RPA Rheum Flashcards
what manifestation of lupus is more likely to cause an elevated CRP
aside from infection, serositis
lupus generally causes elevated ESR without elevated CRP
neurolupus antibody
ribosomal P abs
what antibody is the most specific for lupus
anti smith
(other specific: dsDNA, SSA, SSB, U1RNP, ribosomal P)
what antibody is associated with CHB in neonatal lupus
Non pharmacological lupus tx
UV protection, smoking cessation immunisation
screening for hydroxychloroquine retinopathy
at diagnosis then annually after 5 years
MOA of belimumab
targeted human monoclonal antibody that binds to soluble BLyS, inhibiting its binding to B-cell receptors
may have effect in MSK and cutaneous SLE

livedo reticularis
assos with antiphospholipid syndrome
what biochemical marker carries the greatest risk for thrombosis in APLS
lupus anticoagulant
management of APLS in pregnancy with
1) prior pregnancy loss
2) prior thrombosis
1) prophylactic LMWH + aspirin
2) therapeutic LMWH + aspirin
specific antibodies systemic sclerosis
anticentromere (limited SS; pulmonary hyptension)
anti-topoisomerase (SCL-70; ILD)
anti-RNA polymerase III (severe renal/skin)
raynaud’s and subtypes of systemic sclerosis
short history of Raynaud’s - diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis
long history of Raynaud’s - long history of Raynaud’s before other manifestations
major morality in limited SSc
major cause of mortality in diffuse SSc
bosentan, macicentan, ambrisentan MOA and SE
endothelium receptor antagonists used in pumlmonary arterial hypertension
SE: LFT abnornality, teratogenic, fluid retention, anaemia
what neuralgia is common in SSc
trigeminal neuralgia
U1RNP without dsDNA
mixed connective tissue disease
but if they have another antibody highly specific for another disease, it would be another disease

Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia
associated with Sjogren’s
what is one of the only drug-induced myopathies that does not cause a raised CK
(other drug causes - statins, antimalarials, colchicine, penicillamine, anti-retrovirals, alcohol)
rimmed vacuoles on histology (myositis) diagnosis
inclusion body myositis
which antibotic should be avoided in a patient on methotrexate
trimethoprim due to lunng
main benefit of febuxostat 80mg over allopurinol 300mg
lowers uric acid level
(but of note, a better trial would be to assess the clinical benefit after the therapeutic level of uric acid is achieved)
polyarteritis nodosa diagnosis
small and medium vessel without GN or arteriole/distal involvement.
ANCA negative
often involves mesenteric/renal arteries
epididymoorchitis is a wellrecognised manifestation
pml radiological findings
T1: involved regions are usually hypointense
T2: involved regions are hyperintense
multifocal, asymmetric periventricular and subcortical involvement. There is little, or no mass effect or enhancement and the subcortical U-fibers are commonly involved with a predilection for the parieto-occipital regions. Corpus callosum may be involved.
lumbar flexion relieving of pain, exacerbated by movement
spinal canalstenosis
various mutations to the fibrillin-1 gene located on chromosome 15
why do bisphosphonates have to be taken 30min before the first food
food decreases the absorption of alendronate
old person with weakness and raised ALP
clinical features:
- Bone pain and muscle weakness in 16 (94 percent)
- Bone tenderness in 15 (88 percent)
- Fracture in 13 (76 percent)
- Difficulty walking and waddling gait in four (24 percent)
- Muscle spasms, cramps, a positive Chvostek’s sign, tingling/numbness, and inability to ambulate in one to two (6 to 12 percent)
Laboratory findings:
- Alkaline phosphatase elevated in 95 to 100 percent
- Serum calcium and phosphorus reduced in 27 to 38 percent
- Urinary calcium low in 87 percent
- 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D, calcidiol) <15 ng/mL in 100 percent
- PTH elevated in 100 percent
lumber radiculopathy vs peroneal radiculopathy - causes of foot drop differentiating options
In L5 radiculopathy both ankle dosrsiflexion and inversion/eversion will be affected while in a pure common peroneal neuropathy inversion will be spared. There is a slight caveat however. If the foot is tested in the dropped position inversion may appear to be weak so inversion should be tested in a passively dorsiflexed position. In an isolated superficial peroneal neuropathy eversion will be weak and dorsiflexion spared while in an isolated deep peroneal neuropathy there will be weakness of dorsiflexion with sparing of eversion. In a common peroneal neuropathy sensation over the lateral foot (sural territory), sole of foot (plantar nerves) and medial calf and foot will be spared. Finally ankle jerks will be spared in a pure common peroneal neuropathy.
MOA of corticosteroid induced osteoporosis
increased osteoclast-mediated one resorption
rash that comes and goes - rheumatological condition
still’s disease rash
homogenous pattern ANA
ENA negative
what are rheumatoid factor antibodies directde against
Fc portion of IgG
what troponin is more specific for cardiac involvement
troponin I > T
troponin T is produced by regenerating skeletal markers