NLVPD Procedure CH1 Flashcards
A ________ is a broad statement of the end or result that one intends to achieve, typically requiring a long time span to accomplish.
Goals are often long-term and provide direction for planning and action.
An ________ is an end or result that one intends to obtain to achieve partial fulfillment of a goal, and it typically requires a shorter time to accomplish.
Objectives are specific and measurable steps that contribute to achieving a goal.
Goals should be stated in a way that permits ________ of their achievement.
Measurement is crucial for assessing progress and success.
The Chief of Police will evaluate and, if necessary, revise, and issue Department goals and objectives in ________ of each year.
This timing allows for aligning departmental strategies for the upcoming year.
Division Commanders, Managers, and Bureau Supervisors will develop goals and objectives for their respective components that are ________ of the Department goals and objectives.
Complementary goals ensure alignment within the organization.
All personnel within a component will be afforded an opportunity to provide ________ into the development of component goals and objectives.
Input from various personnel enhances the relevance and effectiveness of goals.
Component goals and objectives must be submitted to the Chief of Police by ________ of each year to enable approval and distribution.
September 15
This deadline is critical for planning and implementation.
Division Commanders/Managers and Bureau Supervisors will conduct an in-depth evaluation of progress toward attainment of their respective component goals and objectives and submit a report to the Chief of Police by ________ of each year.
August 1
Regular evaluations ensure accountability and progress tracking.
The Chief of Police is responsible for issuing ________ goals and objectives for the Department each year.
Department goals provide a framework for all divisions and components.
The process of developing goals and objectives for each component is meant to ensure that each division’s goals are ________ with the overarching Department goals.
Supportive goals foster collaboration and coherence within the Department.
Personnel shall not proceed to any supervisor or subordinate level in their chain of command without first notifying each ________ superior in their chain of command.
This protocol ensures proper communication and respect for the chain of command.
The chain of command for commissioned personnel in descending order starts with the ________.
Chief of Police
The Chief of Police is the highest-ranking officer in the department.
After the Chief of Police, the next position in the chain of command for commissioned personnel is the ________.
Assistant Chief
The Assistant Chief supports the Chief and oversees departmental functions.
For commissioned personnel, the rank that follows Captains in the chain of command is ________.
Lieutenants play a key role in managing operations and personnel.
The chain of command for non-commissioned personnel in descending order starts with the ________.
Chief of Police
Non-commissioned personnel follow the same chain as commissioned personnel.
After the Chief of Police, the next position in the chain of command for non-commissioned personnel is the ________.
Assistant Chief
This structure is essential for maintaining order and management.
For non-commissioned personnel, the next rank after Captains in the chain of command is ________.
Civilian Supervisors
Civilian Supervisors manage non-commissioned staff and operations.
The chain of command for civilian staff includes positions such as ________, Communications, and Community Services personnel.
Managers oversee specific operational areas within the civilian staff.
For commissioned personnel, the chain of command continues in descending order with ________ after Sergeants.
Detectives are specialized officers who investigate cases and gather evidence.
Non-commissioned personnel typically include positions such as ________, Communications personnel, and Classification Technicians.
Civilian staff
Civilian staff support various functions within the department.
Department Policies (PO) provide ________ on what is expected of NLVPD employees.
broad guidance
Broad guidance helps employees understand their roles and responsibilities.
________ provide specific details on how NLVPD employees are expected to perform their duties.
Department Procedures
Procedures outline the specific actions required to meet policy expectations.
Procedures unique to a specific division, including the Community Correctional Center, will be contained in ________.
Division Procedures
Division Procedures address specific operational needs and standards.
It is the responsibility of each employee to understand and adhere to all Department Policies and Procedures as well as the ________ for the specific division they are assigned to.
Division Procedures
Adherence ensures compliance with established standards and practices.
All current Department Policies and Procedures are accessible in ________.
PowerDMS is a centralized platform for managing departmental policies.
Department Policies and Procedures must be ________, concise, and simple to interpret.
Keeping policies current is vital for relevance and compliance.
To request revisions to any department policy, procedure, or division procedure, an employee must ________.
complete a Policy Revision Request Form
This formal process ensures that all requests are documented and reviewed.
Upon initial approval of a revision request, the ________ will create a draft with proposed changes in PowerDMS.
Professional Standards Coordinator
The Coordinator oversees policy revisions and updates.
After a policy revision is approved, the Professional Standards Coordinator will assign it a ________ number.
Directive numbers help in tracking and referencing policies.
