Oct 3 Flashcards
attachment theory
influential framework for understanding the emotional bonds we form with our closest others
experiences we have with our closest others (typically child parent beginning in infancy) shape our social & emotional development and future relationships
2 components to attachment theory
- normative development & functioning of the attachment system
^universal, present in all people
- individual differences in how the attachment system operates
behaviourist perspective on love
argues that all human and animal behaviour can be explained in terms of CONDITIONING
(associations made between two events)
thoughts and feelings are seen as irrelevant
when did school of behaviourism dominate?
dominated thinking and research in psychology
for first half of 20th century
Gordon Allport quote on behaviourism and psychology circa 1950
“a flight from tenderness”
ignoring fundamental human experiences like love and tenderness
behaviourism: why do infants cling to their moms?
because they’ve come to associate the mother with FOOD and OTHER MATERIAL REWARDS
but how to explain the lifelong, unrelenting persistence of love?
harry harlow challenged…
the behaviourist perspective which prevailed at the time
thought we should scientifically study LOVE and AFFECTION
point of departure for the study of love
what was the point of departure for the study of love?
Harry Harlow’s study of the affectionate bond of a child for its mother
harlow monkeys: surrogate mother as source of security
faced with novel, fear-producing situations, infants PREFER to cling to the CLOTH, not the wire lactating surrogate
use her as a SECURE BASE for exploration
high levels of distress in unfamiliar situations when cloth mother absent
having wire mother present doesn’t help
revolutionizing childcare
with emerging understanding of germs, utmost priority was placed on SANITATION and CLEANLINESS
- cuddling babies seen as UNHYGIENIC & DANGEROUS
despite greatly improved sanitary conditions in orphanages and hospitals, MORTALITY and MORBIDITY rates for young children was stubbornly high
as was development of MENTAL HEALTH issues
behaviourist perspective on childcare
childcare viewed in terms of “training”, “stimuli” and “conditioned responses”
- picking up a crying baby is conditioning them to be whiny
Jhn Watson (behaviourist) thoughts on maternal affection
that it’s dangerous
john bowlby’s attachment theory
observations of homeless children
warm, intimate and continuing relationship with the mother (or another caregiver) is ESSENTIAL for healthy child development
took EVOLUTIONARY perspective
^ infants can’t survive without caregiver to protect them from harm - some MECHANISM must be in place to KEEP INFANTS CLOSE to caregivers
john bowlby proposed that all humans are born with…
conceptualized attachment behavioural system as akin to a control system
like a THERMOSTAT regulating room temp - but instead of temp, it regulates SAFETY
what does the attachment behavioural system regulate?
- comparison to set point
- controller
- sensor
a. error
b. feedback
c. input
d. feedback
attachment behavioural system is composed of…
proximity seeking behaviours
they are triggered when caregiver leaves - feeling of danger
and then they evaporate when person feels secure again
john bowlby’s attachment theory (1969) in a nutshell
posits the existence of a universal, evolved biobehavioural system (attachment system)
that motivates maintenance of proximity to caregivers (attachment figures)
in infancy/childhood, thus promoting survival
attachment figure hallmarks
- proximity seeking
- safe haven
- secure base
- separation distress
proximity seeking
attachment figure is the person you go to
esp when in need/distress
safe haven
attachment figure provides protection, comfort, support
secure base
attachment figure allows one to pursue non-attachment goals in safe environment
separation distress
actual/expected separation from attachment figure evokes strong feelings of distress
defining feature of attachment relationship
we’re drawn to our attachment figures not only by the REWARDs of their company, but by the PAIN of SEPARATION from them
response to separation
- acute distress, desperate attempts to re-establish contact
- crying, clinging, calling, searching
- generally rejecting of contact with others - DESPAIR
- preoccupation with caregiver still evident
- depressed mood
- hopeless/withdrawn - DETACHMENT
- may begin to show interest in other things/people
- often appears listless & apathetic if reunited with caregiver
- may exhibit anger
Mary Ainsworth
colleague of Bowlby
made crucial psychometric and empirical contributions
put the theory to the test