3.2 PD Flashcards
Cardinal Symptoms
90% involves the extremities, core and trunk muscles, and even facial muscles.
Resting tremor - occurs in a limb that is not voluntarily activated.
Tremor improves with purposeful function.
Cogwheel Rigidity - resistance that will stop and start through ROM
Lead Pipe - resistance through entire ROM
Hypomimia & Micrographia
Hypomimia - lack of facial expressions
Micrographia - progressively smaller handwriting.
Gait & Postural Instability
Festination - smaller steps + rapid steps due to altered center of gravity.
Bradykinesia and rigidity- cause loss of appropriate reflexes and righting reactions
Anterior falls during gait as opposed to posterior
Tremor dominant
More unilateral symptoms, primarily with a resting tremor and action tremors.
Slower progression of disease but have poor response to dopamine treatment.
H & Y Stages 1
minimal - unilateral if present
H & Y Stage 2
Minimal - bilateral / midline
H & Y stage 3
Unsteadiness - mild to moderate.
Can live independently and work
H & Y stage 4
Severe - standing and walking with assistance
H & Y stage 5
Confined to bed / wheel chair