Procedure 901-Payroll Time Sheets & Overtime Accounting (Exclude .06 OT codes) Flashcards


This procedure establishes guidelines for the proper completion of payroll time sheets and also establishes a system to
allow for the accurate control, tracking, and accountability of overtime pay and compensatory time accrual.
A. All members assigned to a unit are listed alphabetically on SAPD Form #17-303, Payroll Time Sheet. Sworn
members are listed first, in order of rank, followed by non-sworn members. Members’ Personal Identification
Number (PIN) is also listed.
B. Unit/Shift Directors are responsible for the completion and accuracy of the payroll time sheet. The data entry
function may be delegated to another unit/shift member.
C. A member’s actual status must be identical to that listed on the payroll time sheet, indicated by letters or a symbol,
for each day of the accounting period.
D. The following symbol or two (2) letters are used to denote an employee’s duty status for each day of the accounting
Code Duty Status
1. / Present for duty
2. AD Administrative leave
3. BD Bonus day
4. CT Compensatory time
5. DF Death in family
6. DL Disability leave (non-sworn members)
7. FH Floating holiday
8. HD Holiday
9. IJ Injured on-duty leave for any member, sworn or non-sworn
10. LL Legislative leave
11. LW Leave without pay
12. ML Military leave
13. MW Military leave without pay
14. PL Personal leave (non-sworn)
15. RD Relief day
16. SK Sick leave
17. SA Special assignment
18. SP Suspension without pay
19. VC Vacation or annual leaveGeneral Manual Procedures – Section 900 Personnel Procedures Page 2 of 9 Effective Date: January 06, 2012
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 901 – Payroll Timesheets & Overtime Accounting
E. When an exception occurs to an employee’s scheduled workweek, a City of San Antonio Notice of Leave Form is
submitted. SAPD Form #15-CR, Compensatory Time off Record, has to be submitted by sworn members taking
compensatory time off. With the implementation of ERM, the Notice of Leave form will be submitted immediately
to the Accounting and Personnel Office. Supervisors will no longer attach the Notice of Leave form to the payroll
time sheet; however, supervisors will continue to attach the Compensatory Time off Records to the payroll time
1. In the event a member does not take the leave as documented on the Notice of Leave form, the member’s
supervisor will e-mail a supervisor in the Accounting and Personnel Office.
2. The supervisor in the Accounting and Personnel Office will then ensure the Notice of Leave form is removed
from the file, and the member’s time is not taken.
F. Shift Differential:
Unit supervisors will e-mail a list of officers eligible for shift differential pay by the 10th of each month in the
following format to the Manager of the Accounting and Personnel Office. The supervisors will receive an e-mail
response verifying the list was received. Shift differential eligibility will no longer be coded on Unit/Details weekly
payroll time sheets. Unit supervisors will use the following format.
Office: Patrol Division Shift: PDC
Hours Worked From: 2130 to 0630 Month: October 04
Smith, Joe 222 123456
Doe, Eric 1112
G. The “Remarks” column of the payroll time sheet is used for the following:
1. The purpose and location for any special assignment, administrative leave, or legislative leave;
2. To note the date a member returns to his parent unit/shift from a special assignment, administrative leave, or
legislative leave;
3. The date the member transferred to or from a unit/shift;
4. To indicate whether the leave was taken was scheduled or unscheduled, in accordance with Article 22, Section
4 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
5. The relationship of a deceased family member, if “DF” is listed; and
6. The number of hours, less than a full tour of duty, a member does not work due to being on any type of leave or
for being tardy. Time less than a full hour is noted in minutes.
H. Miscellaneous Payroll Time Sheet Instructions:
1. Members placed on special assignment or administrative leave are coded accordingly on the payroll time sheet
of the parent unit/shift.General Manual Procedures – Section 900 Personnel Procedures Page 3 of 9 Effective Date: January 06, 2012
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 901 – Payroll Timesheets & Overtime Accounting
2. When a member is on special assignment to another unit/shift, that unit/shift acknowledges such personnel by
name on its payroll time sheet and accounts for all time, including pink slip, until such time as the member
returns to his parent unit/shift.
3. When a city holiday occurs while a member is on annual leave, the member’s duty status for the day is listed as
holiday on the payroll time sheet.
