Procedure 324-Performance Evaluations Flashcards
02 A. It is the policy of the San Antonio Police Department to use performance evaluations to identify training needs in order to enhance the…
service expectations, policing styles, and responsibilities of the Department’s sworn members to reflect the goals and objectives of the Department and its community policing philosophy.
02 B. Used as a catalyst for enhancing the career development of sworn members.
Performance evaluations
02 C. Performance evaluations will not be used to determine any type of…
discipline or affect promotions or transfers within the Department.
.04 A. Conducted annually on all sworn members to provide structure and guidance in developing their performance capabilities and career opportunities.
Planning Sessions and Performance Evaluations
.04 B. Specific to the assignment or rank of the sworn member being evaluated.
Planning Sessions and Performance Evaluations.
.04 B. Are documented on SAPD Form #6-PE, Police (Sworn) Employee Annual Performance Appraisal by checking the applicable box at the top of the form titled, Planning Session or Annual Evaluation.
Both the Planning Session and the Performance Evaluation.
04 C. The SAPD Form #6-PE used for the annual Planning Session from the prior January will be the form used for the annual performance evaluation…
conducted in January of the following year.
04 C. Planning Session forms shall remain in the sworn member’s…
Departmental field file.
.04 D. During the rating period, rating officers shall conduct Performance Evaluations on subordinates utilizing the same SAPD Form #6-PE which was completed during the…
Planning Session from the previous January and can be retrieved from the officer’s Departmental field file.
04 C. Will accompany the officer to the new assignment should the officer be transferred.
The Planning Session form.
E. Performance Evaluations for sworn members who are transferred during a Performance Evaluation period are is
conducted by the…
last Supervisor to whom a member is assigned during the Performance Evaluation period.
Previous Supervisors should be contacted for input…
when sworn members who are transferred during a Performance Evaluation period
The Performance Evaluation will be submitted to the reviewing officer by…
February 15th of each year.
04F1. In accordance with Field Training Officer (FTO) Program SOP 207, the Evaluation Process for Probationary Police Officers requirement.
Probationary police officers are evaluated weekly through their riding phase.
.04F2. In accordance with Patrol Section SOP 213, Probationary Police Officer Monitoring Program, probationary officers who have completed their riding phase are evaluated…
monthly for the remainder of their probationary period.
.05A. Shall receive (initial professional and career development coaching, counseling, and performance evaluation training) during annual in-service training.
All supervisory officers
.05B. Shall receive professional and career development coaching, counseling, and performance evaluation training during their promotional training school.
All newly promoted supervisory officers
.05B. Professional and career development coaching, counseling, and performance evaluation training is designed to increase knowledge and skill in the following areas:
- Planning expectations for new Performance Evaluation period.
- Performance Evaluations.
- Career Development Consultation.
.06 A. Conduct Planning Sessions with all sworn members under their supervision.
Supervisory officer’s evaluation responsibility during the performance evaluation period.
.06 A. Consistently observe the sworn member’s performance and document observations and events.
Supervisory officer’s evaluation responsibility during the performance evaluation period.
.06 A. Continually gather information on performance results and compare with evaluation criteria specific to the sworn member’s assignment or rank.
Supervisory officer’s evaluation responsibility during the performance evaluation period.
.06 A. Regularly communicate with the sworn member about progress.
Supervisory officer’s evaluation responsibility during the performance evaluation period.
.06 A. Immediately document instances of poor performance and provide a copy of the document to the member.
Supervisory officer’s evaluation responsibility during the performance evaluation period.
.06 A. Identify systemic, procedural, and performance problems before they impact a sworn member’s performance.
Supervisory officer’s evaluation responsibility during the performance evaluation period.
.06 A. Set specific goals to correct current performance problems and develop the sworn member’s skills through coaching and formal and informal training.
Supervisory officer’s evaluation responsibility during the performance evaluation period.
.06 A.. When necessary, propose changes in the sworn member’s attitude, work habits, or other key criteria which may be affecting job performance.
Supervisory officer’s evaluation responsibility during the performance evaluation period.
.06 B. At any time during a performance evaluation period, if a Supervisor detects an immediate need to address a TRAINING ISSUE, the Supervisor shall document the issue in writing and submit a written report…
through the chain of command to the Training Advisory Board.
06 C. All sworn members being evaluated have the responsibility to (1). Identify for his Supervisor any problems which may be affecting his capabilities to…
successfully operate within an acceptable range of responsibility and productivity;
06 C. All sworn members being evaluated have the responsibility to (2). Identify work performance problems to the Supervisor and cooperate in resolving them by…
setting mutually agreed upon objectives for improving work performance.
06 C. All sworn members have the responsibility to (3). When assigned by a Supervisor, attend and complete…
training and development activities designed to improve current or future job performance.
.06 C 4. If a sworn member believes performance goals and objectives set by the Supervisor cannot be obtained as a direct result of Supervisory conflict, meet with the…
Supervisor’s Supervisor to mediate mutually agreed upon objectives for improving work performance.
.06 D. Upon completion of the annual performance evaluation process, Supervisors shall review the criteria contained in SAPD Form #6-PE with…
members and explain those categories which apply to the member’s assignment or rank for the next performance evaluation period.
.07 A. At the end of the evaluation period, sworn members are rated on each category. Explanations of the ratings are as follows:
N/A Not Applicable Below Expectations Unsatisfactory Meets Expectations Acceptable/Competent Exceeds Expectations Superior/Exceptional
.07 B. At the start of a performance evaluation period, in all listed categories, all sworn members are considered to have a rating value of…
“Meets Expectations”
.07 B. Is based on a Supervisor’s
expectations, observations, documentation, coaching, and counseling of a sworn member.
