Participant Safety Flashcards
Pushing oneself past the point of volitional control or exceeding the limits of one’s abilities.
Overexertion - Definition
Overexertion - Symptoms - 6 total
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Loss of Strength
- Poor and/or unsafe form and technique
- Vomiting
- Rhaddomyolysis
The breakdown of muscle fibers resulting in the release of muscle fiber contents into the circulation. Some of these are toxic to the kidney and frequently result in kidney damage.
Rhabdomyolysis - Definition
The decline in ability of a muscle to generate force.
Fatigue - Definition
Fatigue - Symptoms - 1 total
Inability to continue performing an exercise correctly
Abrupt Illness
Acute Illness - Definition
Ongoing Illness
Chronic Illness - Definition
A procedure to support and maintain breathing and circulation for a person who has stopped breathing (respiratory arrest) and/or whose heart has stopped (cardiac arrest).
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) - Definition
A portable electronic device used to restore normal heart rhythms in victims of sudden cardiac arrest.
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) - Definition
Pain on the outside of the elbow at the attachment of the foreman muscles; lateral epicondylitis.
Tennis Elbow - Definition
Injuries that interfere with an individual’s ability to participate in exercise and present emergency situations that escalate very quickly
Musculoskeletal Injuries - Challenges
Musculoskeletal Injuries - Acute - 4 total
- Sprain
- Strain
- Compound fracture
- Contusion
Tearing or overstretching of a ligament and/or connective tissue.
Sprain - Description
Sprain - Common Injuries (2 total)
- lateral ankle
- anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
Sprain - Signs/Symptoms (5 total)
- Swelling
- pain
- Joint instability
- Immobility
- Possible discoloration
Sprain - Action
Call EMS if the person is not able to move to safety and there is not other means to move the person
Tearing or overstretching of a muscle or tendon
Strain - Description
Strain - Common Injuries (2 total)
- hamstrings
- shoulders
Strain - Signs/Symptoms (5 total)
- Pain
- Local tenderness
- Possible discoloration
- Loss of strength
- Loss of range of motion
Strain - Action
Call EMS if the person is not able to move to safety and there is not other means to move the person
Bone fracture resulting in an open wound
Compound Fracture - Description
Compound Fracture - Signs/Symptoms (3 total)
- Bony protrusion
- Bleeding
- Possible shock
Compound Fracture - Action
Call EMS, especially if there is heavy bleeding
A bruise formed from an acute, traumatic blow to the body
Contusion - Description
Contusion - Signs/Symptoms
- Soft tissue hemorrhage
- Hematoma
- Restricted ROM
Contusion - Action
Call EMS, if the person sustains a blow to the head or possible internal bleeding
A pathology of the wrist and hand that occurs when the median nerve, which extends from the forearm into the hand, becomes compressed at the wrist.
Carpel Tunnel - Definition
Carpel Tunnel - Regression
Maintain a neutral wrist - avoid extreme flexion or extension
Musculoskeletal Injuries - Chronic - 8 total
- Tendinitis
- Bursitis
- Plantar fasciitis
- Shin splints
- IT Band friction syndrome
- Patellofemoral Pain syndrome
- Impingments
- low-back pain
Inflammation of a tendon due to overuse
Tendinitis - Description
Tendinitis - Signs/Symptoms (3 total)
- tenderness
- localized or dispersed pain
- loss of strength
Inflammation of a bursa sac near a tendon or joint
Bursitis - Description
Bursitis - Signs/Symptoms (3 total)
- swelling
- pain
- some loss of function
inflammation of the plantar surface of the foot
Plantar fasciitis - Description
Plantar fasciitis - Signs/Symptoms (1 total)
-pain and tightness under the foot that may worsen with weight bearing
Pain or inflammation of the soft tissue(s) along the shin bone from repetitive loading
Shin Splints - Description
Shin Splints - Symptoms (2 total)
- bone and soft tissue tenderness
- Pain during and after activity
Inflammatory overuse condition in which the IT band (connective tissue) rubs against the lateral femoral epicondyle (outside of the knee)
Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome - Definition
Lateral deviation of the patella during knee extension that causes painful contact between the patella and femur
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome - Description
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome - Symptoms (4 total)
- Tenderness
- pain
- swelling
- Discomfort during activity
When a muscle, tendon, or nerve pinches between bony structures
Impingements - Description
Impingements - Common Injuries (2 total)
- shoulder
- spine
Impingements - Signs/Symptoms (5 total)
- Local pain and tenderness
- Burning sensation
- Loss of range of motion
- Loss of mobility
- Muscle weakness
Condition resulting from an acute injury or multiple events of microtrauma causing joint or muscle pain
Low-back pain - Description
Low-back pain - Signs/Symptoms (3 total)
- Pain, especially during sudden flexion, extension, or rotation
- Muscle weakness
- Loss of function
Cardiorespiratory Emergencies - 3 total
- Heart attack
- Asthma Attack
- Chokcing
Caused by an obstruction or blockage of blood flow to the heart
Heart Attack - Description
Heart Attack - Signs/Symptoms (7 total)
- pain in chest, arms, back, neck, or jaw
- labored or difficulty breathing
- nausea
- anxiety
- lightheadedness
- sweating
- fatigue
- syncope
Heart Attack - Action
Call EMS
Swelling, inflammation or narrowing of the airways that inhibits breathing
Asthma Attack - Description
Asthma Attack - Signs/Symptoms (6 total)
- Wheezing
- Coughing
- Pain and/or tightness in the chest and neck
- Dyspnea
- Panic
- Pale face
Asthma Attack - Action
Call EMS, if the person is not able to relieve the symptoms with medication and especially if breathing becomes labored or the person loses consciousness
When an object obstructs the airway
Choking - Description
Choking - Signs/Symptoms (4 total)
- Coughing
- Loss of speech
- Pale or blueish skin
- Syncope
Choking - Action
Call EMS, and you can always call off the EMS if the object is dislodged.