When a policy or procedure change is approved, all Police Department employees will receive an ________ alerting them to the update in PowerDMS.
Email notifications ensure that all employees are informed of changes.
The Policy Steering Committee (PSC) is composed of ________ members.
The PSC plays a crucial role in policy review and recommendations.
The PSC is responsible for reviewing proposed changes to policy and procedure and offering ________, if requested by Command Staff.
Recommendations help guide decision-making for policy changes.
Personnel Orders (PO’s) are prepared by ________ in the Chief’s Office.
Administrative Staff
Administrative Staff manage the documentation and communication of orders.
Personnel Orders will be signed by the ________ (or designee) and saved to the P: drive.
Chief of Police
This process ensures accountability and official record-keeping.
A copy of the signed Personnel Order and acknowledgement form will be maintained in the employee’s ________ file in the Office of the Chief.
Personnel files are crucial for tracking employee records and compliance.
A ________ examines all personnel, property, procedures, and results for the basic purpose of providing current and timely information, identifying deficiencies, and highlighting successful aspects of Department activities.
Quality Audit
Quality Audits help improve service delivery and operational efficiency.
________ is the ongoing process of observation and review conducted by the first-line supervisor or others directly responsible for the activity being audited.
Internal Audit
Internal Audits are essential for maintaining standards and accountability.
A ________ is conducted by personnel who do not have control over the persons, facilities, or procedures being audited and must be conducted at least once every three years.
External Audit
External Audits provide an independent review of operations and compliance.
The Chief of Police may direct ________ on an as-needed basis to assess a component that needs more frequent evaluation.
Special Purpose Audits
Special Purpose Audits address specific concerns or areas of interest.
________ are conclusions made in an audit that identify conditions, favorable or unfavorable, which impact the quality of services or are contrary to Department policies and procedures.
Findings are critical for understanding performance and compliance issues.
The head of each component is responsible for conducting random ________ on a monthly basis and reporting the results and subsequent corrective actions taken.
Internal Audits
Regular Internal Audits support ongoing quality assurance efforts.
Captains or Division Directors are required to include a summary of ________ activities in their monthly report to the Chief of Police.
Internal Auditing
Summaries of Internal Auditing activities ensure transparency and accountability.
The ________ Division is responsible for submitting an inspection plan to the Chief of Police 90 days in advance of an external audit.
Professional Standards
Planning in advance is crucial for a successful external audit process.
The Professional Standards Division will send out an employee and customer survey ________ days in advance of an audit.
Surveys gather valuable feedback and insights for the audit.
After conducting an audit, the Professional Standards Division prepares a ________ report summarizing the inspection activities, strengths, and weaknesses identified.
Final Audit
Final Audit reports are essential for documenting the audit outcomes.
The head of the component must prepare a ________ report within 30 days of receiving the final audit report.
Follow-up reports detail actions taken in response to audit findings.
The Professional Standards Division will send a ________ of the follow-up report to the Chief of Police and other relevant personnel.
Distributing copies ensures all relevant parties are informed.
The ________ prepares a written checklist of items that will be audited for each external audit.
Professional Standards Division
Checklists help ensure thoroughness and consistency in audits.
During an external audit, auditors have the authority to interview any and all employees, view records, and ________ to assess its function or serviceability.
manipulate any device
This authority allows auditors to perform comprehensive evaluations.
A ________ is conducted to examine the property/equipment inventories, activity reports, personnel rosters, and other records as part of the audit preparation.
Pre-audit Meeting
Pre-audit meetings are essential for organizing and preparing for audits.
After approval of the budget, Division Commanders, Bureau Managers, and Bureau Supervisors will ________ submitted items in accordance with approved funding, where permissible.
Prioritization ensures effective use of resources and funding.
The primary purpose of the budget preparation process is to ________ submitted items in accordance with available funding.
This process helps align expenditures with departmental needs.
Once the budget is approved, it is the responsibility of the ________ to prioritize items based on available funding.
Division Commanders, Bureau Managers, and Bureau Supervisors
These roles are critical for managing departmental budgets effectively.
The annual budget preparation process ensures that ________ is used effectively by the North Las Vegas Police Department.
Effective funding management is essential for operational success.
The decision to ________ submitted items depends on the approved funding and priorities set by Division Commanders and Bureau Supervisors.
Prioritizing helps allocate resources to the most critical needs.
Personnel in the Resource Management Division will review various grant information websites, including those of state and federal agencies, to ________ potential grant funding opportunities.
Identifying grant opportunities is key to securing additional funding.
