Fitness Myths Flashcards
Myth # 1
Weight training will bulk you up
Weight Training = Bulk - Objections - 1 of 4
-Usually refers to hypertrophy through high volume weigh training
Weight Training = Bulk - Objections - 2 of 4
-More prevalent in males because of testosterone
Weight Training = Bulk - Objections - 3 of 4
-Most group fitness classes use light weights and high reps
Weight Training = Bulk - Objections - 4 of 4
Using only light weight and low reps may not be enough to even tone
Weight Training - Benefits - 1 of 3
Gain strength and functionality
Weight Training - Benefits - 2 of 3
Increases bone density
Weight Training - Benefits - 3 of 3
Reduces type 2 diabetes
Myth # 2
Low-moderate intensity puts you in the “fat burning zone”
Fat Burning Zone - Objections (1 total)
During low intensity exercise a greater % of calories burned comes from fat BUT at higher intensity exercises more total calories and total fat are burned
Myth # 3
HIIT training is the best way to lose weight
HIIT - Objections (1 total)
Doesn’t work for everyone, especially new participants
HIIT - Benefits (1 total)
Can increase fitness, metabolism, EPOC, and fat loss but only in the seasoned participant
HIIT Misconceptions - (3 total)
- Interval training does not = HIIT
- HIIT does not = tabata
- HIIT does not = Plyometrics
Myth # 4
Knees should never go past your toes
Knees Past Toes - Objections - 1 of 3
No evidence of increased injury
Knees Past Toes - Objections - 2 of 3
Good joint mobility and stability is needed to perform squats and lunges
Knees Past Toes - Objections - 3 of 3
Poor progression and exercise increase risk of injury more than knees going past toes
Myth # 5
Spot Reduction
Spot Reduction - Objections - 1 of 2
Fat loss is not determined by the muscles being trained
Spot Reduction - Objections - 2 of 2
A comprehensive program is most effective for fat loss
Myth # 6
Leg raises and sit-ups are best to target lower abs
Leg Raises = Lower Abs - Objections - 1 of 4
Primarily works hip flexors with ab muscles acting to stabilize core
Leg Raises = Lower Abs - Objections - 2 of 4
Hip flexors pull on the pelvis and lumbar spine
Leg Raises = Lower Abs - Objections - 3 of 4
Many people don’t have the core stability not to pull on the pelvis and spine
Leg Raises = Lower Abs - Objections - 4 of 4
Planks are better and there are other alternatives
Myth # 7
Feeling the “burn” means you are getting a great workout
“Burn” - Objections - 1 of 3
Burning is caused by a chemical reaction associated with some anaerobic levels of exercise (caused by the glycoletic system)
“Burn” - Objections - 2 of 3
Some exercises result in “burn” some don’t
“Burn” - Objections - 3 of 3
Promoting “burn” can be a distraction
Myth # 8
Muscle soreness means you had a good workout
Soreness - Objections (1 total)
Excessive soreness can be a distraction - mild soreness is okay