NLVPD Procedure CH 5 Flashcards
All records, except __________ data, shall be kept secured and confidentially maintained by the Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB) or Human Resources (HR)
Statistical data refers to information collected for analysis and reporting purposes.
Routine exposure of such records to public inspection would undermine the Police Department’s ability to control employees’ __________
Accountability ensures that employees are responsible for their actions.
IAB shall provide the Chief of Police with an annual __________ report of all commissioned internal affairs investigations
This report summarizes the findings of internal investigations.
A complaint is defined as any allegation of __________ by any employee of the Police Department
Misconduct can include unethical or illegal behavior.
Any commissioned employee who is the subject of a complaint shall be afforded appropriate __________ as determined by the Chief of Police
Disclosure refers to informing the employee of the complaint details.
A formal complaint must be accompanied by a signed __________ before an investigation will begin
Complaint Allegation Inquiry Form
This form is essential for initiating the formal complaint process.
If a complaint is classified as formal and a signed Complaint Allegation Inquiry Form has not been obtained, it shall be routed through the chain of __________
The chain of command ensures proper handling and oversight.
In an informal complaint, the supervisor should notify the __________ of the complaint within 14 calendar days
chain of command
Timely notification is crucial for accountability.
Supervisors are required to wear __________ when interviewing complainants during the complaint process
body-worn cameras (BWC)
BWCs help ensure transparency and accountability during interactions.
If an employee becomes the subject of a criminal investigation, an administrative investigation will not be initiated until __________
criminal investigation is completed
This policy prevents interference with ongoing criminal proceedings.
Any formal complaint investigation must be completed within __________ days
This timeline is set to ensure timely resolution of complaints.
After completing a formal complaint investigation, the Chief of Police or designee will determine the __________ and action to be taken
Disposition refers to the outcome of the investigation.
If a complaint investigation finds that the alleged conduct was justified, lawful, and proper, the complaint disposition will be __________
Exoneration indicates that the employee acted appropriately.
If a supervisor determines that a complaint arose due to policy or procedure failure, notification will be made to the __________
Professional Standards Division or Human Resources
This ensures that systemic issues are addressed.
The Garrity Warning applies to all verbal and written communications required of a __________ employee as part of an official investigation
This warning informs employees of their rights during investigations.
Which of the following is not a form of discipline for a commissioned (non-supervisor) employee?
Oral warning
Oral warnings are typically not considered formal discipline.
For a commissioned (supervisor) employee, which of the following disciplinary actions is authorized per Municipal Code 2.68.205?
Suspension with pay
This allows for an investigation without loss of income.
When an employee’s misconduct is the result of lacking necessary Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities (SKAs), which corrective measure will they receive?
Training addresses gaps in employee performance.
Counseling may be imposed in place of or in conjunction with disciplinary actions. Which of the following factors should be considered when deciding whether or not to counsel an employee?
All of the above
Each factor can affect the decision to counsel.
Who has the authority to impose permanent separation from employment?
City Manager or designee
This authority is usually reserved for high-level management.
Which of the following actions must be recorded in the employee’s Department and City personnel files?
Disciplinary action by the Chief of Police
Documentation of disciplinary actions is essential for accountability.
If an employee refuses to sign the record of disciplinary action placed in their personnel file, what must be done?
A witness must note that the employee was presented with the opportunity to read and sign the record and refused
This protects the integrity of the disciplinary process.
What action may a supervisor take if an employee’s ability to perform work is impaired due to abnormal behavior or indications of alcohol or drug use?
Relieve the employee from duty
This action ensures workplace safety.
Before being returned to duty after being relieved from duty, what might an employee need to undergo?
Medical and/or psychological evaluation
Evaluations ensure the employee is fit for duty.
What should be included in a Personnel Order when an employee is permanently separated due to misconduct?
A description of specific violations
Clear documentation is vital for transparency.
Which of the following can be a form of discipline for a Teamster Represented employee?
All of the above
Teamster Represented employees are subject to various disciplinary actions.
Who is responsible for maintaining a performance observation file for each employee under their immediate command?
Each supervisor
Supervisors must track employee performance for accountability.
What must happen before unfavorable or adverse comments are placed in a supervisor’s performance observation file?
The employee must read and initial (or sign) the comment or document
This ensures transparency and acknowledgment.
