Medsurg 9 Flashcards
____ can cause urinary urgency and frequency, dysuria, abdominal cramps or bladder spasms, and urethral itching,
Urinary tract infections
____ is a radiographic technique that’s used to detect breast cysts or tumors, especially those that aren’t palpable on physical examination.
To promote early detection of ____ the nurse should palpate the testes during routine physical examinations and encourage the patient to perform monthly selfexaminations during a warm shower.
testicular cancer
Patients who have ____ require no treatment. Those with thalassemia major require frequent transfusions of red blood cells.
thalassemia minor
A ____ serum marker that persists for 3 months or more after the onset of acute hepatitis B infection suggests chronic hepatitis or carrier status.
high level of hepatitis B
___ is caused by disruption of nerve transmission to the bladder. It may be caused by certain spinal cord injuries, diabetes, or multiple sclerosis.
Neurogenic bladder dysfunction
____ move between the lungs and the bloodstream by diffusion.
Oxygen and carbon dioxide
To grade the severity of ____ , the following system is used: grade 1, shortness of breath on mild exertion, such as walking up steps; grade 2, shortness of breath when walking a short distance at a normal pace on level ground; grade 3, shortness of breath with mild daily activity, such as shaving; grade 4, shortness of breath when supine (orthopnea)
A patient with ____ should consume a diet low in residue, fiber, and fat, and high in calories, proteins, and carbohydrates. The patient also should take vitamin supplements, especially vitamin K.
Crohn’s disease
In the ____ , the patient cleans the meatus and urinates 10 to 15 ml in the first bottle and 15 to 30 ml (midstream) in the second bottle. Then the physician performs prostatic massage, and the patient voids into the third bottle.
three-bottle urine collection method
____ are interpreted as follows: pus in the urine (pyuria) in the first bottle indicates anterior urethritis; bacteria in the urine in the second bottle indicate bladder infection; bacteria in the third bottle indicate prostatitis.
Findings in the three-bottle urine collection method
Signs and symptoms of ____ include a loud, rough systolic murmur over the aortic area; exertional dyspnea; fatigue; angina pectoris, arrhythmias; low blood pressure; and emboli.
aortic stenosis
___ is primarily a matter of choice. It isn’t essential to the patient’s survival, but it may improve the patient’s health, comfort, or self-esteem.
Elective surgery
____ is recommended by the physician. It may be delayed, but is inevitable.
Required surgery
___ must be performed within 24 to 48 hours.
Urgent surgery
____ must be performed immediately,
Emergency surgery
___ of arterial emboli originate in the heart chambers.
About 85%
____ usually results from thrombi dislodged from the leg veins.
Pulmonary embolism
The conscious interpretation of pain occurs in the ____
cerebral cortex.
To avoid interfering with new cell growth, the dressing on a ____ site shouldn’t be disturbed.
donor skin graft
A ____ is any abnormal condition that follows and is the result of a disease, a treatment, or an injury.
____, patient care includes bed rest, oxygen therapy, analgesics as prescribed, I.V. fluid monitoring, and thorough documentation of fluid intake and output.
During sickle cell crisis
A patient who has an ____ should maintain a daily fluid intake of 2,000 ml.
ileal conduit
In a ____ , continuous bubbling in the water seal chamber or bottle indicates a leak.
closed chest drainage system
____ is a sensation of heart pounding or racing associated with normal emotional responses and certain heart disorders.
____ is likely to occur within the first 24 hours after a long-bone fracture.
Fat embolism
____ can occur in a patient with a pelvic fracture as a result of peroneal nerve compression against the head of the fibula.
To ____ after an amputation, the nurse should wrap an elastic bandage around the distal end of the stump.
promote venous return
____ that accumulates in the tubing of a ventilator should be removed.
The most common route for the administration of epinephrine to a patient who is having a severe allergic reaction is the ____
subcutaneous route
The nurse should use ____ for a patient who has abdominal pain caused by appendicitis
Fowler’s position
The nurse ____ to a patient who has abdominal pain caused by appendicitis because these drugs may mask the pain that accompanies a ruptured appendix.
shouldn’t give analgesics
____ may cause insulin resistance
As a last-ditch effort, a ____ coma may be induced to reverse unrelenting increased intracranial pressure (ICP), which is defined as acute ICP of greater than 40 mm Hg persistent elevation of ICP above 20 mm Hg, or rapidly deteriorating neurologic status
The primary signs and symptoms of ____ are stridor and progressive difficulty in swallowing
____ is the first step in the digestion of starch.
A patient who has a ____ should measure the pulse rate before rising in the morning, notify the physician if the pulse rate drops by 5 beats/minute, obtain a medical identification card and bracelet, and resume normal activities, including sexual activity.
demand pacemaker
____ is a temporary procedure that’s performed to divert the fecal stream in a patient who has acute intestinal obstruction,
Transverse, or loop, colostomy
____ are 0 to 15 mm/hour for men younger than age 50 and 0 to 20 mm/hour for women younger than age 50.
Normal values for erythrocyte sedimentation rate
A ____ that’s more than 5% of total CK or more than 10 U/L suggests a myocardial infarction.
CK-MB level
___ blocks sympathetic nerve stimuli that increase cardiac work during exercise or stress, which reduces heart rate, blood pressure, and myocardial oxygen consumption.
Propranolol (inderal)
____ , electrocardiogram changes (ST-segment elevation, Twave inversion, and Q-wave enlargement) usually appear in the first 24 hours, but may not appear until the 5th or 6th day.
After a myocardial infarction
____ is manifested by systolic blood pressure of less than 80 mm Hg, gray skin, diaphoresis, cyanosis, weak pulse rate, tachycardia or bradycardia, and oliguria (less than 30 ml of urine per hour).
Cardiogenic shock
A patient who is receiving ____ shouldn’t eat cottage cheese, fish, canned beans, chuck steak, chocolate pudding, Italian salad dressing, dill pickles, and beef broth.
a low-sodium diet
____ include dried prunes, watermelon (15.3 mEq/ portion), dried lima beans (14.5 mEq/portion), soybeans, bananas, and oranges.
High potassium foods
___ are faster and deeper than normal respirations and occur without pauses, as in diabetic ketoacidosis.
Kussmaul’s respirations