PSA Contract (2021 - 2024) Flashcards
What is excluded from the right to assign or transfer for ______ except for cause?
This refers to the management’s rights regarding workforce direction.
The City retains the right to establish reasonable ______ of conduct.
This includes discharge or discipline for cause.
The City’s failure to exercise any right shall not be considered a ______ of those rights.
This ensures that non-use of a right does not relinquish it.
The Association acknowledges that the City is not waiving its rights under ______.
NRS 288.150
This law pertains to bargaining over non-mandatory subjects.
The City’s right to determine the location of the workforce falls under its ______ prerogatives.
This includes scheduling and hours of shifts.
A normal workday shall consist of ______ consecutive hours in a day.
This is the standard length for a workday.
Supervisors must be provided a minimum of ______ hours between shifts when their scheduled work shift is modified.
This is to ensure adequate rest between shifts.
The normal workweek consists of ______ consecutive ten-hour days.
Four (4)
This defines the standard workweek structure.
Overtime is defined as working longer than a normal shift with notification prior to completion of a shift or receiving more than ______ hours’ notice.
This indicates the threshold for overtime eligibility.
If a supervisor is directed to work overtime on a holiday, they shall be paid at the rate of ______ times their premium wages.
Two (2)
This reflects the compensation structure for holiday overtime.
Call-out pay is earned when a supervisor is called back to duty with less than ______ hours’ notice.
This defines the conditions under which call-out pay applies.
A supervisor called back to work shall receive a minimum of ______ hours of overtime pay.
Four (4)
This sets the minimum threshold for overtime pay.
Employees on standby status shall be compensated ______ per hour for every hour of their normal off-duty time.
This compensation is for employees on standby duty.
Supervisors conducting pre-shift briefings shall receive ______ minutes of briefing pay.
This is the duration for which they are compensated at a premium rate.
The maximum TILO time balance an employee may have at the end of any pay period is ______ hours.
This sets a limit on leave balances.
The base wage rate steps set out in the attached Appendix shall be in effect from ______ through June 30, 2024.
July 1, 2021
This indicates the timeline for wage rates.
Overtime shall be calculated at base wages plus longevity multiplied by ______.
This specifies the rate for calculating overtime pay.
Effective the pay period that includes July 1, 2022, all salary schedules will be adjusted in accordance with the Consumer Price Index, with a salary adjustment range of no less than ______ and no more than ______.
2.00%, 3.00%
This indicates the adjustment limits based on inflation.
All active employees will receive a one-time lump sum distribution of ______ within two pay periods following ratification of this Agreement.
This is a one-time payment to employees.
After completing ______ years of full-time employment, a supervisor shall receive an additional three and one-half percent (3 ½%) of their base monthly wage.
Seven (7)
This establishes the longevity pay criteria.
Employees hired after July 1, 2008, will receive a maximum longevity pay of ______ percent.
12 ½%
This sets a cap on longevity pay for newer employees.
Supervisors hired after ______ shall not be eligible for any longevity pay.
July 1, 2014
This specifies the cutoff date for longevity pay eligibility.
Supervisors working swing shift on a ten-hour schedule shall receive ______ percent shift differential pay.
This indicates the additional pay for swing shifts.
Supervisors assigned to graveyard shift on a ten-hour schedule shall receive ______ percent shift differential pay.
This reflects the compensation for working during late hours.
Sergeants and Lieutenants assigned to special units shall receive ______ percent assignment differential pay.
This recognizes the additional responsibilities of special unit assignments.
The City shall pay an annual amount of ______ to supervisors who are conversant in Spanish or another second language.
This is an incentive for language skills deemed necessary for job duties.
A canine supervisor shall be compensated for ______ hours per pay period for at-home care of an assigned canine.
This reflects the care responsibilities for canine units.
The City shall issue supervisors a basic uniform consisting of ______ summer shirts and ______ winter shirts.
4, 4
This defines the uniform provision for supervisors.
Supervisors will be issued a ballistic vest upon request, and vests will be replaced every ______ years.
This ensures that safety equipment is maintained.
The City shall provide a semi-annual clothing and footwear allowance of ______ to all supervisors.
This is the amount allocated for uniforms and footwear.
A wristwatch damaged while acting in an official capacity can be replaced with a maximum reimbursement value of ______.
This outlines the reimbursement policy for damaged personal items.
Prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses damaged in the line of duty can be replaced with a maximum reimbursement of ______.
This is provided there is no insurance reimbursement.
The City shall provide the Association with a current seniority list in the month of ______ each year.
This establishes the timeline for seniority updates.
City seniority shall commence with the original date of hire and shall be adjusted by subtracting all time between any ______ and rehire.
This outlines how seniority is calculated.
Shift bids shall begin on ______ and shall be completed by ______ each year.
December 1st; January 15th
This sets the timeline for shift bidding.
Seniority shall be considered exercised when a supervisor uses it to secure an annual leave request of ______ or more consecutive days.
Four (4)
This establishes the criteria for exercising seniority.
A supervisor’s selected shift preference cannot be changed for a period of ______ unless good cause is shown.
One (1) year
This protects shift preferences once selected.
Promotional examinations for Police supervisors shall be held in ______ of each year.