4. Sworn members calling in sick on a city holiday are listed as sick on the payroll time sheet for that day.
I. Unit/Shift Directors are responsible for ensuring each leave or absence listed on the payroll time sheet has
corresponding documentation attached. Documentation includes, but is not limited to the following:
1. City of San Antonio Notice of Leave Form (pink slip);
2. SAPD Form #15-CR, Compensatory Time off Record (orange card); and
3. Military leave orders, if applicable.
J. Completed payroll time sheets shall be routed, using bin mail or electronic mail, to the Accounting and Personnel
Office not later than the Monday morning following the end of the accounting period. Corresponding documentation
shall be routed through bin mail to the Accounting and Personnel Office.
A. The overtime accounting process for all members working a Fiesta event or a special event is handled by the special
event commander in charge of the event through the Police Event Management System (PEMS).
B. Members shall choose either overtime or compensatory time as compensation for overtime worked at a Fiesta or
special event prior to the start of the event.
C. Members may verify the amount of overtime or compensatory time earned after the completion of a Fiesta or special
event assignment by accessing PEMS, through COSANET, using either a mobile data computer (MD) or an office
D. Members finding a discrepancy for overtime worked and the amount of overtime or compensatory time credited to
them for working a Fiesta or special event should contact the special event commander. The special event
commander is the only person authorized to make corrections in the Police Event Management System (PEMS).
A. SAPD Form #15-O, Overtime Pay Record (white card), shall be submitted by officers who wish to receive pay for
working overtime assignments other than Fiesta or special events.
B. SAPD Form #15-C, Compensatory Overtime Record (pink card), shall be submitted by members who wish to accrue
compensatory time for working overtime assignments instead of receiving pay.
C. Overtime and compensatory time cards shall be filled out completely and legibly.
D. Approving Authority
1. Overtime and compensatory time cards submitted by sworn and non-sworn members shall be reviewed and
approved by at least two levels of supervision prior to being delivered to the Accounting and Personnel Office:General Manual Procedures – Section 900 Personnel Procedures Page 4 of 9 Effective Date: January 06, 2012
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 901 – Payroll Timesheets & Overtime Accounting
a. 1st level approval - Unit/Shift Directors or Detail/Shift Supervisors; and
b. 2nd level approval - Division Commanders or their designee. This is the person responsible for the activity
code to which the overtime is charged.
2. Supervisors review overtime and compensatory time cards for accuracy and legibility. Overtime and
compensatory time cards which are incomplete or in error are returned to the submitting member for correction
and re-submittal.
E. Overtime and compensatory time cards must be submitted to the Accounting and Personnel Office within eight (8)
calendar days.
A. An overtime rate, designated by a two (2) digit number, is used to identify the overtime rate of pay a member is
entitled to for working overtime. The overtime rates are as follows:
1. 1.0 - Overtime payable at straight time (non-sworn members);
2. 1.5 - Overtime payable at time and one half; and
3. 2.0 - Overtime payable at double time.
B. For sworn members, the current Collective Bargaining Agreement is the proper source in determining the
appropriate rate for overtime worked.
A. An overtime code, designated by two (2) letters, is used to identify the category of overtime worked. The below
listed codes are the most commonly used. For additional listings of overtime codes, contact the Accounting and
Personnel Office.
Code Category of Overtime
1. AB Chief’s Advisory Action Board. Voluntary service at the 1.5 rate for reviewing cases and attending board
meetings, prior authorization is necessary from the Board Chairperson. No callback is authorized. Approval is
by the Board Chairperson. This overtime is charged to the Chief’s Office cost center.
2. AD Alamo Dome
3. AE Extension of an assignment, with prior authorization by a supervisor, excluding late calls.
4. AG Firing Range
5. AI Temporary instructor at the Police Training Academy. Persons who volunteer to be an instructor at the
Academy at the 1.5 rate. No callback is authorized. No callback is authorized nor is the double time rate,
unless ordered by a supervisor to attend. This overtime must be approved by the Training Academy
6. AJ Academy Recruiting
7. AK Citizen Police Academy
8. AL Alamo Bowl
9. AN Academy Night Class
10. AP Applicant Processing - Recruiting, processing, investigating, or interviewing police applicants. Persons who
volunteer to perform recruiting work at the 1.5 rate. No callback is authorized nor is the double time rate,
unless ordered by a supervisor to attend.
