Professional Conduct Flashcards
Referral Network - Potential Resources - 1 of 8 - Instructors
Instructors of classes outside of GFI’s expertise
Referral Network - Potential Resources - 2 of 8 - Personal
Personal trainers
Referral Network - Potential Resources - 3 of 8 - Health
Health coaches
Referral Network - Potential Resources - 4 of 8 - Certified
Certified medical exercise specialists
Referral Networks - Potential Resources - 5 of 8 - Support
Support groups (bariatric surgery, cancer survivors, and overeaters anonymous)
Referral Networks - Potential Resources - 6 of 8 - Massage
Massage Therapists
Referral Networks - Potential Resources - 7 of 8 - Registered
Registered dietitians
Referral Networks - Potential Resources - 8 of 8 Physical
Physical therapists
Referral Networks - Pertinent Questions - 1 of 3 - Do
Do they have the proper licensure or certification?
Referral Networks - Pertinent Questions - 2 of 3 - Can
Can they provide a list of references?
Referral Networks - Pertinent Questions - 3 of 3 - How
How many years of experience do they have?
The exclusive right, for a certain number of years, to perform, make, and distribute copies and otherwise use an artistic, musical, or literary work.
Copyright - Definition
Minimizing the risks of potential legal liability.
Risk Management - Definition
Legal responsibility
Liability - Definition
Appropriateness of an exercise professional’s actions in light of current professional standards and based on the age, condition, and knowledge of the participant.
Standard of Care - Definition
Failure to a person to perform as a reasonable and prudent professional would perform under similar circumstances.
Negligence - Definition
Negligence - GFI Components - 1 of 2 - Failure
Failure to Act
“not doing something that should have been done and doing something that should not have been done”
Negligence - GFI Components - 2 of 2 - Reasonable
Reasonable and prudent
“What would a reasonable, competent, and prudent GFI do in a similar situation?”
Charge of Negligence - Elements - 1 of 4 - Duty
The defendant had a duty to protect the plaintiff from injury
Charge of Negligence - Elements - 2 of 4 - Standard of Care
That the defendant failed to exercise the standard of care necessary to perform that duty
Charge of Negligence - Elements - 3 of 4 -Injury
That such failure was the proximate cause of an injury
Charge of Negligence - Elements - 4 of 4 - Damage
That the injury caused damage to occur to the plaintiff
person being sued
Defendant - Definition
Person filing the suit
Plaintiff - Definition
Areas of Responsibility - 1 of 4
Health screening
Areas of Responsibility - 2 of 4
Areas of Responsibility - 3 of 4
Areas of Responsibility - 4 of 4
Facilities and Equipment
Health Screening - Guidelines (2 total)
- Evaluation is conducted prior to participating in exercise
- Screening methods concur with national guidelines
Instruction - Requirements (2 total)
- Adequate
- Proper
The amount of direction given to participants before and during activity that is both sufficient and understandable
Adequate Instruction
Factually correct and reflects what a reasonable, prudent instructor would provide in the same situation
Proper Instruction
Supervision - Requirements (2 total)
- Adequate
- Proper
Ratio of participants to instructors
Adequate Supervision
Supervision - Guidelines - 1 of 3
-Continuous supervision is provided in immediate proximity to the participant to ensure safety
Supervision - Guidelines - 2 of 3
-Larger groups are supervised from the perimeter of the exercise areas to ensure all participants are in full view of the instructor
Supervision - Guidelines - 3 of 3
-Specific supervision is employed when the activity merits close attention to an individual participant
Facilities and Equipment - Guidelines - 1 of 5 - Instructors should
Instructors should continually inspect the environment and ensure that it is free from unreasonable hazards
Facilities and Equipment - Guidelines - 2 of 5 - All areas of facility are
All areas of the facility are appropriate for the specific type of activity to be conducted in that area
Facilities and Equipment - Guidelines - 3 of 5 - Report potenial
Report potential problems the GFI detects with the facility
Facilities and Equipment - Guidelines - 4 of 5 - Refuse to teach
Refuse to teach and document in any area that is unsafe or inappropriate
Facilities and Equipment - Guidelines - 5 of 5 - Equipment should
Equipment should meet all appropriate safety and design standards in the industry
Facility - Risk Management - 1 of 3 - The floor surface
The floor surface is appropriate for each activity
Facility - Risk Management - 2 of 3 - Lighting is
Lighting is adequate for performance of the skill and for supervision
Facility - Risk Management - 3 of 3 - Entrances and exits are
Entrances and exits are well marked
Equipment - Risk Management - 1 of 5 - Equipment selected meets
Equipment selected meets all safety and design standards within the industry
Equipment - Risk Management - 2 of 5 - Assembly of equipment follows
Assembly of equipment follows manufacturer’s guidelines
Equipment - Risk Management - 3 of 5 - A schedule of regular
A schedule of regular service and repair is established and documented
Equipment - Risk Management - 4 of 5 - Caution is
Caution is exercised in relaxation to recommending equipment
Equipment - Risk Management - 5 of 5 - Homemade
Homemade equipment is avoided
Voluntary abandonment of a right to file suit, not always legally binding
Risk Management System - Waiver - Definition
A written statement signed by a participant prior to testing that informed him or her of testing purposes, processes, and all potential risks and discomforts.
Risk Management System - Informed Consent - Definition
Informs participant of potential dangers of a program or test procedure
Informed Consent - Purpose
Signed document that indicates that the participant is aware of inherent risks and potential injuries that can occur from participation
Agreement to Participate - Definition
A binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law composed of an offer, acceptance, and consideration (or what each party puts forth to make the agreement worthwhile)
Contract - Definition
Legal Documentation Resource
IHRA’s Guide to Club Membership and Conduct