NLVPD Policy CH 13 Flashcards
What is the primary purpose of the NLVPD Computer Policy?
To ensure computers and related systems are used for business purposes to serve the interests of the NLVPD and the citizens
This policy provides guidance for proper use of personal computers and related systems.
Who is responsible for ensuring that employees understand and follow the computer usage guidelines?
Each employee, as part of a team effort
Effective information system security is a team effort.
Before granting remote access to the City network, whose review and approval are required?
The State of Nevada Local Agency Security Officer (LASO) and the Chief of Police
Approval process includes a vetting process.
Data created on NLVPD computer systems is considered the property of?
The City of North Las Vegas (CNLV)
All data created on NLVPD systems is owned by CNLV.
Employees should expect privacy when using NLVPD computer systems.
Employees should not expect privacy when using NLVPD systems.
Which of the following activities is explicitly prohibited under the Computer Policy?
Downloading unauthorized software or transmitting copyrighted material without permission
Engaging in illegal, fraudulent, or malicious conduct is forbidden.
If an employee uses the City’s network for illegal activities, what may occur?
Their access may be revoked and they could face disciplinary action under NRS 1279A
Illegal activities conducted via remote access are strictly prohibited.
What is the employee’s responsibility regarding personal use of employer computer systems?
To exercise good judgment and use the systems primarily for business purposes
Acceptance of computer use policies is implied by using NLVPD systems.
What must supervisors and higher-level employees do regarding email usage?
They must check and read all email messages each work day
Supervisors and above are required to check email daily.
Violation of the NLVPD Computer Policy may result in:
Disciplinary action up to and including termination
Improper or prohibited use of employer property can lead to serious consequences.
Remote access refers to accessing _______ from off-site locations.
City/Department data or resources
Supports NLVPD operations by allowing authorized personnel to work remotely.
Monitoring of NLVPD computer systems is conducted to ensure _______.
security, prevent unlawful conduct, and help maintain a productive work environment
Monitoring allows the employer to review any files or communications.
Prohibited communications include those that are _______.
offensive, disruptive, harassing, threatening, derogatory, defamatory, pornographic, or indicative of illegal activity
Discriminatory messages based on various factors are also not allowed.
The NLVPD reserves the right to access all information on its _______.
computers, laptops, and servers
Users may be required to provide passwords for encrypted or protected files.
Employees must check email at least _______.
once per week
Supervisors and above must check email daily.
Improper activities include engaging in _______.
chain letters, union-related solicitations, political or religious activities, and outside employment activities
These activities are explicitly prohibited.
Sharing passwords or permitting family access when using work systems is _______.
Security violations also include unauthorized access to other systems.
What is the business purpose of providing laptops according to the policy?
To serve the interests of the NLVPD, the City of North Las Vegas (CNLV), and its citizens for business purposes during normal operations.
Who is responsible for effective security of laptops?
Every NLVPD employee and affiliate.
What does the policy outline regarding acceptable use of laptop equipment?
To protect both the employee and the City.
What does proper use of laptops help prevent?
- Virus attacks
- Data integrity compromises
- Resource misuse
- Legal issues
Who owns the data created on NLVPD systems?
The department.
What must employees do regarding personal use of laptops?
Exercise good judgment.
What are authorized personnel allowed to do regarding laptops?
Monitor systems for maintenance and audit laptops periodically.
What classification is the JLINK data interface?
Confidential and sensitive.
What must employees maintain to access JLINK data?
JLINK certification.
What is required to be set for laptops when unattended?
A password-protected screen saver activated after 30 minutes or logoff.
Are employees allowed to engage in illegal activities using department resources?
No, it is prohibited.
What action is strictly forbidden regarding copyrighted material?
Unauthorized copying or installing unlicensed software.
What should employees not do with their passwords?
Share them with others.
What is considered a breach of policy regarding access?
Accessing data or systems that you are not authorized to use.