11. BB Fiesta – Battle of the Bands
12. BD Bomb Squad incidents and training.General Manual Procedures – Section 900 Personnel Procedures Page 5 of 9 Effective Date: January 06, 2012
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 901 – Payroll Timesheets & Overtime Accounting
Code Category of Overtime (cont’d)
13. BR Bike Rodeos
14. BT Donating blood during a city endorsed blood drive. Used only if Accounting and Personnel Office has not
credited donor with compensatory time by the thirtieth (30) day following the blood donation.
15. CA Activities related to Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission hearings. This includes pre-hearing meetings,
giving depositions and attending hearings.
16. CC Attendance in County Court. This includes pre-trial meetings, giving depositions and attending court. Does not
include stand-by.
17. CD Attendance in District Court. This includes pre-trial meetings, giving depositions, and attending court. Does
not include stand-by.
18. CF Attendance in Federal or Civil Court. This includes pre-trial meetings, giving depositions and attending court.
19. CG Attendance related to Grand Juries. This includes pre-trial meetings, giving depositions, and attending
20. CJ Activities related to participations in Justice of the Peace Hearings. This includes pre-hearing meetings, giving
depositions, and attending hearings.
21. CL Activities related to Administrative License Revocation Hearings. This includes pre-trial meetings, giving
depositions, and attending court.
22. CM Attendance in Municipal Court. This includes pre-trial meetings and attending court.
23. CR Christmas River Parade
24. CS Activities related to Civil Service Hearings and Arbitrations. This includes pre-hearing/arbitration meetings,
giving depositions, and attending hearings/arbitration. Court related activities (i.e., meeting with city, state, or
federal attorneys)
25. CT Fiesta Carnival Traffic
26. CU US Customs Reimbursable OT
27. CV Convention Support
28. DE DEA Reimbursement Special Project
29. DP Dignitary Protection
30. DR Direct Report Entry
31. DS Diez Seis
32. DZ Dignitary Protection Intelligence
33. EC Emergency Callback
34. ER Crime Response Unit Initiative
35. EW Early Warning – Time spent as a member of the Employee Early Warning Board or a respondent to the
Employee Early Warning Board.
36. F1 First Friday
37. FA Fiesta: City Hall Security
38. FB FBI Reimbursable OT
39. FD Fiesta: Marines at Alamo
40. FH Fiesta: Market Square Traffic
41. FI Fiesta: Carnival
42. FJ Fiesta: Fun Run
43. FK Fiesta: NIOSA Traffic
44. FL Fiesta: Earth Day Fun Run
45. FM Fiesta: River Parade
46. FN Fiesta: Night Parade
47. FO Fiesta: Oyster Bake Traffic
48. FP Fiesta: Stand By Pool
49. FQ Fiesta: Market Square
50. FR Fiesta: Crowd Control
51. FS FiestaGeneral Manual Procedures – Section 900 Personnel Procedures Page 6 of 9 Effective Date: January 06, 2012
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Procedure 901 – Payroll Timesheets & Overtime Accounting
Code Category of Overtime (cont’d)
52. FT FTO Program activities by non-FTO officers. Cards must include the name of the cadet, probationary officer,
or officer assigned to remedial training, and the immediate supervisor’s signature. Cards are routed to
Training Academy for Second (2nd) Level Approval by Training Academy Commander or his designee.
53. FV Fiesta: Opening Ceremonies
54. FW Fiesta: Battle of Flowers Parade
55. FX Fiesta: Shift Extension
56. GR Graffiti Program
57. HG Honor Guard
58. HM Hazardous Material Stand By
59. HN Hostage Negotiators Detail activities and training.
60. HP Holidays Specified By Contract
61. HT HIDTA Special
62. HU Hurricane Support
63. IA Internal Affairs Unit investigation activities. IA overtime approvals will be charged to Internal Affairs.
On-Duty Officers: When an Internal Affairs Supervisor notifies an on-duty officer to report to the Internal Affairs Unit regarding an Internal
Affairs investigation, and, as a result, the officer works overtime, the officer will complete an overtime card. The
Internal Affairs Supervisor will sign the back of the overtime card and make a notation as to the time the officer left
the Internal Affairs Unit. After the officer arrives at his substation, he will time-stamp the card and submits it. The
card will be approved by the officer’s immediate supervisor and then routed to the Internal Affairs Unit for Second
(2nd) Level approval.
Off-Duty Officers: When an officer on off-duty status reports to the Internal Affairs Unit at the request of Internal Affairs Supervisor
regarding an internal affairs investigation, the officer will complete an overtime card and submit it to the Internal
Affairs Supervisor. The First (1st) Level and Second (2nd) Level approval will occur within the Internal Affairs Unit.
