NRS 289 Flashcards
NRS 289.020
The refusal to cooperate in a criminal investigation is punishable as _________________.
NRS 289.027
A law enforcement agency is required to adopt policies and procedures concerning service of certain _____________ on peace officers.
NRS 289.030
A law enforcement agency is prohibited from requiring a peace officer to disclose financial _____________ or provide attestation concerning use of _______________ before application for employment.
NRS 289.035
A law enforcement agency is prohibited from ordering, mandating or requiring peace officer to issue certain number of _________ or make certain number of _________.
NRS 289.040
A law enforcement agency is prohibited from placing unfavorable comment or document in administrative file of a peace officer; exception; ____________; provision of copy of comment or document; right to review administrative file under __________ circumstances.
Right to respond
NRS 289.010.1
______________ __________ means any file of a peace officer containing information, comments or documents about the peace officer.
Administrative file
NRS 289.010.6
_________ _________ means any action which may lead to dismissal, demotion, suspension, reduction in salary, written reprimand or transfer of a peace officer for purposes of punishment.
Punitive action
NRS 289.020.1
A law enforcement agency shall not use punitive action against a peace officer if the peace officer chooses to exercise the peace officer’s rights under any internal ___________ _________ procedure.
Administrative grievance
NRS 289.020.2
If a peace officer is denied a promotion on grounds other than merit or other punitive action is used against the peace officer, a law enforcement agency shall provide the peace officer with an opportunity for a ___________,
NRS 289.020.3
If a peace officer requests representation while being questioned by a superior officer on any matter that the peace officer reasonably believes could result in punitive action, the questioning must _________ _________ and the peace officer must be allowed a reasonable opportunity to arrange for the ___________ and ___________ of a representative before the questioning may resume.
Cease immediately
Presence and assistance
NRS 289.020.4
A peace officer may be charged with ___________ if a peace officer refuses to comply with an order by a superior officer to cooperate with the peace officer’s own or any other law enforcement agency in a criminal investigation?
NRS 289.025.1
The home address and photograph of a peace officer in the possession of a law enforcement agency are not ________ _________ and are __________.
Public information
NRS 289.025.2a, 2b
The photograph of a peace officer may be released when:
_______________, or
The peace officer authorizes the release, or
The peace officer has been arrested
NRS 289.020.2a,b,c,d
The home address of a peace officer may be released if a peace officer has been arrested and the home address is included in any of the following:
A report of a 911 telephone call
A police report, investigative report or complaint which a person filed with a LE agency
A statement made by a witness
A report prepared pursuant to NRS432B.540 by an agency which provides child welfare services and details the plan for the placement of a child.
NRS 289.027
Each law enforcement agency shall adopt policies and procedures that provide for the ________ and ________ acceptance of service of certain subpoenas served on a peace officer employed by the LE agency.
Orderly and safe
NRS 289.030a
A LE agency shall not require any peace officer to disclose the peace officer’s assets, debts, sources of income or other financial information or make such a disclosure a condition precedent to a promotion, job assignment or other personnel action unless that information is necessary to:
Determine the peace officer’s credentials for transfer to a specialized unit,
Prevent any conflict of interest which may result in any new assignment, or
Determine whether the peace officer is engaged in unlawful activity
NRS 289.030b
A LE agency shall not require any peace officer to provide an oral or written attestation concerning any use of cannabis by the peace officer that occurred before the peace officer submitted his or her application for employment with the LE agency as a condition precedent to ______________ with agency as a peace officer.
NRS 289.040.1a,b
A law enforcement agency shall not place any unfavorable comment or document in any administrative file of a peace officer maintained by the law enforcement agency unless:
The peace officer has read and initialed the comment or document
If the peace officer refuses to initial the comment or document, a notation to that effect is noted on or attached to the comment or document
NRS 289.040.2
If the peace officer submits to the law enforcement agency a written response within ____ days after the peace officer is asked to initial the comment or document, the peace officer’s response must be __________ _______ and ____________ the comment or document.
30 days
Attached to
NRS 289.040.3
If a peace officer is the subject of an investigation of a complaint or allegation conducted pursuant to NRS 289.057, the law enforcement agency may place into any administrative file relating to the peace officer only:
A copy of the disposition of the allegation of misconduct if the allegation is sustained
A copy of the notice of or statement of adjudication of any punitive or remedial action taken against the peace officer
NRS 289.040.4
What must a peace officer be given a copy of that is placed in his/her administrative file?
