RETAKE Midtterm 1 Flashcards
Topic 1: Milieu Interieur. Compartments, Changes of Water Compartments
Milieu Interieur - Claude Bernard Homeostasis Water TBW Barriers between compartments Subcompartnents Transport process through membranes
Topic 2: Quantification of fluid compqrtments
Stewart dilution principle - V = S/C Assessment of TBW Assesing density TBW IC compartment EC compartment Subcompartments Changes of water compartments Quantification of EC comp + distribution Quantificartion of IV comp Quantification og IC comp - IC=TBW-EC Quantification Interstitial Fl comp ISF=EC- IV vol
Topic 3: Factors influencing the EC compartments, Anelectrolite and Electrolite components of BLOOD plasma
Factors - list of 6 different factots 1. Osmotic Pressure (Vant Hoff) 2. Molarity 3. Osmolarity 4 Molality 5. Osmolality 6. Oncotic pressure (colloid pressure)
Anelectrolite comp of BP - Glucose, Urea, NPN
Electrolite comp of BP
- Osmolarity calculated on the basis of total electrolyte conc: 280mmol/kg
- Osmolarity calculated by the freezing pont depression: 300 mmol/kg
- Plasma anions and Cations
Topic 4: Functions, Fractions and changes of plasma proteins.
Synthesis Functions - List of 10 1. Maintaining Oncotic pressure 2. Transport functions of ALBUMIN 3. Transport functions of GLOBULINS (HL+4*T) 4. Lipids bind to proteins forming lipoproteins(VLDL etc) 5. Blood sedimentation 6. Buffee 7. Blood clotting 8. Immunity 9. Enzymes in the plasma 10. Protein metabolism
Fractions (“8 ways to kill a pig”)
Most NB protein fraction
Pathological changes
Topic 5. Interstitial Fluid (ISF), Transport through the cappilary wall, Measurement and composition of ISF
2 factors determining the formation of ISF
- Transport through the capillary wall
- Forces determinig transport = Diffusion
Measurement of ISF: ISF=EC - Intravasal volume
Composition of ISF: Similar to bloodplasma
Topic 6. Physiological role of the blood, definitions and changes in blood volume
1. Transportation (RBC) MINGH 2. Buffer 3. Defence (takes place, together with WBC) 4. Homeostasis
General Charachteristics (Definition) 1. General blood/plasma - 10 dif parameters Hematocrit Sedimentation rate PH of blood Density Viscosity Volume Freezing point Osmotic pressue Oncotic pressure Osmolarity/osmolality
- Determination of blood volume
- Changes in Bloodvolumes: 3*cythaemia Drawing
- Factors affecting BLood volume
Topic 7: Red bloodcells and the haemoglobin
No mithochondrial cells Average lifetime Haemoglobin amount(blood) Haemolysis!!! - RBC in diff solutions - Can be brought out by
- Pigment colouring RBC
- Transport O2
- Forms blood Buffer capacity
- Synthesis require: Fe, Cu….
- Allosteric Stimulation - Globin str for ox binding
- Age effect
- Transport of Blood gasses
- Haemoglobin as buffer - HCO3- too
- Degradation of Haemoglobin
Phagocytes convert the HEM part to bilirubin
Albumin binds to bilirubin in the circulation
= Bilirubin-1 - Synthesis of RBC
Topic 8: Human and animal bloodgroups
- Complex antigens - surface of Bloodcells
15 types of BG (AB0 and Rh)
Antibodies produced - Haemagglutinogens - glycoproteins & lipids
- Natural, Artificial & Hetero/Isohaemagg…
- Formation og haemagglutinins
- Agglutination or Hemolysis (incompatable)
Human BG:
- H antigen encoded by H gene = AB0 system
- A, 0 and b antigen
1. AB0 blood type reactions
2. Rh blood groups - 1st and 2nd pregnancy drawing
- Rh incompatibility
Animal BG:
- No naturally formed anti b gainst RBC anti g
- May occur in the plasma
- Artificially formed anti b has a haemolysing efrect, not aglutinating.
- RFLP - identifies individual DNA fingerprints
- Blood gr - parrent testing & if Chimeras are twins or not?
Catle= B system-> prod. milk lipids biggest, B
Sheep=0- blood type, L-antigen->Serum P-level
Swine=H blood group, PHI gene -> meat, stress + horse: Jaundice illness
Boood transfusions = Diagram pig
- Neutrophil and Basophil granulocyte (WBC)
- WBC = element of Immune system.
Develop in none marrow - noth lymphocytes
Increase = Leukocytosis
Decrease= Leukopenia
Neutrophilic type: Horses & Carnivores
Lymphocytic type: Ruminant, Swine, Bird
- Segmented nucleus
- Purple-red granules in cytopl
- Cells that digest bacteria, funghi, viruses. (Phagocyte)
- Lifetime: 6-8 hours circul and.2-3 days tissue
Basophil Granulocyte
Big basophil granules in cytoplasm - Histamine, Serotonin, haparin + enzymes.
Degranulation: extrene degran= Allergy
Specific and non specific way of degranulation
- Eosinophil granulocytes, mononuclear phagocytes, throbocytes
- Eosinophil granulocyte
- Chemotaxis
- Anti-allergic effect
- Mononuclear Phagocyte
- Drawing - Antigen presenttation
- Thrombocyte - drawing. Smallest bloodcells
7 Lymphocytes
- Haemostasis (withought goagulation cascade) and stopping.blood coagulation
- The prevention of bloodloss in case of instrinsic or extrinsic vessel injury
1. Injuries
2. Vascular reaction
3. Thrombocyte reaction
- )Stopping blood coagulation
- Antigoagulation
- Fibrinolysis
- Thrombolysis - )Coagulationfactors: know.all but factor VI
- ) Vitamin K - Required for blood clotting
- inhibited by Warfarin (vit.K antagonist)
- Activated factors(II, VII, IX, X) and tissue factor III. ALL have Carboxy-glutamic acid + Glutamic acid carboxylation requires.vit K az a COENZYME
Topic 12. Haemostasis: Coagulation cascade mechanism
All drawings
- Central cascade
- Roles of Thrombin
- Extrinsic way of coagulatuon
- Intrinsic way of coagulation