Neuro psych Quiz 5 Flashcards
What happens when you see something?
Light rays reflect off the object and strike your retina
If you look at a picture, how doe the neurons in your brain represent it?
Neither right side up or upside down
What is the law of specific nerve energies?
Each sensory neuron conveys a particular type of sensation, such as light or sound
What makes the blind spot of the retina blind?
The optic nerve and blood vessels occupy this space leaving no room for receptors.
Vision in the periphery of the retina has poor sensitivity to detail but great sensitivity to faint light. Why?
Towards the periphery, the retina has more convergence of input.
Input to the human visual cortex comes from cones and rods ( by way of ganglion cells) in what proportion?
About 90% of input to the cortex comes from cones.
Suppose you perceive something as red. According to the trichromatic theory, what is the explanation?
Light from the object has excited your long-wave-length cones more strongly than your other cones.
If you stare at a white circle surrounded by a green background and then look at a white surface, you perceive a green circle surrounded by a red background. What does this observation imply about the opponent-process theory?
Opponent-process theory color perception depends on the visual cortex, not just the cells in the retina.
An object that reflects all wavelengths equally ordinarily appears gray, but it may appear yellow, blue, or any other color, depending on what?
Contrast with surrounding objects
Which theory most readily accounts for the observation described in question 9?
Retinex theory
What evidence shows that color, such as greenness, is in the brain and not in the light itself?
Each wavelength excites a different set of cells in the visual cortex.
What is the order of connections from receptors to visual cortex?
Receptors - bipolar cells - ganglion cells - lateral geniculate - visual cortex
Axons from the nasal half of the retina go to the ——- hemisphere of the brain.
Axons from the temporal half of the retina go to the ——- hemisphere of the brain
When light strikes a receptor the effect is to —– the bipolar cells and —— the horizontal cells. The horizontal cells —- the bipolar cells.
1) excite
2) excite
3) inhibit
If light strikes one receptor, the net effect is to —- the nearest bipolar cell and —- other bipolar cells to the side because of the contributions from — cells.
1) Excite
2) inhibit
3) horizontal
Suppose light strikes the retina in a circle, surrounded by the dark. Which bipolar cells will show the greatest response, and which will show the least?
Bipolar connected to the receptors just inside the circumference of the circle respond most. Those connected to receptors just outside the circumference respond least.
As we progress from bipolar cells to ganglion cells to later cells in the visual system, what happens to the size of receptive fields?
they become larger
In contrast to parvocellular neurons, magnocellular neurons are more sensitive to…
If you were in a darkened room and researchers wanted to know whether you were having visual fantasies (without asking you), they could measure activity in which brain area?
The primary visual cortex
What is meant by blindsight?
Some people with damage to the primary visual cortex accurately guess the location or other properties of objects they say they don’t see.
How could a researchers determine whether a given neuron in the visual cortex is simple or complex?
If it responds to a stimulus in just one location, it is a simple cell. If it responds in several locations, it is a complex cell.
What do cells within a column of the visual cortex have in common?
They respond best to lines in the same orientation.
What is the evidence that certain types of feature detectors operate in the human visual cortex?
After you stare at a waterfall or other steadily moving display, you see stationary objects as moving in the opposite direction.
If a kitten has one eye shut for its first few weeks of life, its visual cortex becomes insensitive to that eye. Why?
Activity from the active eye displaces synapses from the inactive eye.
What early experience is necessary to maintain binocular input to the neurons of the visual cortex?
Cortical cells must usually receive simultaneous input from the two eyes.
Why is it important to correct astigmatism early?
The visual cortex becomes more sensitive to the lines it sees best.
If someone is born with dense cataracts on both eyes, and the cataracts are removed years later, which of these aspects of vision remain permanently impaired?
Perception of brightness and darkness.
Within the visual system of the brain, the ventral stream is more important for —- and the dorsal stream is more important for —
1) Identifying objects
2) controlling movement
Visual agnosia usually results from damage to which part of the cortex?
