___ is a dissociative state in which a person leaves his familiar surroundings, assumes a new identity, and has amnesia about his previous identity. (it’s also described as “flight from himself,”)
___ should be taken with food. A patient who is taking ___ shouldn’t restrict his ___ intake.
Lithium, Sodium
A patient who is taking lithium should stop taking the drug and call his physician if he experiences ___, ___, ___
vomiting, drowsiness, or muscle weakness
The patient who is taking a ___ for depression can include cottage cheese, cream cheese, yogurt, and sour cream in his diet. ___ is not allowed.
monoamine oxidase inhibitor, Aged cheese
The three stages of general adaptation syndrome are ___, ___, ___
alarm, resistance, and exhaustion
A ___ response to stress is drinking alcohol or smoking excessively
___ and the startle reflex are characteristics of posttraumatic stress disorder.
A treatment for a phobia is ___ , a process in which the patient is slowly exposed to the feared stimuli
Asking too many ___ yields scant information and may overwhelm a psychiatric patient and lead to stress and withdrawal.
“why” questions
___ is the ability to remember events from many years earlier
Remote memory
According to the DSM-IV, ___ is characterized by at least one manic episode that’s accompanied by hypomania
bipolar II disorder
A psychiatric patient with a substance abuse problem and a major psychiatric disorder has a ___ diagnosis.
___ potentiates the effects of tricyclic antidepressants
___ is movement from one topic to another without any discernible connection.
Flight of ideas
___ is manifested by extreme behavior, such as hurting people and animals.
Conduct disorder
During the ___ phase of an abusive relationship, the abused individual feels helpless.
In the emergency treatment of an ___ patient , determining the blood-alcohol level is paramount in determining the amount of medication that the patient needs
___ is administered orally as an aversion therapy to treat alcoholism.
Disulfiram (Antabuse)
Before electroconvulsive therapy, the patient is given the skeletal muscle relaxant ___ by I.V. administration
succinylcholine (Anectine)
An effective way to decrease the risk of suicide is to make a ___ with the patient for a specified period of time.
suicide contract
___ patterns commonly occur during the manic phase of bipolar disorder.
Delusional thought
___ is typically observed in patients who have schizophrenia
___ is characteristic of a patient who has passive aggressive personality disorder
Manipulative behavior
The therapeutic serum level of lithium (Eskalith) for maintenance is ___
0.6 to 1.2 mEq/L.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an ___
anxiety-related disorder
___ is a self-help group for families of alcoholics.
___ is a treatment for phobia, or irrational fear
After electroconvulsive therapy, the patient is placed in the ___ position, with the head turned to one side.
A ___ is a fixed false belief.
Agoraphobia is fear of ___
open spaces
A person who has paranoid personality disorder projects ___ onto others.
To assess a patient’s judgment, the nurse should ask the patient what he would do if he found a stamped, addressed envelope. An appropriate response is that ___.
he would mail the envelope
After electroconvulsive therapy, the patient should be monitored for ___
post-shock amnesia
When a psychotic patient is admitted to an in patient facility, the primary concern is ___, followed by the establishment of trust
___ is a desire to wear clothes usually worn by members of the opposite sex.
___ causes excessive blinking and unusual movement of the tongue, and involuntary sucking and chewing.
Tardive dyskinesia
___ and ___ are administered to counteract extrapyramidal adverse effects.
Trihexyphenidyl (Artane), benztropine (Cogentin)
To prevent ___, a patient who is taking a monoamine oxidase inhibitor should avoid consuming aged cheese, caffeine, beer, yeast, chocolate, liver, processed foods, and monosodium glutamate.
hypertensive crisis
___ is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Pemaline (Cylert)
___ is contraindicated in pregnant women and in patients who have severe granulocytopenia or severe central nervous system depression.
Clozapine (Clozaril)
___ , an unconscious process, is the inability to recall painful or unpleasant thoughts or feelings.
___ is shifting of unwanted characteristics or shortcomings to others (scapegoat).
___ is the use of fantasy to fill in gaps of memory
___ this EPS is irreversible
Tardive Dyskinesia
___ is contraindicated in pregnant women and in patients who have severe granulocytopenia or severe central nervous system depression.
Clozapine (Clozaril)