are other reasons that can hinder the completion of the goal.
E.g gym being closed so I couldn’t weight train
How does a smart goal being time-bound optimise performance?
The goal must have an end point
E.g PEP being 6 weeks
What is the point of a PAR-Q?
It identifies the small amount of adults for whom physical activity may not be appropriate