64. IC Involuntary Callback. An officer is ordered to return to duty for a non-scheduled event, or an emergency
situation after having been released from duty for fifteen (15) or more minutes and called back to report to
duty by appropriate supervisor or authority. The overtime is paid at the three (3) hour minimum at the 1.5 rate
and at the 2.0 rate on vacation and relief days in accordance with Article 18 of the current Collective
Bargaining Agreement. It specifically does not include meetings set up by the officer outside his normal duty
hours. It does not include events the officer has volunteered to attend. Examples of IC include: Officers
assigned to the Officer Involved Shooting Team being ordered to respond to a scene by the shooting team
commander while off duty; or officers ordered by a supervisor to return to duty more than fifteen minutes past
the end of their shift.
65. IN DPS Reimbursable O/T
66. IS Internal Support
67. IW Inclement Weather
68. IX Intoxilizer Operator
69. JF July 4th Celebration
70. K9 K-9. For the exclusive use of K-9 Detail members engaged in K-9 Detail activities and training.
71. LC Late Call: Overtime spent completing a call for service assigned by the dispatcher during the member’s
regular tour of duty. The time assigned, location, type of call, and case # shall be included on the overtime
card. Late calls are assigned by the Communication Unit.
72. MA Joint Operations: US Marshalls
73. MK Martin L. King Celebration
74. MT San Antonio Marathon
75. NC Fiesta: NIOSA Crowd Control
76. NS NSA Security
77. NY New Years Eve Celebration
78. PA Fiesta: Pilgrimage to the Alamo
79. PP Easter Passion Play
80. PR Parades/Marathons
81. PT Property Crimes Task ForceGeneral Manual Procedures – Section 900 Personnel Procedures Page 7 of 9 Effective Date: January 06, 2012
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Procedure 901 – Payroll Timesheets & Overtime Accounting
Code Category of Overtime (cont’d)
82. PX Police Explorers
83. SA Alamo City Heat
84. SC Stand-by for County Court.
85. SD Stand-by for District Court.
86. SF SAFFE Program activities that extend beyond an officer’s tour of duty or a voluntary return to duty, which have
prior approval of a supervisor within the chain of command of the respective Service Area SAFFE Program.
87. SH Blue Santa
88. SL Police Athletic League Activities
89. SN S.N.A.P.
90. SS Secret Service
91. ST Police Shooting Team Stand By
92. SW SWAT members engaged in SWAT activities and training.
93. UE Unable to check out of service to eat. Requires an explanatory report to be attached to the card.
94. VC Violent Crime Investigations (Paid by the DEA or FBI).
95. VO Non-Sworn Voluntary Overtime.
96. VP Veterans Day Parade
97. VR Voluntary Return to Service with authorization from a supervisor. This is paid at the 1.5 rate. No call-back is
98. WR Relief day worked with authorization by supervisor. This is paid at the 1.5 rate.
99. XP Executive Protection activities.
B. Only one (1) overtime code, the most applicable, shall be affixed to an overtime or compensatory time card.
A. Sworn and non-sworn members receive four (4) hours of compensatory time for donating blood during a city
endorsed blood drive.
B. Members donating blood should obtain a blood donor receipt from blood bank personnel.
C. Blood bank personnel will send a list of members donating blood to the Office of the Chief. After verification, the
blood donor list is sent to the Accounting and Personnel Office and the compensatory time is credited to each
member that donated blood.
D. If a member that donated blood has not been credited with compensatory time thirty (30) days from the date of the
blood donation, the member should fill out a compensatory time card, attach a copy of the blood donor receipt to the
card, and deliver the compensatory time card to the Office of the Chief.
A. Members are entitled to be compensated for time spent working beyond their normal duty hours. Requests for
overtime are managed and documented on overtime and compensatory time cards. Supervisors and Managers review
overtime and compensatory time cards and either approve or disapprove the cards.
B. Members request overtime by completing overtime or compensatory time cards. .
C. The following information will assist officers in completing overtime and compensatory time cards.
1. SAP# Employee Number. With the advent of the Electronic Resource Management (ERM) system, all
employees were issued an SAP Number. It takes the place of the PIN number on overtime cards. This number
must be written into the space provided.General Manual Procedures – Section 900 Personnel Procedures Page 8 of 9 Effective Date: January 06, 2012
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Procedure 901 – Payroll Timesheets & Overtime Accounting
2. Signature Cards submitted for overtime or compensatory time are official government documents. By signing
the document, the applicant is acknowledging the information on the card is true and accurate. In the event the
applicant’s signature is difficult to read, the applicant shall print their last name and first name (no initials)
above the signature space.