Once a grant funding opportunity is identified, personnel in the Resource Management Division will ________ the information to personnel within the Department who are responsible for the area the grant might impact.
Dissemination ensures that relevant staff are aware of potential funding.
The dissemination of grant opportunity information typically includes sending the details to the ________ of the Community Correctional Center and the Police Chief.
Assistant Chief
The Assistant Chief plays a critical role in managing grant-related activities.
After the decision to apply for a grant is made, the development of the grant application will be ________ by the individual whose duties will be impacted by the grant.
Coordination ensures that the application accurately reflects departmental needs.
Programmatic reports related to grants are typically the responsibility of the ________ of the grant program but must be coordinated through personnel in the Resource Management Division.
Grant Program Manager
The Grant Program Manager ensures compliance with grant requirements.
Personnel in the Resource Management Division are responsible for preparing and submitting all required ________ reports to the grantor agency.
Financial reports are critical for transparency and accountability in grant usage.
Grant financial reports and supporting worksheets must be submitted to the ________ of the Division for review and approval before being submitted to the grantor agency.
Review and approval by the Captain ensure accuracy and compliance.
Personnel responsible for processing accounting transactions in Oracle 11i must route these transactions to personnel in the ________ Division to ensure proper account coding.
Resource Management
Proper account coding is essential for accurate financial reporting.
What type of reports must be submitted to the Division for review and approval before being submitted to the grantor agency?
Financial reports and supporting worksheets
Financial reports are essential for transparency and accountability in grant management.
Who must grant financial reports be submitted to for review and approval?
The Captain is responsible for overseeing the submission process of financial reports.
Which Division must personnel route accounting transactions to for proper account coding?
Resource Management Division
Correct account coding is crucial for accurate financial reporting.
What is the purpose of CNLV Fund 210?
To deposit and distribute donated funds for certain areas of the Department
Fund 210 is managed by the Resource Management Division.
To initiate an account in Fund 210, where should donated cash or checks be delivered?
Resource Management Division’s Receivable/Payable Fiscal Technician
Proper handling of donations ensures appropriate tracking and accountability.
When a donation is made, to whom should the check be made payable?
North Las Vegas Police Department
This ensures funds are directed correctly for Department use.
What can be provided to a donor for tax filing purposes upon request?
Tax-exempt status letter
This letter serves as proof for donors regarding the tax-deductible nature of their contributions.
Where must donated equipment be brought for entry into the Department’s inventory management system?
Inventory Control Database Coordinator
Accurate inventory management helps maintain accountability for Department assets.
Who must be notified when donated equipment is no longer useful?
Resource Management Division
This ensures proper removal and documentation of inventory.
What are CNLV P-Cards issued for?
To help manage low-dollar purchases and can be used to draw on a Fund 210 if authorized
P-Cards simplify the purchasing process for smaller transactions.
What is the maximum amount that can be purchased using personal funds through Petty Cash Reimbursement?
Proper documentation is required for reimbursement to maintain financial integrity.
Purchases over $150.00 must be made using a ________.
Purchase request form
This ensures that larger purchases are properly approved and documented.
Who develops the comprehensive statistical report on incidents and calls for service?
Police Statistician
This report aids in assessing service demands and resource allocation.
By when is the statistical information for workload distribution factors distributed to Division Commanders?
November 1 of each year
Timely distribution helps in planning and resource management.
What source material is used for the annual statistical report?
Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)
UCR provides standardized data for crime reporting.
What type of report is developed on a monthly basis analyzing incidents requiring law enforcement response?
Statistical report
Monthly reports help in monitoring trends and patterns in law enforcement.
Shift minimums for patrol will be ________ of the allotted personnel per shift.
This ensures adequate coverage and response capabilities.
The X proportional distribution system considers the number and types of ________ handled by personnel.
This system helps determine the necessary personnel allocation.
What does the ‘assignment/availability factor’ represent?
The ratio of scheduled days off to total potential days
This factor is critical for understanding available resources.
The calculation of the percent of time an employee should be available is based on the ________.
Assignment/availability factor
This calculation aids in personnel management and scheduling.
How will a specialized assignment opening be announced if it has been over three months since the last posting?
Written or email form
Written announcements ensure clarity and reach to potential candidates.
What must the announcement of a specialized assignment include?
Closing date for submittal of applications
Clear deadlines are essential for the application process.
Through whom will an applicant submit a memorandum for a specialized assignment?
Chain of command
Following the chain of command maintains organizational structure and protocol.
