Reproductive/ Embryology Flashcards
What is the prostate?
An exocrine muscular gland surrounding the male urethra
What is the Seminal Gland?
An exocrine gland which the Vas Deferens passes through
What is secreted by the Prostate Gland? and what does it include?
Prostatic secretions:
- Prostate Specific Antigen - liquefies sperm
- Prostasomes
- Acid Phosphatase - when activated by H+ ions cleaves other substances to produce further energy
What is secreted by Seminal Glands?
accounts for 60% of overall semen.
- Fructose - for energy
- Prostagladins - to initiate smooth muscle contraction in the cervix
What stimulates the production of somites?
What is released that stimulates the differentiation of somites?
What growth factors stimulate the activation of muscle specific genes?
What are the specific muscle genes switched on by WNT and BMP4 which promote the cell to differentiate into muscle cells.
What branch of the myotome cells migrate to produce the limbs?
Abaxial/ Hypaxial
What transcription factor is responsible for the production of tendon?
What weeks does limb formation take place?
What promotes the direction of the limb formation - to grow outwards.
Apical Ectoderm Ridge
What is released by tge AER to prevent differentiation of the mesenchymal cells?
FGF - 8
What is the dorsal ridge of the mesoderm on the limb forming called?
Radical Fringe
What is the ventral ridge of the mesoderm on the limb forming called?
What growth factors are released from the mesoderm to promote the proliferation of the mesenchymal cells?
What genes control the differentiation of the limb whilst it forms?
HOX genes - 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
What protein is responsible for the production of chondrocytes from the mesenchymal cells?
Bone Morphogenic Protein - BMP
What Week does the neural tube fold?
Week 4
What week does the heart form?
Week 4
What week does ossification start?
Week 8
What is the part of the fetal placenta called?
Chorion Frondosum
What is the part of the maternal placenta called?
Decidua Basalis
What day does the placenta begin to develop?
Day 7
What day/weekdoes the primary villi of the chorionic form?
Day 14, week 2/3
When is the tertiary chorionic villi formed?
Day 27/ End of week 3.
What deformity can tetracyclines lead to?
Calcium deposits and loss of enamel
What are the defects of Stretomycin in embryology?
Inner ear infection
What is the protozoan parasitic infection of worry during pregnancy?
Toxoplasmosis Gondii
During neuropore closure, is the concentration of Sonic Hedgehog higher or lower at the anterior neuropore? and what is the outcome of this?
SH protein is expressed in higher quantities at the anterior neuropore.
As a result there is increased suppression of Noggin. Which thus increases the levels of BMP4.
inhibiting the lateral hinge point formation
At which month of fetal development do the testes decent out of the abdomen?
7th month
What tubules produce sperm?
Seminferous tubules
What is the most common type of testicular cancer?
Germ cell tumours
Through which passage would a tumour from the prostate spread to the brain?
Vertebrae venous plexus of Batson
What is the name of the structure that is the intermediate from epidymitis to the Vas deferens
Rete Testi
What factor is not involved in early cardiac tissue development?
What tissue does the heart originate from?
Splanchinic mesoderm
What factor is responsible for the production of smooth muscle?
Serum response factor
What is the morula?
Ball of totipotent cells, the result of cleavage
In the placenta, what are the transporters of glucose, amino acids, vitamins and amino acids called?
What is Human Chorionic Somatomammatropin?
A hormone produced by the syncytiotrophoblasts that gives the fetus priority to glucose. `
What is Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin hormone?
A hormone produced by the syncytiotrophoblasts, that is produced from implantation onward. It reduces the corpus luteum in the mother.
This is the hormone used in the detection of pregnancy.
When does the yolk sac disappear?
week 20
Name three sets of smooth muscle that do not derive from the mesoderm?
Pupillary muscles, mamary glands and sweat glands
What signals inhibit BMP4?
Chordin and Noggin
Define induction relationship
It involves two sets of cells.
- Inductors
- Responders
The inductors send out signal which cause a a change to cellular activity of the responders.
e.g Cells sending Gf’s to activate other cells.
What does HcG do during early pregnancy?
Maintains progesterone levels by maintain the [corpus luteum] to keep producing progesterone
What is the function of progesterone during pregnancy?
Maintains the lining and integrity of the uterus.
Stops the release of another egg. i.e. menstrual cycle
What T-BOX gene regulators differentiate the upper limb from the lower limb during development?
Upper Limb: T-BOX - 5
Lower Limb: T-BOX - 4 and PITX1
What are the mechanisms which control folding of the neural tube?
Median Hinge Point
Dorsal Lateral Hinge Points
Intrinsic cell shape
- microtubule shape
Neural crest cells migration
Extrinsic folding of the fetus
What controls the rate of limb growth?
Age of mesoderm. Not the ectoderm.
Transplantation of an old ectoderm onto a young mesoderm will continue to grow
What are the three compartments of limb growth?
stylopod > Zeugopod > Autopod
What day is digit separation complete?
Day 56
What week is there primary ossification centres in the bone?
Week 12
What is the mass on the ventral of the neural tube called and what signals promote its development?
Floor plate.
Sonic Hedgehog
What inhibits smoothened molecule from carrying down stream signalling?
What can result if there is only one copy of SHH?