Midtterm 1 - Retake Flashcards
Topic 1: Milieu intérieur, compartments, changes of water compartments
Milieu intérieur
- Milieu Interieur: “Cells of the living organism can only work in constant environment” - Claud Bernard
- Homeostasis
- Water
Topic 1: Milieu intérieur, compartments, changes of water compartments
Compartments, changes of water compartments
- Body divided into anatomical spaces and compartments
- Barriers: Cell membrane & Cappilary wall
- Transport processes through membrane: Part of membrane determining transport Types of transport - TBW - Subcompartments of EC
Topic 2: Volume quantification of fluid compartments
- Measuring EC compartments using the dilution principle: 2 phases observed
Quickly/slowly equilibrating space - Stewart dilition principle: V=s/c
- Assessment of TBW based on: Dilution principle Excsiccation - Assessing density: Quantifying density in vivo LBM Calculating density TOBEC - TBW - IC: Intracellular compartment - EC: Extracellular compatments - Subcompartments - Changes of water compartments (hyp(er/po) - Timefactors establishing homeostasis - Quantification of the EC compartments - Quantification of Intravascular compartments - Quantification of Intracellular compartments - Quantification of the intestinal fluid compartments
Topic 3: Factors influencing the EC and IC compartments, Anelectrolite and Electrolite components of Blood plasma
Factors influencing the EC and IC compartments,
- Osmotic pressure
- Molarity
- Osmolarity
- Molality
- Osmolality
- Oncotic pressure
Topic 3: Factors influencing the EC and IC compartments, Anelectrolite and Electrolite components of Blood plasma
Anelectrolite and Electrolite components of Blood plasma
Anelectrolite compartments:
- Glucose: 5 mmol/L
- Urea: 3-10 mmol/L
- NPN: 15.25 mmol/L
Electrolite components of the blood plasma:
- Osmolarity calculated on the basis of TOTAL ELECTROLYTE CONC. 280 mmil/kg
- Osmolarity calculated by de freezing point depression: 300 mmol/kg
Topic 4: Functions, Fractions and changes of Plasma Proteins
Synthesis: Almost all the proteins are synthesized in the LIVER except for gamma globulins, HDL and VLDL and i.c enzymes.
- Maintaining osmotic pressure
- Transport functions of Albumin
- Transport functions of Globulins
- Lipids binds to proteins forming lipoprotein
- Blood sedimentation
- Buffer
- Blood clotting
- Immunity
- Enzymes in the plasma
- Protein metabolism
Topic 4: Functions, Fractions and changes of Plasma Proteins
- Paper electrophoresis
- Immunoelectrophoresis
- Gel electrophoresis
- Ion exhange chromatography
- Ultrasentrifugation
- Gel filtration
- Affinity Chromatography
Most NB protein fraction groups:
- Albumin
- Alpha-1 globulin
- Alpha-2 globulin
- Beta globulin
- Fibrinogen
- Gamma globulin
Topic 4: Functions, Fractions and changes of Plasma Proteins
Changes of Plasma Proteins
Pathological Changes:
- > Hypo and Hyperproteinemia
- > Dysproteinemia
- > Paraproteinemia
- > Defectproteinemia
Topic 5: Interstitial fluid (ISF), Transport through the capillary wall, Meassurement and composition of ISF
- Transport through capillary wall
- Forces determining transport
DIFFUSION most important force to ensure transport of substances.
- Principles:
Electroneutrality & Thermodynamic rule - Measurement of ISF: ISF=EC- Intravasal vol
- Composition: Similar to blood plasma
(drawing, IV and ISG)
Topic 6: Physiological role of the blood, Definitions and changes in blood volumes
Physiological Role of blood
1.) Primary function is transportation (RBC, since WBS is mainly for defense) - Transport of: Gasses Nutrients Metabolites Information Heat 2.) Buffer 3.) Takes part in the defense 4.) Homeostais (NOT Haemostasis)
Topic 6: Physiological role of the blood, Definitions and changes in blood volumes
General characteristics (Definitions)
- General:
Blood is liquid CT consisting 90% water
Plasma, suspended cellular elements
Separated into Liquid or corpuscular phase
Plasma: Containts fibrinogen - anti coag..
Serum: Not fibrinogem - norm. blood
Topic 6: Physiological role of the blood, Definitions and changes in blood volumes
Sedimentation rate
PH of blood
Density of blood, Viscousity of blood, Freezing point, Blood volume, osmotic pressure, oncotic pressure, osmolarity/osmolality.
Topic 6: Physiological role of the blood, Definitions and changes in blood volumes
Determination of blood volume
Ideal substance for measurement does not cross capillary wall -> hence extrapolation is required.
- Measure plasma: Evans blue or 125-I/131-I
- Measure Blood volume: Labelled RBC
- Calculation of Blood volume:
Having plasma volume (Vp):
V= Vp/(1-0,9) * hematocrit
Having BC volume (Vrbc):
V= Vrbc/0,9*Hematocrit
Topic 6: Physiological role of the blood, Definitions and changes in blood volumes
Changes in Blood volumes
- Factors affecting Blood volume
Topic 7:
The RBC RBC can undergo osmotic hemolysis - Hemolysis is: lecage or disruption of cell - RBC in ISOTONIC SOLUTION - RBC in HYPOTONIC SOLUTION - PBC in HYPERTONIC SOLUTION - Osmotic resictance - Hemolysys brought out by: Physical, Chemical, Toxins - Synthesis of RBC occurs in bone marrow
Topic 7:
= The pigment coloring the RBC, plays a main role in
- ) Transport of the blood(02) gasses.
- ) Formation of the blood buffer capacity
Syntesis require:
Fe, Cu, Co, Mn, Zn, Pyridoxin B6 ++
- Structure.. Allosteric simmulation (oxygen binding)
- Only the IRON atom can bind the oxygen reversibly (Oxygenation)
- Derivate: Methaemoglobin, reversed by methaemoglobin-reductase - NADPH system
- Age efect- adult vs fetus
- Transport of blood gasses
- Haemoglobin as buffer
- Degradation of Haemoglobin (Drawing)
Topic 8:
Human and animal bloodgroups
- Hemaglutinogens Neutral Artificial Hetero/iso - Formation of Hemaglutinins - Agglutination - H-antigen: Formed of Sphyngomyelin, Galactose, Fructose
Topic 8:
Human and animal bloodgroups
Human bloodgroups
H-antigen binds to N-acetyl-galactose amine = A-gene Galactose = B-gene AB0: IgM type antibodies (hemaglutinins) - Reactions and transfusions - Rh Blood group - Rh Incompability
Topic 8:
Human and animal bloodgroups
Animal Blood groups
- No naturally formed antibodies against RBC-antigens of other individuals
- Blood type antigens can app are in plasma
- Blood groups used for
- Species blood group
- Blood transfusion: DIAGRAM