Soc 26 Socio-cultural Influences Flashcards
How does gender affect who plays sport?
-sterotypical view that activities are more ‘male’ has mostly disappeared, but some activities still offer one sex more opportunities that the other
Who could influence an individual to particiapte in sports
- family members
- peers
- sporting rolemodels
How does age affect who plays sport?
- some competitve sports have age restrictions (minimum age for taking part in the marathon)
- work and family responsibilities, as well as health problems may prevent adultd and oldsr people from participating in sport.
Making something available on the market;using something to make a profit
Whar is media?
The main means of mass communications(TV, radio, newspapers and iternet)
What is the golden triangle
The link between Sport, media and buiseness.
-three elements that are now inextricably linked to modern sport.
Because the media and buisnesses invest so much money into sport they can influence what happens(SKY pays each premier league team 5 million for every live match it shows),
the media can dictate the timings in order to reach the audience they want
-links with sponsors help get more people involved with a sport(important for games and activites thatbneed to break down sterotypes such as women’s football)-the extra monst also provides equpment and funding for teams and players.
What 6 things affect who plays sport
Socio-economic group
Influence of other people
How does your socio-economic group affect if you play sport?
(Upper,middle and lower class)
-socio-economic groups are based on the income of the household.
If your parents are earning professionals or members of the aristocracy you would be put in one group but if they have low wages and do unskilled work, you could be put in a different group
- most activities have associated costs(facilites,lessons, equipment, clothing, memberships)
- it would be very hard for someone with poorer parents to take part in golf due to the cost of the equipment
How can ethnicity affect who plays sport?
Ethnicity can influence if we play sport,what sports we play and our ability to progress performance (use it in sport)
- (e.g wearing a hijab)
- (there have been instances of racist abuse against non-white players most notably in football-could put young people of these ethnicities off playing the sport)
How can a disability effect if your partake in sport?
-whilst resources and opportunities for people with disabilities is increasing, more availability is needed in schools and at local level for people who have disabilites and are not professional athletes
How can the influence of pther people affect if you play sport?
- most peoples choice of activity is influenced by others(parents, peers and sporting figures)
- children take part and follow the same teams as their parents(however family responsibilites may prevent parents from taking part in sports)
- people do the same sports as their friends because it is easier to succeed with the encouragement of friends
- successful sports people become role models, inspiring others to take up their sport(being a role model brings responsibilites-notntaking drugs,sportsmanship, conducting themselves well outside a sport)
How has commercialisation developed as a sport becomes more professional?
People who play sport are paid and people who want to see them will pay to do so.
As professionalism grew, so did advertising and sponsorship, because larger audiences were avaliable for marketers to targer
-due to TV coverage advertisements reach millions of people. Events are shown globally through the media and TV.
(This has a huge impact on players,groups, spectators and organisations)
How does the media use sports?
-sports associations see the media as a great shop window to publicise their sport, gain sponsorship and encourage more people to take up the sport.
Comapanies that invest and get sports experts to promote their products increase their revenue.
“Media sports’ are sports that dominate the media
What is an issue with the golden triangle?
A sponsor could be a cigarette company which have issues of negative health. It encourages younger people to smoke(however there are advantages if a suitable sponsor is found)
Why is fassion important in sport?
- many activities require equipment e.g boots which are needed to play football. Some brands of sports equipment can be fashionable and expensive -partly due to media coverage showing famous people.
- sports stars can make a lot of money by endorising a company’s equipment (e.g Rory Mcllory
(Sports equipment and clothing are also influenced by the time of year)
What are the advantages of commercialisation?(5)
- provides funds for individuals/groups
- individual sports can become rich and famous
- supports a sport at a national and international level
- brings a sport to a wider audience
- makes people aware of sports or activities they don’t know about
What are the disadvantages of commercialisation?(5)
- product promotion by successful people can make people want high priced products they can’t afford
- seat prices for an event may be too expensive for many people
- sponsors can determine where and when events are put on, thisnmay exclude some people
- audiences may find their enjoyment of the sport interrupted by advertisements
- marketing links may be seen as inappropriate because they push products that are not seen as part of a healthy lifestyle(chocolate)
What is negative deviance?
Deviance that has a dentrimental effect
What is positive deviance?
Deviance where there is no intention to cause harm or break the rules
Qualities of fairness, following the rules, being gracious in defeat or victory
What is gamesmanship?
Bending the laws/rules of a sport without sctually breaking them
What is deviance?
Behaviour that falls outside the norms or what is thought to be acceptsble; goes against the moral values or laws or the sport
What is optimum weight?
What they should weigh to have good health, based on theit height, bone strcucture, muscle girth and gender
What is a nuteral energy balance?
Food intake= energy output?