Spinal Shock
Temporary loss or depression of all or most spinal reflex activity below the level of injury.
when does spinal shock resolve?
resolves after 1-4 weeks after injury
Neurogenic shock
combo of hypotension, bradyarrhythmia, temperature disregulation
injuries below T1-T3 receive
partial sympathetic innervation
injuries above T9 have
impaired adrenal response to exercise.
neurogenic shock and spinal shock can both be
caused by spinal trauma and can lead to decreased sensation
spinal shock
loss of muscle tone + sensation or temporary reflexes
has temporary and very little impact on other systems
neurogenic shock
loss of sympathetic system activation.
circulatory collapse, bradycardia, peripheral vasodilation
Autonomic Dysfunction
impaired thermoregulation, loss of hypothalamic control below the level of injury which impairs temp. regulation.
Reflexive bladder
urinary incontience
Atonic bladder
urinary retention
Cardiac function
lower resting heart rate
loss of tone in peripheral vasculature leads to concerns of bradycardia, bradyarrythmia, hypotension and orthostatic hypotension.
decreased venous return
Autonomic Dysreflexia
excessive uncontrolled sympathetic output that is unregulated by parasympathetic system and usually affects injuries at T6 or above.
increased BP persist + worsen if noxious stimulus is not removed
Level of injury above T6
increased BP 20-40 above their baseline
What to do with autonomic dysreflexia
sit up
lower legs to decrease cerebral vascular blood pressure
Finally remove noxious stimulus or ED if needed
blood clots
dialation - decreased HR
Pressure Ulcers
make sure to change positions every 2-3 hours to protect against pressure ulcers
they are due to prolonged sitting positions