Temporal cortex
What impairment is typical after damage to the fusiform gyrus?
Difficulty recognizing faces
Which part of the visual cortex is most important for color vision, especially color constancy?
Area V4
Why is it difficult to watch your own eyes move when looking in the mirror?
During saccadic eye movements, activity decreases in area MT.
What was ibn al-Haythem’s evidence that we see only because light enters the eyes, not by sending out sight rays?
1) You can see distant objects such as as starts far faster than we could imagine sight rays reaching them.
2) When light strikes an object, we see only the light rays that reflect off the object and into the eyes.
If someone electrically stimulated the auditory receptors in your ear, what would you perceive?
Because of the law of specific energies, you would perceive it as sound, not as shock
If it were possible to flip your entire brain upside down, without breaking any of the connections to sense organs or muscles, what would happen to your perceptions of what you see, hear, and so forth?
Your perceptions would not change. Coding of auditory and visual information is not dependent on location. How you see something depends on which neurons are active.
What is the opening in the center of the iris that light enters through called?
what focuses the light that enters the pupil?
the lens and cornea
What is light projected to from the lens and cornea?
cells that get info from bipolar cells and send it to other bipolar, aminacrine, and ganglion cells?
Amacrine cells
Are there more ganglion or bipolar cells in the retina?
What is the point where the optic nerve and blood vessels leave the eye?
the blind spot
the blind spot
has no receptors
What are ganglion cells in the fovea of humans and other primates?
midget ganglion cells
by how much do rods out number cones in the retina?
20 to 1
You sometimes find that you can see a faint star on a dark night better if you look slightly to the side of the star instead of straight at it. Why?
If you look slightly to the side, the light falls on an area of the retina with more rods and more convergence of input.
If you found a species with a high ration of cones to rods in its retina, what would you predict about its way of life?
We should expect this species to be highly active during the day and seldom active at night.
What are chemicals that release energy when struck by light?
we perceive color through the relative rates of response by three kinds of cones, each one maximally sensitive to a different set of wave lengths.
Trichromatic theory (Young-Helmholtz theory)
the brain has a mechanism that perceives color on a continuum from red to green, another from yellow to blue, and another from white, to black. After you stare at one color in one location long enough, you fatigue that response and tend to swing to the opposite.
Opponent-processes theory.
medium-wavelength cones respond most strongly to light that we perceive as green. long-wavelength cones responds most strongly to light that we perceive as yellow. According to the trichromatic theory, what causes us to perceive yellowish green.
We perceive yellowish green when the medium and long wavelength cones are about equally active but the short wavelength cones have very low activity. Each color experience corresponds to a particular ratio of firing by the three types of cones.
According to the opponent-process theory, under what circumstance would you perceive a white object as blue?
If you stared at a bright yellow object for a minute or so then looked at a similar whit object, it would appear blue.
The cortex compares information from various parts of the retina to determine the brightness and color for each area.
Retinex Theory
When a television set is off, its screen appears gray. When you watch a program, parts of the screen appear black, even though more light is actually showing on the screen than when the set was off. What accounts for the black perception?
The black experience arises by contrast with the other brighter areas. The contrast occurs by comparison within the cerebral cortex, as in the retinex theory of color vision.
500 nm light as blue and 550 light as yellow. Why should we nevertheless not call them “blue light” and “yellow light”?
Color perception depends not just on the wavelength of light from a given spot but also the light from surrounding areas. the context can change the color perception
Why is color vision deficiency a better term than color blindness?
Very few people see the world entirely in black and white. The more common condition is difficulty discriminating red from green.
Rods and cones of the retina make synapses with —- cells and —– cells.
1) horizontal
2) bipolar
Where does the optic nerve start and where does it end?
It starts with the ganglion cells in the retina. Most of its axons go to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus’ some go to the hypothalamus and superior colliculus.