What is the purpose of JLINK data?
Strictly for officer notification within the scope of official duties.
What type of messages are prohibited on Motorola P1 Mobile?
Harassing e-mails or repeated non-business messages.
What must officers ensure about Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs)?
Confidential information must not be released to the general public.
What must not be done with MDTs in public places?
They must never be left unattended.
What is the primary purpose of the Laptop Computers policy?
To ensure laptops are used for business purposes and protect department data and resources.
Data created on NLVPD systems is considered the property of: _______
The City of North Las Vegas (CNLV).
Which of the following is a responsibility of all laptop users under this policy?
Exercising good judgment regarding personal use of the device.
How must laptops be secured when left unattended?
They must have a password-protected screen saver set to activate automatically in 30 minutes or less or be logged off.
What does the policy state about using department resources for illegal activities?
It is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
Which of the following actions is NOT permitted under the Unacceptable Use section?
Installing licensed software purchased by the department.
What is required for individuals who monitor JLINK information?
JLINK certification and adherence to strict confidentiality requirements.
According to the policy, what is the expectation of privacy for employees using NLVPD laptops?
No expectation of privacy since management may access all information.
Which of the following is true regarding the use of MDTs (Mobile Data Terminals) as described in the policy?
MDTs should not be left unattended in public places to prevent unauthorized access.
What consequence does the policy specify for improper or prohibited use of laptop resources?
Disciplinary action up to and including termination.
What is the purpose of the JLINK system?
Provides a secure connection to several criminal justice applications
Applications include NCIC, NCJIS, CJIS, SCOPE, and WVS.
What does NCIC stand for?
National Crime Information Center
A nationwide system serving local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies.
What is the function of NCJIS?
Facilitates automated exchange of criminal justice data among authorized Nevada agencies
Nevada Criminal Justice Information System.
What does CJIS stand for?
Criminal Justice Information System
A federal system for exchanging accurate criminal justice information.
What is SCOPE?
Shared Computer Operations for Protection and Enforcement
A 24-hour online system containing criminal and non-criminal history information.
What does WVS provide?
24-hour information on stolen, towed, repossessed, or hit-and-run vehicles
Also under Clark County control.
What type of data is stored in NCJIS JLINK?
Confidential criminal justice data
Must only be accessed for authorized criminal justice purposes.
What is unauthorized inquiry or dissemination?
Accessing or sharing information for curiosity or non-official purposes
Strictly forbidden.
What are the two types of access defined for JLINK data?
Direct Access and Indirect Access
Direct Access involves terminal access; Indirect Access involves passing information between agencies.
What are the physical security requirements for accessing JLINK?
Computers and workstations must meet CJIS policy security standards
TACs and ATACs ensure compliance.
What must visitors do to access JLINK information?
Sign the CJIS visitor’s log and remain accompanied
Must not have visual access to monitors displaying JLINK information.
What must personnel undergo to access JLINK?
FBI fingerprint-based background check
Includes national fingerprint checks and wants/warrant checks.
What certification is required for personnel accessing JLINK?
NCIC/NCJIS certification
Must be obtained within six months and renewed every two years.
What is the restriction on Criminal History Record Information (CHRI)?
Must not be released to unauthorized users
Includes restrictions on transmission via social media.
What must be done with hard copies of JLINK information?
Stored securely and shredded when disposed
Confidential information must be handled appropriately.
What audits does the NLVPD undergo?
Audits by the State and FBI to ensure compliance
The LVMPD audits SCOPE and WVS systems biennially.
What are the consequences of unauthorized inquiries of JLINK information?
Disciplinary actions up to termination and potential criminal prosecution
Violations will be thoroughly investigated.
What is required for personnel accessing SCOPE information?
Passing a fingerprint-based background check
Other identifiers are not acceptable.
How often must the NLVPD conduct audits for SCOPE?
At least every two years
The NLVPD TAC must perform an annual internal audit.