Any comment or document
NRS 289.040.5
A peace officer may review any of their own administrative files maintained by the law enforcement agency when?
Upon request
NRS 289.050
True or False? A LE agency may take disciplinary action or retaliatory action against any peace officer who refuses to submit to a polygraphic examination?
NRS 289.055
Each agency in this State that employs peace officers shall establish ____________ __________ for investigating any complaint or allegation of misconduct made or filed against a peace officer.
Written procedures
NRS 289.055.2
True or False? Written procedures established for investigating any complaint or allegation made or filed against a peace officer are allowed to be made copies of and available to the public?
NRS 289.057.1
An investigation of a peace officer may be conducted in response to a complaint or allegation that the peace officer has engaged in activities which could result in punitive action. Any such investigation of a peace officer must be commenced by the law enforcement agency within a reasonable period of time after the date of the filing of the complaint or allegation with the law enforcement agency. A law enforcement agency shall not conduct an investigation pursuant to this subsection if the complaint or allegation is filed with the law enforcement agency more than ________ _______ after the activities of the peace officer occurred.
Five years
NRS 289.057.2
A law enforcement agency shall not suspend a peace officer without pay _______ or _______ to an investigation conducted pursuant to this section until all investigations relating to the matter have concluded.
During or pursuant
NRS 289.057.3a
When can a peace officer or their representative review any administrative or investigative file maintained by the law enforcement agency relating to the investigation, including any recordings, notes, transcripts of interviews and documents?
When the investigation causes a LE agency to impose punitive action against the peace officer and imposition received by the peace officer
NRS 289.057.4
When can a LE agency reassign a peace officer temporarily or permanently without his or her consent or pursuant to an investigation conducted pursuant to this section or when there is a ___________ _____________ to such an ____________ that is ___________.
Hearing relating TO SUCH AN investigation THAT IS pending.
NRS 289.060.1
When shall a LE agency provide a written to notice to a peace officer before an interrogation or hearing being held relating to an investigation conducted pursuant to NRS 289.057?
48 hours
NRS 289.060.3.a
If an officer is interviewed or interrogated outside of his or her regular working hours, the peace officer must be _______________ for appearing at the interview or interrogation based on the ________ and any other ____________ the peace officer is entitled to receive for appearing at the time set forth in the notice?
Wages and any other benefits
NRS 289.070.1
True or False?
A peace officer may submit and is required to submit to a polygraphic examamination?
NRS 289.070.4
True of False?
A LE agency shall use the opinion of a polygraphic examiner regarding the veracity of the peace officer as the sole basis for disciplinary action against the peace officer?
NRS 289.080.1
How many representatives may a peace officer have during any phase of an interrogation?
NRS 289.092
When shall a LE agency award a peace officer back pay for the duration of the suspension?
1) ___________
2) ___________
3) ___________
1) The charges against the peace officer are dismissed
2) The peace officer is found not guilty at trial
3)The officer is not subjected to punitive action in connection with the alleged misconduct
NRS 289.095.1
In a county whose population is _____________ or more each law enforcement agency shall have a crash involving a peace officer resulting in fatal injury to any person, the crash must be investigated by an agency other than the agency which the peace officer is employed?
NRS 289.095.a,b,c
Exceptions to NRS 289.095.1
1) ___________
2) ___________
3) ___________
1) The other agency does not have comparable equipment
2) The other agency is unavailable
3) The investigation by the other agency would delay the integrity of the crash scene
NRS 289.110
Who may a peace officer disclose information to regarding an employer’s improper governmental action?
1) District attorney
2) Attorney General
NRS 289.160.3
_______________ and ________________ appointed pursuant to NRS 269.240 have the powers of making arrests which are exercised by a peace officer according to the laws of this State?
Police officers and special police officers
NRS 289.350
Where do members of the police department of Nevada System of Higher Education have jurisdiction?
1) ___________
2) ___________
3) ___________
4) ___________
5) ___________
6) ___________
1) Upon campuses
2) When in hot pursuit of violator leaving the campuses
3) On any public street adjacent to the campus
4) On any property that is consistently used by the organization
5) On any property rented or leased by Nevada System of Higher Education
6) Where mutual assistance is agreed upon
NRS 289.380
Creation of advisory review boards; cities with population 220,000 or more/county with population of 100,000 or more?