The reduction of activity in one neuron by activity in neighboring neurons
Lateral inhibition
When light strikes a receptor, does the receptor excite or inhibit the bipolar cells? What effect does it have on horizontal cells/ What effect does the horizontal cell have on bipolar cells
The receptor excites both the bipolar cells and the horizontal cell. The horizontal cell inhibits the same bipolar cell that was excited plus additional bipolar cells in the surround.
If light strikes only one receptor, what is the net effect on the nearest bipolar cell that is directly connected to that receptor? What is the effect on bipolar cells to the sides? What causes that effect?
It produces more excitation than inhibition for the nearest bipolar cell. For surrounding bipolar cells, it produces only inhibition. The reason is that the receptor excites a horizontal cell, which inhibits all bipolar cells in the area.
Explain why you see grayish diamonds at the crossroads among the black squares.
In the parts of your retina that look at the long white arms, each neuron is inhibited by white input on two of its sides. In the crossroads, each neuron is inhibited by input on all four sides. Therefore, the response in the crossroads is decreased compared to that in the arms.
3 categories of primate ganglion cells
1) parvocelluar neurons
2) Magnocellular neurons
3) koniocellular
small celld bodies and small receptive fields, mostly in or near fovea. means small cell in Latin
larger cell bodies and receptive fields, evenly distributed in retina large celled in latin.
small cell bodies but in retina means dust celled.
As we progress from bipolar cells to ganglion cells to later cells in the visual system, are receptive fields ordinarily larger, smaller, or the same size? WHy?
They become larger because each cell’s receptive field is made by inputs converging at an earlier level.
What are the differences between the magnocellular and parvocellular system?
Neurons of the parvocellular system have small cell bodies with small receptive fields are located mostly in and near the fovea, and are specialized for detailed and color vision. Neurons of the magnocellular system have large cell bodies with large receptive fields, are located in all parts of the retina, and are specialized for perception of large patterns and movements
If you were in a darkened room and researchers wanted to read your mind just enough to know whether you were having visual fantasies’ what could they do?
Researchers could use fMRI, EEG or other recording methods to see whether activity increased in your primary visual cortex
What is an example of an unconscious response to visual information.
In blindsight, someone can point toward an object or move the eyes toward the object, despite insisting that he or she sees nothing.
has a receptive field with fixed excitatory and inhibitory zones.
simple cell
in V1 and V2. does not respond to the exact location of stimulus. responds to pattern of light anywhere in large receptive field
complex cells
has a strong inhibitory area at one end of its bar shaped receptive field.
End stopped
How could a researcher determine whether a given neuron in the visual cortex is simple or complex?
First identity a stimulus, such as a horizontal line, that stimulates the cell. Then present the stimulus in several locations. If the cell responds strongly in only one location, it is a simple cell. If it responds in several locations it is complex
What do cells within a column of the visual cortex have in common?
They respond best to lines in the same orientation. Also, they are similar in their preference for one eye or the other, or both equally.
What is a feature detector?
It is a neuron that detects the presence of a particular aspect of an object, such as a shape or a direction of movement.
What is the effect of closing one eye early in life? Both?
If one eye is closed during early development the cortex becomes unresponsive to it. If both eyes are closed, cortical cells remain somewhat responsive for several weeks and then gradually become sluggish and unselective in their responses.
What causes astigmatism?
When the eye is not quite spherical
An infant born with dense cataracts on both eyes and they are surgically removed years later, how well does the child see at first>
Child can see well enough to identity if objects are different but does not understand what the visual information means.
What items does the brain have specialized areas for?
places, faces, and bodies including bodies in motion
The ability to recognize faces correlates with the strength of connections between which brain areas?
occipital face area and fusiform gyrus
Area V4 is important for color constancy. What is color constancy?
It is the ability to recognize the color of an object despite changes in the lighting.
When you move your eyes, why does it not seem as if the world is moving?
Neurons in areas MT and MST respond strongly when an object moves relative to the background, and not when the object and background move in the same direction and speed.
Under what circumstances does someone with an intact brain become motion blind, and what accounts for the motion blindness>
People become motion blind shortly before and during a saccade, because of suppressed activity in area MT.