Class Blueprints Flashcards
Steps to Class Design - 1 of 4
Clear and descriptive class title
Steps to Class Design - 2 of 4
Class purpose or goal
Step to Class Design - 3 of 4
Establish objectives - include themes if helpful
Steps to Class Design - 4 of 4
Design major movements, skills, and exercises.
Warm-Up Components - 1 of 3
Lasts 5-10 minutes
Warm-Up Components - 2 of 3
Begin with low-moderate intensity that gradually increases in intensity
Warm-Up Components - 3of 3
The harder the conditioning phase, the more intense the warm-up should be
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) - Definition
an exercise strategy alternating periods of short intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods.
Warm-Up Benefits - 1 of 3
Decreases risk of overuse injury
Warm-Up Benefits - 2 of 3
Addresses muscle imbalances
Warm-Up Benefits - 3 of 3
Enhances quality of movements
Exercise to Enhance Stability and Mobility - 1 of 7
Cat/Camel Pose
-to promote thoracic spine mobility
Exercise to Enhance Stability and Mobility - 2 of 7
Birddog Pose
-to enhance stability of the lumbar spine
Exercise to Enhance Stability and Mobility - 3 of 7
I, Y, W, O formations
-to improve shoulder stability/mobility
Exercise to Enhance Stability and Mobility - 4 of 7
Glute Bridge
-to enhance hip mobility
Exercise to Enhance Stability and Mobility - 5 of 7
Kneeling Prisoner Rotations
-to improve thoracic spine mobility
Exercise to Enhance Stability and Mobility - 6 of 7
Standing ankle mobilization
-to promote ankle mobility
Exercise to Enhance Stability and Mobility - 7 of 7
Arm circles and standing diagonals
-to improve shoulder mobility
Rehearsal Moves - Definintion
A movement typically performed during the warm-up in a group fitness class that mimics an upcoming conditioning exercise and helps prepare the neuro-muscular system for increased intensity
Motor Units - Definition
A motor nerve and all of the muscle fibers it stimulates
Adherence - Definition
The extent to which people follow an exercise program.
Conditioning Components - 1 of 2
Incorporate multijoint movements that train the body to function as one continuous unit
Conditioning Components - 2 of 2
Incorporate multiple planes
Conditioning Benefits (2 total)
- Mimic ADLs
- Helps burn additional calories
Exercise Evaluation - Definition
a process of evaluating an exercise or movement based on its effectiveness and safety
Exercise Evaluation Components - 1 of 4
What is the objective?
Exercise Evaluation Components - 2 of 4
Which muscles will be used?
Exercise Evaluation Components - 3 of 4
Do the benefits outweigh the potential risks?
Exercise Evaluation Components - 4 of 4
Are there various ability levels?
Weighted Vest Considerations - 1 of 4
Should not exceed 5-10% body weight
Weighted Vest Considerations - 2 of 4
Most metabolic benefits is found in vertical classes
Weighted Vest Considerations - 3 of 4
May not be effective in indoor cycling
Weighted Vest Considerations - 4 of 4
Preferred over hand weights in vertical work classes
Scaling Intensity - Regression
Lower lever length
Scaling Intensity - Progression
Balance challenges
Cool-Down Components - 1 of 2
Gradually decrease intensity of exercise
Cool-Down Components - 2 of 2
About the same amount of time as the warm-up (5-10 minutes)
Cool-Down Benefits - 1 of 3
Allows heart rate to gradually lower
Cool-Down Benefits - 2 of 3
Allows comfortable and safe transition to a diminished level of work
Cool-Down Benefis - 3 of 3
Helps remove metabolic waste from the muscles so that it can be metabolized by other tissues
Self-Myofasical Release (SMR) - Definition
the act of rolling one’s own body on a round foal roll or other training tool, massaging away restrictions to normal soft-tissue extensibility
Fascia - Definition
strong connective tissue that performs a number of functions, including developing and isolating the muscles of the body and providing structural support and protection
Trigger Points - Definition
Tender areas of soft tissue
Trigger Points and Foam Rolling
Can diminish them by applying pressure to relieve tension
Foam Rolling Instructions - 1 of 3
Perform small, continuous, back and forth movements
Foam Rolling Instructions - 2 of 3
Covering sections of 2-6 inches
Foam Rolling Instructions - 3 of 3
Maintain back and forth movements on tender areas for 20-30 seconds
Structure and Sequence - Exercise Order
Multi-joint to single-joint
Structure and Sequence - Multi-Joint to Single-Joint Benefit
Helps to prevent any undue consequences of muscle fatigue
Multi-joint Exercise Examples (3 total)
- squats
- lunges
- shoulder presses
Single-joint Exercise Examples (3 total)
- lateral raises
- bicep curls
- chest flys
Plyometrics - Definition
High-intensity movements, such as jumping, involving high-force loading of body-weight during the landing phase of the movement that take advantage of the stretch-shortening cycle. (perform post warm-up)
Multi-joint/Single-joint Research Updates (3 total)
- not an absolute
- order based on goals
- objective muscle group should be performed first
Mindful Transitions - Benefits (3 total)
- Maximize safety
- Enhance overall class flow
- Abrupt changes can affect blood pressure
Orthostatic Hypotension - Definition
A drop in blood pressure associated with rising associated with rising to an upright position.
Work - to - Recovery Ratios
Between 1:2 - 1:1
Recovery Interval Guideline
The recovery interval should always be greater than or equal to the work interval