3. Badge # Number - Officers shall print their badge number in the space provided.
4. Office Code - Members shall print the three (3) letter office code for their unit of assignment.
5. Regular Duty Hours - Members shall print their regular duty hours for the date they earned the overtime.
6. Overtime Earned From - Members shall print the date and time they started earning overtime and the date and
time they stopped earning overtime.
7. Justification/Event and Case Number - Explains the reason why the member was earning overtime and the case
number used to document the event. On late calls (LC), the time assigned, location, type of call, and case # shall
be included in the Justification/Event and Case Number line.
8. OT Code: LC, AE, VR, Other - The three codes listed were put there for the convenience of officers. Almost all
overtime falls under one of these three codes. Either circle the one most appropriate or write in the code most
9. OT Code: 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 - These codes were printed on the card for the convenience of officers. Circle the
correct code. In the event you don’t know what the correct code is, contact a supervisor, or refer to subsection
10. Prior Approval Name - Officers submitting cards for Assignment Extension (AE) or Voluntary Return (VR)
must obtain prior approval from a supervisor. Officers shall print the name and badge number of the supervisor.
11. First (1st) Level Approval
a. For a Police Officer or Detective, the shift/detail sergeant or lieutenant is the first level of supervisory
approval required on a card. Supervisors will submit their cards to their immediate supervisors for first (1st)
level approval.
b. A signature, badge number, and date of approval shall be written on the card. By signing the card, the
supervisor approves paying the member for working the overtime. Stamps are no longer authorized for
approval of overtime and compensatory time cards.
12. Second (2nd) Level Approval
a. For a Police Officer, Detective-Investigator, or Sergeant, the Captain, Deputy Chief, or the Deputy Chief’s
designee will be the second (2nd) level of supervisory approval. For Lieutenants and above, the Division
Commander or his designee will be the second (2nd) level of supervisory approval.
b. By signing the card, the Captain, Deputy Chief, or the Deputy Chief’s designee approves paying the
member for working the overtime. Stamps are no longer authorized for approval of overtime and
compensatory time cards.
c. If a Captain is not available for second (2nd) level approval, the overtime and compensatory time cards will
be sent to the Division Commander or his designee for second (2nd) level approval.General Manual Procedures – Section 900 Personnel Procedures Page 9 of 9 Effective Date: January 06, 2012
Example: Sergeant submitting an overtime card would obtain first (1st) level approval from their Lieutenant and
second (2nd) level approval from their Captain, Deputy Chief, or the Deputy Chief’s designee.
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 901 – Payroll Timesheets & Overtime Accounting
13. Accounting Override – A member may work on some assignment not covered by the budget assigned to
their office code. The Department will pay the member with the Accounting Override. Circle either Sworn
or Non-Sworn to identify the category of personnel. Some examples are as follows:
a. Working on a Grant: An officer assigned to EPB working on the Weed & Seed Grant isn’t paid out of
the EPB budget. The coordinator of the Weed & Seed Grant will affix the Weed & Seed override code
in the space provided.
b. Working as an FTO Alternate: An officer working SPC who is not an FTO is assigned a cadet for the
shift. First (1st) level approval is done by the immediate supervisor. The card is routed to the Training
Academy for second (2nd) level approval. The Training Academy writes in the appropriate override
c. Responding to Internal Affairs while off duty: An officer is ordered to write a report for Internal
Affairs while off duty. The overtime code used is IA. First (1st) and second (2nd) level approval is
done in the Internal Affairs Unit.

General Manual Procedures – Section 900 Personnel Procedures Page 1 of 9 Effective Date: January 06, 2012
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 901 – Payroll Timesheets & Overtime Accounting
Office with Primary
Responsibility: SSO Effective Date:
Prior Revision Date:
January 06, 2012
July 31, 2010
Office(s) with Secondary
Responsibilities: PSC, PNC, TSC, FTC, IDC Number of Pages: 9
Forms Referenced in Procedure:
COSA Notice of Leave Form
SAPD Form #15 C
SAPD Form #15 CR
SAPD Form #15 O
SAPD Form #17-303None
Related Procedures: None
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