The Early Intervention System (EIS) at NLVPD is designed to assist with employee success, ensure supervisory accountability, and reduce ________
legal risk and liability
EIS aims to proactively address issues before they escalate.
Which of the following categories is NOT monitored by the EIS at NLVPD?
Employee Promotions
EIS focuses on behavioral and performance issues.
When an employee’s performance reaches a trigger level in a particular category, the employee’s Lieutenant or Manager receives a ________ alert
Incident alerts indicate the need for supervisory attention.
In the event an employee reaches a predetermined number of incidents within any 12-month period, the employee’s Lieutenant or Manager receives an ________ alert
Overall alerts signify a pattern of behavior requiring intervention.
What is the main purpose of the EIS alerts?
To notify supervisors of patterns of problematic behavior
This system helps in early identification of issues.
Once an alert is triggered, it is mandatory that the employee’s ________ reviews the individual incidents and generates a response
Lieutenant or Manager
Supervisors must take responsibility for addressing alerts.
Which of the following is NOT an intervention option available under the NLVPD Early Intervention System (EIS)?
Suspension without pay
EIS focuses on corrective actions rather than punitive measures.
In the event that an issue or possible problem is identified, the supervisor is expected to initiate an ________ process
Interventions are designed to correct issues before they escalate.
Which of the following steps should be documented in the response to an EIS alert when an intervention is initiated?
Steps taken in the intervention process (e.g., remedial training, referral to EARR)
Documentation is key for accountability and follow-up.
The EIS aims to provide employees with the opportunity to correct performance or personal issues in a ________ manner
This approach encourages improvement without punitive action.
Which of the following is an example of data that supervisors may enter into the EIS?
All of the above
Various data types can help identify performance trends.
Which of the following categories are part of the NLVPD Early Intervention System (EIS)?
All of the above
EIS includes various performance-related categories for monitoring.
The Commendations Board at NLVPD is established to ________ certain recommendations for commendations for Department members
Review and approve or disapprove
The Board ensures that commendations are warranted.
The Chief of Police appoints a Chairperson for the Commendations Board who votes only in the event of a ________
Tie vote
This ensures that decisions are made efficiently.
The Commendations Board meets on a ________ basis, as needed and deemed by the Chairperson
Regular meetings ensure timely review of commendations.
To maintain the integrity of the commendation program, nominations must be submitted within ________ days of discovering the act
Timely submissions help preserve the context of commendable actions.
The Medal of Honor is awarded to individuals who display ________ bravery and/or heroism in extreme personal danger
This award recognizes exceptional acts of courage.
The Justice Heart Award is given to individuals who sustain ________ through hostile actions while performing official duties
Disfigurement, impairment, or permanent bodily harm
This award acknowledges sacrifices made in the line of duty.
The Meritorious Service Award is awarded for a highly unusual accomplishment under ________ conditions
This award highlights exceptional achievements in challenging circumstances.
The Community Service Award is given for extraordinary service to the community either ________ or on-duty, without risk to personal safety
This recognizes contributions made outside of official duties.
The Lifesaving Award is given for an act to ________ a human life or lives that would have otherwise immediately expired without intervention
This award honors actions that save lives.
The FBI National Academy Award is given to individuals who successfully complete a ________-week course located in Quantico, Virginia
This prestigious academy trains law enforcement leaders.
The Certificate of Appreciation (Employees) is signed by the ________, not reviewed by the Commendations Board
Chief of Police
This certificate recognizes employee contributions without formal review.
The Commendable Action is awarded for services that do not meet the criteria for other commendations like Honor, Valor, or Lifesaving and is approved at the ________ level
This award acknowledges valuable contributions at a local level.
The process for nominations of the Medal of Honor, Medal of Valor, Meritorious Service, and similar awards requires submission through the employee’s ________ to the appropriate commander
Chain of command
This ensures proper oversight and approval of commendation nominations.
The process for nominations of the Certificate of Appreciation for a citizen or group requires submission to the ________ for approval
This allows for recognition of community contributions.
Commendation Award nominations for time served in a specialized unit require a minimum of ________ years of service in that unit
This ensures a significant commitment to specialized duties.
After the Commendations Board review, the Chairperson will provide the Chief with a ________ of the Board’s actions on submitted recommendations
This report summarizes the Board’s decisions regarding commendations.
The PIO is responsible for conducting ________ to correspond with the award ceremonies
Press releases
Press releases help communicate the significance of the awards to the public.