This defines the annual promotional exam schedule.
The promotional eligibility list shall be effective for one year from the date of ______.
This indicates the duration of the eligibility list.
Promotional lists shall be certified, approved, and published by the Director of Human Resources within ______ working days after conclusion of appeals.
This sets a timeframe for the certification process.
The minimum passing score for a promotional examination shall be ______.
This establishes the benchmark for passing the exam.
An oral examination panel shall consist of one individual of equal rank and ______ individuals of equal or greater rank.
This outlines the composition of the examination panel.
An examinee must have a score of at least ______ to appeal their examination results.
This establishes the threshold for filing an appeal.
If a written exam will be used, a bibliography must be posted at least ______ days before the Request to Compete deadline.
This ensures adequate preparation time for candidates.
A supervisor who is removed from an unclassified position for reasons other than cause shall be returned to their ______ position in the bargaining unit.
This policy protects the employment status of supervisors.
In the event of a supervisor’s death, compensation for any unused accrued leave will be paid to the person listed as the beneficiary in the ______.
City-provided life insurance policy
This outlines the beneficiary policy for leave compensation.
A supervisor working on a holiday shall be compensated at ______ times their current rate of pay.
One and one-half (1 ½)
This indicates the holiday pay rate.
Supervisors may accrue a maximum of ______ hours of holiday leave, payable upon separation from the City.
This sets a cap on holiday leave accrual.
Annual leave requests must be approved in advance and are subject to the seniority provisions of ______.
Article 16
This ensures seniority is considered in leave approvals.
Sick leave shall accrue at a rate of ______ hours per pay period.
This reflects the accrual rate based on a forty-hour workweek.
A supervisor will be granted ______ days of bereavement leave for the death of an immediate family member.
This specifies the leave duration for bereavement.
A supervisor on military leave shall receive full compensation for up to ______ shifts per calendar year.
This outlines the compensation policy for military leave.
A supervisor on military leave shall receive full compensation for up to ______ shifts per calendar year.
This is the maximum number of shifts a supervisor can receive compensation for while on military leave.
Upon separation, all accrued leave shall be paid at the supervisor’s ______, if eligible.
Premium wages
This refers to the higher pay rate applicable to accrued leave.
If a holiday falls on a supervisor’s scheduled day off, the holiday hours shall ______.
Be accrued
This means that the supervisor will receive credit for the holiday hours.
If a supervisor submits a holiday leave request with at least ______ weeks’ notice, the request shall be granted.
This is the minimum notice period required for holiday leave requests.
The City and the Association agree that departmental Rules and Regulations do not change or delete the ______ of this contract.
This indicates the foundational sections of the contract that remain intact.
The ______ shall be responsible for providing supervisors with current copies of Rules and Regulations, Policies and Procedures, and other Department manuals.
Department Chief
This role includes ensuring that supervisors have up-to-date information.
Changes to departmental Rules and Regulations shall not affect subjects of ______ bargaining without prior negotiations.
This emphasizes the need for negotiations on important topics.
The official name of this document is the ______.
Supervisors’ Procedural Bill of Rights
This document outlines the rights of police supervisors.
Except as modified by this agreement, all statutory provisions in ______ (Supervisors’ Bill of Rights) are retained and exclusively vested.
NRS 289
This refers to the specific Nevada Revised Statutes governing supervisors’ rights.
No supervisor shall be required to engage in ______ while on duty or in uniform.
Political activity
This protects supervisors from being forced into political actions.
A supervisor under interrogation shall be given at least ______ hours’ notice before an administrative interview.
This notice period is designed to ensure fairness in the process.
The complete interrogation of a supervisor shall be ______.
This ensures transparency in the interrogation process.
A supervisor has ______ calendar days to file a written response to any adverse comment entered in their personnel file.
This allows supervisors a reasonable timeframe to respond to their personnel file entries.
If a supervisor is subject to personnel action, they must be notified in writing within ______ calendar days after the disciplinary hearing.
This is the timeframe within which supervisors should be informed of disciplinary outcomes.
A supervisor shall not be required to disclose personal financial information unless there is a ______.
Reasonable belief of conflict of interest
This protects supervisors’ privacy unless there is a valid concern.
An officer may choose to accept discipline without contesting it to avoid a majority of the steps in the ______ investigation.
Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB)
This option is available to streamline the disciplinary process.
An officer who accepts the proposed discipline and complaint disposition of ‘sustained’ must sign a ______.
Declining to Contest Allegation of Misconduct Form
This form formalizes the officer’s acceptance of the discipline.
A grievance is defined as a complaint regarding working conditions, wages, benefits, departmental rules and regulations, or the ______ and application of this Agreement.
This highlights the scope of grievances that can be filed.
Before submitting a written grievance, an employee may first discuss the issue with their immediate supervisor or the ______.
Department Chief
This step is encouraged to resolve issues informally.
The Department Chief has ______ calendar days to provide a written response to the grievance.
This is the timeframe for the Department Chief to respond to grievances.
If a mutually satisfactory settlement cannot be reached, the Association has the right to submit the matter to ______.
This provides a formal avenue for dispute resolution.
The arbitrator must render a decision within ______ calendar days from the conclusion of the hearing.
This ensures a timely resolution to the arbitration process.