Cerebrovascular Emergencies - 3 total
- Stroke
- Concussion
- Seizures
Lack of blood supply and oxygen to the brain
Stroke - Description
Stroke - Signs/Symptoms (7 total)
- Numbness in the arms, legs, or face
- Confusion
- Trouble speaking
- Dizziness
- Loss of vision, balance, or coordination
- Drooping on one side of the face
- Loss of consciousness
Stroke - Action
Call EMS
Concussion - Description
Impairment of neural function as a result of a direct blow to the head
Concussion - Signs/Symptoms (6 total)
- Shock
- Blurred vision
- Sensitivity to light
- Sleep disturbance
- Amnesia
- Sometimes, loss of consciousness
Concussion - Action
Call EMS
Seizures - Description
Changes in brain activity that can cause mild to sever convulsions
Seizures - Signs/Symptoms (5 total)
- Convulsions
- Syncope
- Loss of coordination
- Clenching the jaw
- Loss of bladder and/or bowel function
Metabolic Emergencies - 1 of 2
Metabolic Emergencies - 2 of 2
Diabetic Shock
Hypoglycemia - Description
Low blood sugar
Hypoglycemia - Signs/Symptoms (9 total)
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Hunger
- Headache
- Pale skin
- Sweating
- Anxiety
- Weakness
- Poor coordination
Hypoglycemia - Action
- Check glucose levels
- Obtain treatment (medication, juice, or glucose tabs)
- Call EMS if symptoms worsen
Diabetic Shock - Description
Severe low blood sugar associated with diabetes
Diabetic Shock - Signs/Symptoms (2 total)
- Worsening symptoms of hypoglycemia
- Possible loss of consciousness
Diabetic Shock - Action
Call EMS
Environmental Emergencies - 1 of 4
Heat cramps
Environmental Emergencies - 2 of 4
Heat exhaustion
Environmental Emergencies - 3 of 4
Heat Stroke
Environmental Emergencies - 4 of 4
Heat Cramps - Description
Muscle spasms in the arms, legs, and stomach due to loss of electrolytes and fluids
Heat Cramps - Signs/Symptoms (4 total)
- painful cramps
- loss of strength
- thirst
- dehydration
Heat Cramps - Action
Seek medical attention if vomiting or nausea occurs
Heat Exhaustion - Description
Heat-related illness attributed to hot, humid temperatures and the loss of electrolytes and fluids
Heat Exhaustion - Signs/Symptoms (10 total)
- Weak, rapid pulse
- Low blood pressure
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Weakness
- Cold, clammy skin
- Profuse sweating
- Dehydration
- Elevated core temperature
Heat Exhaustion - Action
Call EMS, if symptoms progress and participant’s temperature is not decreasing
Heat Stroke - Description
Medical emergency and the most serious heat-related illness resulting from overexposure to heat
Heat Stroke - Signs/Symptoms (9 total)
- Hot, dry skin
- Red skin color
- Rapid pulse
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Dyspnea
- Dehydration
- Elevated core temperature (>104 degrees)
- Syncope
Heat Stroke - Action
Call EMS
Hypothermia - Description
A drop in body temperature below 97 degrees
Hypothermia - Signs/Symptoms (7 total)
- Shivering
- Tingling
- Numbness in fingers and toes
- Burning feeling in nose and ears
- Fatique
- Lethargy
- Possible cardiac arrest
Soft Tissue Injuries - 1 of 4
- Punctions
- Avulsions
- Abrasions
Lacerations - Definition
Punctures - Definition
Skin tearing off
Avulsions - Definition
Abrasions - Definition
Soft Tissue Injury - General Symptoms (3 total)
- Bleeding
- Pain
- Exposure of bone, soft tissue, and internal organs
Soft Tissue Injury - Action
Call EMS if injury results in heavy, uncontrolled bleeding
A state in which physical activity is extreme in frequency and duration, relatively resistant to change, and is associated with an irresistible impulse to continue exercise despite injury, illness, or fatigue.
Exercise Dependence - Definition