Policy and Procedure Flashcards
What directives establish critical policies and procedures concerning specific division functions, operations, programs or processes?
Division orders
What directives establish critical policies directly related to the core values and functions of the department or the broad organization policies and procedures related to those core values department wide?
General orders
What directives establish protocols and procedures concerning unusual or extraordinary department functions, operations, programs or processes issued under the authority of the chief?
Special orders
Capital improvements over _____ dollars sent through the chain of command by the first week in _____ of each year?
In order to deposit into a fund 210 account, the cash or check should be delivered to the ____ ____ division’s receivable/payable fiscal technician. Made payable to the “City of North Las Vegas Police Department” with the name of the program intended for.
Resource management
Request for purchase: A purchase over $_____ must be made using a purchase request form and must be approved at the chief’s level.
When a special assignment opening is anticipated and has been over three months since last posted, the opening will be announced in written or email form at least ____ days prior to testing?
14 days
Eligibility lists will be good for ____ and can be extended by the chief of police for up to ____.
90 days (three months)
one year
Rebuilding every city around peace (RECAP) is a volunteer based community program coordinated by the ____ unit and the community engagement division.
Community Oriented Policing
Commissioned personnel assigned in K9, Narcs, SRT, SWAT must live within ____ miles of the geographical center of the North Las Vegas (Ann/Commerce). Any personal information changes must be updated within ____.
30 miles
72 hours
Yearly physical exams must be completed within ___ calendar days of the medical notice?
30 days
Employee photo identification cards should not be more than ____ old?
Five years
A supervisor may also ask an employee for a doctor’s note for any sick usage except for _____ request?
Supervisors will request a doctor’s note from an employee upon return to duty from sick leave for the following:
- Employee previously identified as a chronic sick leave user
- Has been absent for four or more days
- Has been injured on or off duty
- Sick leave has been used within one week of overtime
Sick leave: Five incidents counting from the employee’s anniversary date or a specific time period, the supervisor will first ____ the employee.
Sick leave: The supervisor will advise if a pattern continues, a _____ month attendance watch and an employee development plan will be implemented.
Six months
After counseling, if the employee fails to improve and has ____ more incidents of sick leave totaling seven during their anniversary year, the supervisor will advise the attendance watch and doctor’s note will be required prior to returning. Below standard on EDP and can result in disciplinary action.
Extended leave without pay can only be approved by _______.
The City Manager
Overtime rotation lists will remain in the designated book at each division for ______ to _____ days.
30 to 90 days
Overtime rotation lists: The division captain or designee will retain these lists for _____. At the end of one year, the list will be purged.
One year
Commissioned employees will be required to submit a memo of resignation through the chain of command _____ prior to resignation?
30 days
Promoted employees will be subject to a probationary period of _____ after their promotion date? The last month’s evaluation within _____ of completing probation?
Six months
30 days
Rating scales for commissioned personnel?
-Above standard
-Needs improvement
Rating scales for non-commissioned personnel?
-Not observed
-Does not meet expectations
-Meets standards
-Exceeds standards
Travel and training expense reports must be submitted within _____ days from completing travel?
10 days
Sergeant’s preparation for briefing begins _____ prior to the start of shift? Briefings will not last more than ____ minutes?
30 minutes
20 minutes
All units will be in service by ______ past the hour of the start of shift?
30 minutes
Request by union representatives in briefings will be submitted in advance to the _____?
Area commander
Reporting misconduct:
-Verbal notification to the immediate supervisor
-Log annotation
Written report
Reporting misconduct:
The __________ __________ will be immediately notified verbally of the incident?
Watch commander