Psychopharmacology Final Flashcards
What is the lifetime prevalence of substance use disorder?
What is the lifetime prevalence of the use of illicit drugs>
Are all drugs that cause dependence addictive?
What does drug addiction imply?
Addiction is the consequence of what?
specific neural adaptations resulting from the use of drugs that affect dopamine activity in the mesolimbic and mesocortical systems.
How does addiction to alcohol develop?
gradually or abruptly
What other disorders is alcoholism comorbid with?
depression, bipolar, and anxiety
Is substance abuse treatment successful on the first attempt?
Does the DSM-5 make a distinction between drug dependence and addiction?
What has the term addiction been replaced with?
the degree of impairment caused by drug and if tolerance or withdrawal symptoms are present.
Can an individual be dependent on a substance and not have a disorder?
Reward pathway
A pathway of dopaminergic neurons originating in the ventral tegmentum area (VTA) and projecting to the nulceus accumbens and prefrontal cortex.
What does the reward pathway effect?
Foods based on caloric value, sexual partners
With whom and when did investigation of reward pathways originate?
James Olds and Peter Milner in 1954
Where is the septum located?
centrally, deep below the basal ganglia and adjacent to the nucleus accumbens.
What does the Latin term nucleus accumbens septi mean?
nucleus leaning against the septum