Who appoints the interview/evaluation selection committee for specialized assignments?
The Captain is responsible for overseeing the selection process.
The committee for a specialized assignment should consist of at least ________ members.
A diverse committee ensures a fair evaluation process.
What must the committee review prior to the interview/evaluation process?
Training records and previous two annual performance evaluations
This review helps assess the applicant’s qualifications.
What types of tests may be included in the interview/evaluation process?
Written, oral, or practical performance tests
Various testing methods provide a comprehensive evaluation of candidates.
How will each committee member evaluate the applicant to ensure fairness?
Individual evaluations help eliminate bias in the selection process.
Who receives the scores and recommendations after the interview/evaluation process is concluded?
Chief of Police
The Chief makes the final decision based on committee input.
How long will applicants who are not selected for a specialized assignment remain eligible?
Three months
This timeframe allows for re-evaluation for future openings.
What does ePD stand for?
Electronic Police Document
ePD facilitates communication between shifts.
What type of information is entered into ePD?
Daily shift log
This log helps maintain records of significant events and transitions.
What information is entered into ePD to ensure officer safety?
Officer safety information
This information is critical for maintaining situational awareness.
What is documented in ePD regarding Watch Commander assignments?
The officer in charge of overseeing the shift
This documentation helps clarify leadership roles during shifts.
What are ‘Attempt to locate bulletins’ used for in ePD?
To record suspects or vehicles being sought
These bulletins assist in ongoing investigations.
What is the purpose of ePD in terms of shift transitions?
To maintain communication and situational awareness
Effective communication is essential for operational continuity.
At what type of events may the Honor Guard provide services?
Funeral services
The Honor Guard pays respects to fallen officers.
How many members are required in a casket team?
This team is responsible for carrying out ceremonial duties.
What type of salute does the rifle team provide during funeral services?
Three-volley firing salute
This is a traditional military honor given at funerals.
How many members are required in a color guard?
The color guard is responsible for presenting the flags.
Who can participate in the Honor Guard?
NLVPD officers who have successfully completed probation
Participation requires a commitment to the team’s values and duties.
How must officers request consideration to participate in the Honor Guard?
Submit a memo through their respective chain of command
This process maintains adherence to departmental protocols.
Who can request the Honor Guard to render honors at a funeral?
A member of the deceased’s family or a Department member
This ensures that requests are respectful and appropriate.
Who do Honor Guard personnel report to upon activation?
Honor Guard Commander
The Commander oversees the Honor Guard’s activities and responsibilities.
What is the Honor Guard Commander’s responsibility at funerals of current or retired officers?
Making arrangements for Police Honors
This includes coordinating the ceremonial aspects of the funeral.
The 21-gun salute is generally reserved for ________.
Line of duty deaths of commissioned officers
This salute is a high honor in recognition of service and sacrifice.
Which elements are generally reserved for a line of duty death of a commissioned officer?
Bag Pipes, Police Procession, and Taps
These elements symbolize respect and remembrance.
The Department’s volunteer program is administered through the ________.
Police Community Services Program Manager
This role involves coordinating volunteer efforts within the Department.
What must an individual fill out to volunteer with the Department?
Completing an application is the first step in the volunteer process.
Volunteers can perform duties that are ________ in nature.
Clerical and non-technical
This allows volunteers to assist in various supportive roles.
Who maintains a list of all individuals wishing to volunteer?
Police Community Services Program Manager
This list helps match volunteers to departmental needs.
What form must a department complete to request a volunteer?
Volunteers In Police Service (VIPS) Volunteer Request Form
This form standardizes the request process for volunteer support.
To be eligible for the student intern program, an intern must ________.
Be a U.S. citizen or have current Lawful Resident Status
This requirement ensures compliance with legal standards for internships.
Who coordinates the RECAP (Rebuilding Every City Around Peace) program?
Community Oriented Policing (COP) Unit
The COP Unit focuses on community engagement and peace initiatives.
What is the first requirement to participate in the program?
Be a U.S. citizen or have current Lawful Resident Status
Who coordinates the RECAP (Rebuilding Every City Around Peace) program?
Community Oriented Policing (COP) Unit
Who activates RECAP volunteers through contact with dispatch?
Watch Commander
RECAP volunteers respond to scenes involving ________.
Disorderly or uncooperative crowds
One of the primary goals of the RECAP volunteers is to ________ towards police.
Quell hostilities
The RECAP Program is detailed in Chapter ________ of the Community Oriented Policing (COP) Unit Procedure Manual.