Respiratory:Physiology Flashcards
what is the regulation of respiration
what is affected by local chemical (especially CO2)
what are the broad steps of breathing control
1)accumulation of CO2 cues breathing 2)info sent to dorsal respiratory group 3)ventral respiratory group 4)pons smooths signals to breath
explain the first step of breathing control
CO2 levels are measured in the aorta, signal then sent to hindbrain where, if too much CO2, signals breathing
explain the second step of breathing control
info sent to DRG(region of hindbrain in medulla oblongata) which puts all the CO2 info together
explain the third step of breathing control
ventral respiratory group sets rhythm of breathing once it gets info from DRG
explain the fourth step of breathing control
pons makes breathing smooth and send to the primary breathing muscle(diaphragm) and secondary breathing muscle(intercostals)
each gas in a mixture exerts _______ in proportion to its _______ in the mixture
pressure; percent
gases diffuse from ___ to ____
liquid; air
what atmospheric gas does not get into the blood because it is not soluable
gas exchange is by diffusion according to
partial pressure gradient
(true or false) majority of cells in blood are not sucking up blood
true, most are RBC which are already made up of O2 and anaerobic
gases move down
concentration gradients
what in RBCs carry O2
what is oxyhemoglobin
four oxygens (HbO2)
what is deoxyhemoglobin
three or fewer oxygens (HHb)
what carries O2 to the tissues
at 100mm O2 how many irons would be bonded by O2
all of them
at 40mm O2 how many irons would be bonded by O2
about how long would it take to deplete O2 storage
about three minutes
binding tightness
what must adjust affinity for oxygen(depending on whether in lungs or tissues)
what acts like a shuttle bus for oxygen
what is affected by several environmental factors, all of which facilitate unloading at the tissues
oxygen affinity(hemoglobin)
what are the unloading/lower affinity factors
increase in Pco2, increase in hydrogen(decrease in pH more acidic), and increase in temperature
what do the RBCs do in the tissues
release O2 and pick up CO2
what are loaded with saturated oxygen
what takes any free hemoglobin and turns it into deoxyhemoglobin
what pulls reaction to the right and makes hemoglobin let go of oxygen
what do RBCs do in the lungs
pick up O2 and release CO2