25 members
NRS 289.380
Creation of advisory review boards; cities with population of less than 220,000 /county with population less than 100,000?
12 members
NRS 289.387
A panel review board pursuant to NRS 289.380 and 383 must meet in panels of _____?
NRS 289.387.b.1,2
Such panels may be able to make recommendations on peace officer’s discipline action against the peace officer made by the peace officer’s employer including, without limitation to:
1) Increasing or decreasing the recommended level of discipline, and
2) Exonerating the peace officer
NRS 289.500
How many members is the NV POST Training Commission is consisted of?
11, 1 is not a peace officer
NRS 289.510.2.a.3
Peace officers must complete how many hours annually of continuing education?
12 hours,
1) racial profiling
2) mental health (crisis intervention)
3) well-being of officers
4) implicit bias
5) de-escalation
6) human trafficking
7) firearms
NRS 289.530.i
True or False? The Executive Director consults and cooperates with academies for training peace officer’s discipline action concerning the development of specialized courses of study in this State for peace officers in the areas of police science, police administration, corrections, probation, the social sciences and other related areas.
NRS 289.530.2
The Executive Director shall as soon as reasonably practicable after the decertification of a peace officer, report to the National ____________ Index of the International ____________ of Directors of ____ ____________ Standards and _____________.
The National Decertification Index of the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training
NRS 289.550
In what timeframe must a peace officer be certified by the Commission upon being employed as a peace officer?
1 year
NRS 289.555
In what circumstances under which a person is not qualified to serve as a peace officer?
1) ___________
2) ___________
3) ___________
1) convicted of a felony
2) convicted of a battery which constitutes domestic violence
3) a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence
NRS 289.557
An application for certification as a peace officer must include an affidavit stating that the applicant:
1) ___________
2) ___________
3) ___________
1) Is not disqualified from serving as a peace officer
2) Has not been discharged, disciplined or asked to resign from employment with a LE agency
3) Has not resigned while under investigation
NRS 289.570
A LE agency must provide a ___________ ____________ of the outcome of the investigation to the Commission as soon as practicable when an officer resigns or otherwise separates from employment during an investigation of misconduct is pending.
Written summary
NRS 289.675.4
Grant recipients must be selected and receive funds no later than ______________ of each year for behavioral health field response programs?
October 1st
NRS 289.675.7
The Commission shall submit to the Governor, the Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Judiciary and The Chair of the Assembly Standing Committee on Judiciary a report concerning the behavioral health response program on or before?
On or before December 1st
NRS 289.820
__________ __________ means reliance by a peace officer upon the race, ethnicity or national origin of a person as a factor in initiating action when the reach, ethnicity or national origin of the person is not part of an identifying description of a specific suspect for a crime.
Racial profiling
NRS 289.823
Bias indicators for identification of problematic behavior?
1) _______
2) _______
3) _______
4) _______
5) _______
1) large number of citizen complaints
2) part of large number of UOF
3) large number of resisting officer arrests
4) large number of arrests resulting in no charges being filed due to improper searches or detentions
5) negative attitude towards enhancing relations between LE and community
NRS 289.824
A peace officer’s copyrighted work is covered under __________ of United States Code?
Title 17
NRS 289.825.1
Under what circumstances must a peace officer submit to drug and alcohol testing?
1) OIS
2) Conduct results in SBH or death of another person
NRS 289.825.1.a
Drug and alcohol testing of a peace officer will test for what, but without limitation to, in addition to alcohol?
Prescription and illegal drugs
NRS 289.825.1.b
When must the drug and alcohol testing be completed of peace officer under circumstances outlined in subsection 1?
As soon as practicable, but not later than the end of shift
NRS 289.827.3
A LE agency may not approve an application that uses __________ __________ or any other means with the intent to avoid the creation, retention or lawful discovery of records or data relating to the communications of a peace officer.
End-to-end encryption
NRS 289.830.e
A LE agency shall adopt policies and procedures governing the use of portable event recording devices (BWCs) requiring that any video recorded must be retained by the LE agency for not less than _____ _____.
15 days