Movement up and down the rating scale
.07 C. Are based on the overall performance of a sworn member.
Category ratings
May provide indication of performance.
single incidents
.07 D. Supervisors who give a rating other than “Meets Expectations” in any section of the performance evaluation form must…
state the reason for the rating in writing in the “comments” section
.07 D. Written documentation for instances of “Below Expectations” must be included with the…
original SAPD Form #6-PE for the performance evaluation period being rated.
.07 E. Members may document, in Part IV of SAPD Form 6-PE, any comments they might have and If additional space is necessary, this form is used and becomes part of the evaluation form.
SAPD Form 65, Interoffice Correspondence
.08 A. Upon completion of an annual performance evaluation, the member’s Supervisor conducting the evaluation signs the performance evaluation form and delivers the form to…
a reviewing officer.
.08 B. The reviewing officer reviews the performance evaluation form for…
accuracy, completeness, fairness and impartiality on the part of the rater.
.08 B. Reviewing officers shall discuss with the (__) any (__) or (__) problem found during the review of the evaluation.
(rater) (identified) (perceived)
.08 C. A reviewing officer in disagreement with a rater’s rating value in any category may require the rater to..
justify the rating value in writing.
.08 C 1. If the reviewing officer still disagrees with the rater’s assessment, he states the reason and records his assessment of the rating value in…
red ink next to the rater’s assessment.
.08 C 2. Under no circumstances is the reviewing officer to…
change the rating value given by the rater.
.08 E. The reviewing officer shall evaluate the rater regarding the…
fairness and impartiality of ratings given employees, the rater’s participation in counseling rated employees, and the rater’s ability to carry out the rater’s role in the performance evaluation system.
.09 A. The Supervisor conducts a formal performance appraisal, counseling, and coaching interview with the sworn member.’’
upon completion and supervisory review of a sworn member’s annual performance evaluation form.
.09 C. After the end of the formal interview, the sworn member shall sign, date, and receive a…
copy of his completed annual performance evaluation form and may make written comments in Part IV of the evaluation form.
.09 D. 1. If a sworn member refuses to sign his performance evaluation form, the
Supervisor so notes and records the reason, if given.
.09 D 2. If sworn members are unavailable and cannot sign for their annual performance evaluations, the Supervisor will document the reason, place a copy in the sworn member’s…
FIELD FILE, and route the original evaluation form to the MANPOWER ALLOCATIONS DETAIL..
.09 D 3. If sworn members are unavailable and cannot sign for their annual performance evaluations, it will be the Supervisor’s responsibility to…
ensure the member personally receives a copy of his evaluation upon his return to duty.
10 A. If a sworn member disagrees with his annual performance evaluation rating, the sworn member shall…
indicate the disagreement to the Supervisor.
.10 A. If an agreement cannot be reached between the Supervisor and the member, the Supervisor shall…
inform the sworn member the performance evaluation rating may be appealed to the reviewing officer.
.10 B. The sworn member’s appeal must be in writing and submitted to the reviewing officer …
within five (5) Working days after the sworn member has signed the performance evaluation form.
.10 B. The written appeal must state the reasons for the appeal and the
points of disagreement.
.10 C. The reviewing officer has (__ __ __) to investigate the appeal and (__) to the sworn member in writing as to the findings of the investigation. The decision of the reviewing officer is final.
(ten working days) (respond)
.10 D. The written appeal and findings become a permanent part of the original annual performance evaluation form and
placed in the…
Department central personnel files
.11 A. Supervisors shall make copies of all completed annual performance evaluation forms and new planning session forms, with any attachments, and place the copies in the sworn members…
departmental field files
.11 B. Reviewing officer shall route all completed original annual performance evaluations forms, with any attachments to the…
Manpower Allocations Detail by February 28 of each year for processing.
.11 B. Are placed in sealed envelopes prior to being routed.
All completed annual performance
evaluation forms routed within the Department.
.11 C. Shall verify there is an accurate accounting of all sworn members’ annual performance evaluation forms.
The Manpower Allocations Detail
D. The (__ __ __) shall forward a copy of any performance evaluation which has a “Below
Expectations” rating in any category to the (__ __ __) for review.
(Manpower Allocations Detail)
Training Advisory Board
E. The Manpower Allocations Detail shall forward all original annual performance evaluation forms to the…
Accounting and Personnel Office
F. All annual performance evaluation forms shall remain on file in the…
Accounting and Personnel Office for a period of three (3) years.
.12 A. All annual performance evaluations are confidential. Only persons who have a (__ __ __) in reviewing the annual performance evaluations shall have access.
(job related interest)
.12 B. A sworn member’s performance evaluation is discussed only with the…
sworn member, their appropriate Supervisor or potential Supervisor, and the reviewing officer.
.12 C. The only units or personnel who should have access to annual performance evaluation forms are:
- The sworn member evaluated.
- Supervisor conducting the eval.
- The reviewing officer.
- Manpower Allocations Detail.
- Training Advisory Board.
- The Accounting and Personnel Office.
.06 A. Supervisory officers, during the performance evaluation period, shall have the following evaluation responsibilities:
- Conduct Planning Sessions.
- Consistently observe/document.
- Continually gather performance info.
- Regularly communicate progress.
- Immediately document poor performance.
- Identify problems before it impacts.
- Set specific goals to correct problems.
- Propose changes in attitude.