Deltamed 2019 Flashcards
What are the most likely cancers in people on dialysis?
Skin > lung > kidney > colorectal
Where is a classical coarctation located?
Just distal to the left subclavian artery
Risk factors for statin induced rhabdomyolysis
frailty or low body mass index, older age, female sex, hypothyroidism, hypertension, polypharmacy, and alcohol or drug abuse
MOA of plasmacytoid dendritic cells
Recognises viral motifs and respond by producing type I interferons
Is not an antigen presenting cell

- Normal Sinus Rhythm
- First Degree AV Block
- Right Bundle Branch Block
- Left Anterior Fascicular Block (LAD)
- Trifascicular Block
What anti-hyperglycaemic agent is known to be an insulin sensitizer?
Trajectory of MS during pregnancy and what can prevent relapses
Less relapses during pregnancy but worse after pregnancy
Exclusive breast feeding reduces chance of relapse
Which gender is assocaited with progressive ILD?
Parallel vs cross-over vs factorial study
Parallel is where each group gets a different treatment (Treatments A, B, C and D)
Crossover is where one group gets A and another gets B then the first group switches to B and second group switches to A
Factorial study is where 2 studies are going on at the same time (A, placebo, B, placebo) - more than 1 independent variable
What is a step-wedge study?
Different clusters of participants receives the intervention at different times until all clusters have received the intervention
What is the organism for Q fever?
Coxiella burnetti
Risk factors for MGUS progression to MM
- Serum M-protein level ≥1.5 g/dL
- Non-IgG MGUS (ie, IgA, IgM, IgD MGUS)
- Abnormal serum free light chain (FLC) ratio (ie, ratio of kappa to lambda free light chains <0.26 or >1.65)