Midterm nr 3 Flashcards
What can be the possible directions for cardiac axis?
-30° to +110°
Btw which limbs is the potential diff measured with standard limb leads I/II/III?
I: Right and left arm,
II: Right arm and left leg
III: left arm and left leg
What is the effect of strophanine-G on the stimulus conduction in the AV node?
Delays stimulus: negative dromotropic
Draw a pulse pressurewave and name its peaks.
List the main steps of determining the cardiac axis
Measure R-wave in each lead,
construct vectors,
direction of integral vector is c.a.
Where epinephrine is produced
Adrenal medulla
What type acetylchlorine receptors are present in the heart?
Muscarinic Ach receptors
What type of of ionchannels does verpamil block?
Ca2+ channels
List 4 of the effects of the acetylchlorine on the heart?
Negative chronotropic
Inotropic effect
Why does atropine inhibit the acetylchlorine effect on the muscarine Ach receptors?
Binds to receptor without stimulating
Describe a normal PQ segment
AP trough AV. Not enough to create detectable differences. Isoelectric line
How can the hardness of the pulse be determined?
the power needed to compress it
List the reg. waves in the ECG of dogs.
P, Q, R, S and T
Effect of epinephrine?
Positive chrono, bathmo, ino and dromotropic
Antagonist of epinephrine?
Positive waves of ECG humans?
P, R and T
Negative waves of the cardiac cycle?
Q, S and T (except in human and car)
What is pulse pressure?
the pressure in arterial system
Pulse pressure in humans?
40 mmHg / 5.3 kPa
Normal Diastolic pressure in humans?
75-80 mmHg / 10.0-11.0 kPa
Why does edema happend with Ringer’s solution?
Protein free solution pass unhindered trough blood vessel walls to interstices
What is the effect of pharmacological consentrations of epinephrine? And which receptors does it influence?
Vasoconstriction all over body, trough α1 adrenergic receptors
Equation for effective filtration pressure?
Peff = Pheff – Poeff
Equation for flow rate in the capillaries?
Q = Peff x CFC
Factors of the diffusion rate?
conc. gradient and transit time of substance, and permability and diffusion area
Method of measuring blood pressure?
Indirect, by auscultatory method, or by digital method
How to determind diastolic pressure?
dissapperance of the tapping sound when releasing the cuff pressure
ISF, what does it depend on?
blood pressure, hydrostatic pressure, oncotic pressure and tissue turgor
Myogen, is it dependent on the CNS?
What happens when you get a local hypoxia?
metatrioles contract due to increased hydrostatic pressure
Is pulse pressure age dependent? Why?
Yes, because systolic increase and diastolic decrease by age
Equation for mean arterial pressure?
(Pavarage = (Psystolic + 2xPdiastolic) / 3
How to measure systolic pressure?
First sound when releasing pressure in cuff
How to measure blood pressure by ausculatory method?
by using the Riva-Rocci sphygmomanometer
Effect of prolonged perfusion with ringer’s solution?
How can you decrease edema in the Trendelenburg preparation?
What blood cell type is mainly in mural flow?
Effect of hypoxia after local blood perfusion
The higher the O2 consumption of a tissue, the faster
will be the drop of pO2 (partial pressure of oxygen).
Heart rate (in resting state) Horses
Heart rate (in resting state)
small ruminants
Heart rate (in resting state Dog
large size
Heart rate (in resting state cat
Heart rate (in resting state)
Heart rate (in resting state Poultry