Sept 17 Flashcards
why might similarity be attractive?
- VALIDATION for our interests, beliefs & opinions
- we can better PREDICT behaviour of similar others
- can participate in SHARED ACTIVITIES
- expect those who are more similar to us to be MORE LIKELY TO LIKE US
- interactions may RUN SMOOTHER
effect of similarity on initial attraction
- attitudinal similarity predicts attraction for people we don’t know (or whom we’re newly acquainted with)
^ “bogus stranger” paradigm: responses manipulated to be either similar to dissimilar to one’s own responses
- what about actual interactions?
surprisingly limited evidence of link between attraction & similarity in speed-dating context
to extent that similarity matters in this context, PERCEIVED rather than ACTUAL similarity may play a larger role
bogus stranger
paradigm that assesses similarity’s effect on initial attraction
stranger manipulated to be more/less like P
attitudinal similarity predicts attraction for people we don’t know
effect of similarity: speed dating context
surprisingly limited evidence of link between attraction & similarity in speed dating context
to extent that similarity matters in this context, PERCEIVED rather than actual similarity may play a larger role
similarity in relationships
lots of evidence that romantic couples are similar to each other
1000 married couples provided info about themselves on 88 characteristics
more similar on 66/88 traits compared to pairs paired at random
similarity in couples: directionality - selection or convergence?
similarity predicts friendship development among new acquaintances
similarity DOESN’T GROW over course of marriage
length of marriage doesn’t moderate spousal similarity
similarity in attraction: what kinds of similarity?
different dimensions
- demographic similarity (age, race, education, religion etc)
- attitudes & values
- personality
link between similarity & attraction seems stronger for
attitudes & values & some demographic characteristics
weaker for personality - as we saw, some personality traits are more uniformly desirable than others
similarity & satisfaction
similarity between partners’ personalities explains ONLY SMALL AMOUNT OF VARIATION in satisfaction
having partner with DESIRABLE PERSONALITY TRAITS (agreeableness, conscientiousness, low neuroticism) is MORE IMPORTANT THAN MATCHING
couples similar on unappealing traits are less successful than partners who are less alike on these traits
what is more important? having a partner with desirable personality traits or having more matching traits?
having partner with desirable personality traits is more important
neural homophily
we befriend people who think like us
look at similarity in partner brain responses to certain stimuli
Tuck school in Dartmouth - neural homophily study setup
small and isolated school, where people do everything together
ask students who they like to hang out with
create social network of nodes and lines mapping friends, friends of friends, friends of friends of friends…
then show people extremely varied video clips in fMRI
parcellate their brains and look at brain responses to diff clips and compare them between subjects
Tuck school in Dartmouth - neural homophily study results
friends of friends of friends had relatively dissimilar brain activity
friends of friends were more similar
friends had quite similar neural responses
this is CROSS SECTIONAL DATA - so big Q is did these people think similarly from the start to did they become more similar with increased contact?
Tuck school in Dartmouth - study part 2
to answer the Q of if friends were similar from the start or if they became more similar with increased contact…
they repeated the study with new cohort before anyone had met
waited 6 months for social networks to form & stabilize
and then did the fMRI clip exercise afterwards
still worked - we can predict who becomes friends, and can REALLY predict who doesn’t become friends
Tuck school in Dartmouth study SUMMARY
measuring neural activity while individuals view naturalistic stimuli (ie. movie clips) thought to offer view into thought processes as they unfold
previous research: inter-subject correlations of neural response time series during viewing of complex dynamic stimuli associated with similarities in subjects’ interpretation of those stimuli
in this study, neural responses to movie clips more similar among friends than those further removed in a real-world social network
why do we think opposites attract? 6 reasons
- PERCEPTION vs reality: perceptions of similarity may be more important for liking than objective similarity
- discovering dissimilarities CAN TAKE TIME
- may pursue partner that rep our IDEAL SELVES
- dissimilarity may DECREASE OVER TIME
- some types of similarity are MORE IMPORTANT than others (ie. attitudes/demographics more than personality)
- matching is a BROAD PROCESS
maybe we’re attracted to people who possess qualities we lack
ie. social + quiet
ie. planner + easy-going
little support for this idea
little support for _________
ie. introverts aren’t more attracted to extraverts
may be originally attracted to some traits we don’t have, but then become increasingly irritated by those traits
ie. spendthrifts and tightwads
members of egalitarian couples are happier than more “traditional” couples