Procedure 806-Mobilization Flashcards
A. In unusual occurrences, effective control depends upon the immediate activation and deployment of police
manpower and resources to allow the Department to quickly re-establish order, in conjunction with other agencies.
B. Supervisors at the scene of an unusual occurrence must continually assess the situation to determine the proper
allocation and utilization of manpower and resources. This evaluation should not focus primarily on the present
requirements, but on future needs as well.
C. The periodic redistribution of manpower to maintain order, establish control, and accomplish law enforcement
objectives is essential in a decentralized police environment. With this understanding, this procedure is designed to
provide an immediate and organized recall of personnel necessary to deal with those situations which are of such
magnitude the on-duty manpower is insufficient to manage the incident. Additionally, this procedure provides for
requests for support from other agencies through mutual aid agreements.
D. Although this procedure is designed for all types of unusual occurrences, it is designed to supplement, not replace,
those procedures applicable to the recall of special response teams (i.e., Hostage Negotiators, SWAT, Bomb Squad
and the Tactical Response Unit).
.02 TERMINOLOGY (For specific use within this procedure, see Glossary)
Civil Disturbance Critical Incident Manmade Disaster Natural Disaster Unusual Occurrence
A. Phase I
1. Phase I is implemented for an unusual occurrence when the total manpower and resources assigned to the onduty Patrol Division:
a. Cannot control the occurrence;
b. Cannot provide adequate coverage to other sections of the City; or
c. Cannot conclude the occurrence within a reasonable length of time.
2. A field command post is established and the necessary radio frequencies are assigned and dedicated specifically
for the unusual occurrence operations in accordance with GM Procedure 802, Unusual Occurrences and
Critical Incidents.
3. Phase I recalls the necessary off-duty personnel, including their respective supervisory and command officers,
assigned to the oncoming shifts, in the following order:
a. Off-duty Traffic Section personnel assigned to report to the oncoming shift;
b. Off-duty Patrol Section personnel assigned to report to the oncoming shift for the service area responsible
for the occurrence;General Manual Procedures – Section 800Emergency Operations Page 2 of 4 Effective Date:July 31, 2010
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 806 – Mobilization
c. Off-duty Patrol Section personnel assigned to report to the oncoming shift for adjacent service areas; and
d. Off-duty Investigations Division personnel assigned to report to the oncoming shifts.
4. Implementation of Phase I is initiated by the Command Officer who was notified and responded in accordance
with GM Procedure 314, Command Notification.
5. Notice of Phase I implementation is made to:
a. The Deputy Chief(s) assigned to Patrol Division(s); and
b. The Chief of Police, or, in his absence, the Acting Chief of Police.
6. The Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC) is alerted.
B. Phase II
1. Phase II is implemented when the occurrence has reached a condition where the total manpower and resources
mobilized in Phase I are not adequate to control the situation or to adequately protect the lives and property of
the citizens of San Antonio.
2. Phase II requires the recall of all Departmental personnel.
3. All leave, training, and support activities are canceled (excluding injury and sick leave).
4. Mutual aid from the Bexar County Sheriff’s Department and Texas Department of Public Safety may be
5. The Chief of Police or, in his absence, the Acting Chief of Police, will authorize the implementation of Phase II
based on recommendations from the Command Officer who responded to the initial incident.
6. Notice of Phase II implementation is made to the City Manager, Mayor and Emergency Management
7. The activation of the City of San Antonio Emergency Operations Center is determined and made by the City
Manager or Mayor.
C. Phase III
1. Phase III is implemented when the unusual occurrence has reached such a catastrophic condition the situation
cannot be controlled by the combined resources of the City and county law enforcement agencies. State and
Federal assistance is requested.
2. All requests for State or Federal disaster relief assistance, including the National Guard, must be made through
the Emergency Management Coordinator (by authority of the Mayor). This request is made to the Texas
Division of Emergency Management through the District Disaster Committee Chair (DPS Captain), Region 3B,
and Texas Department of Public Safety.
A. This section is applicable to the recall of personnel, regardless of the phase.
B. The notification message shall be formatted to inform the member of the phase status of the Department, a brief
description of the unusual occurrence, the required equipment, and the location and time to report for assignment.General Manual Procedures – Section 800Emergency Operations Page 3 of 4 Effective Date:July 31, 2010
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 806 – Mobilization
C. All sworn members are to report in the regulation uniform, unless instructed otherwise.
D. Phase I
1. The Incident Commander:
a. Determines the number of necessary personnel from the oncoming shifts to be recalled;
b. Decides if relief days, vacation, training, and support activities are canceled; and
c. Notifies the on-duty Communications Unit shift supervisor of the personnel designated to recall.
2. The Communications Unit shift supervisor:
a. Notifies:
(1) The Office of the Chief;
(2) The Deputy Chief(s) assigned to the Patrol Division(s); and
(3) The Emergency Management Coordinator.
b. Directs and supervises the notification of all command personnel assigned to the oncoming units or shifts
designated to be recalled; and
c. Initiates a follow-up notification of all non-supervisory personnel assigned to the on-coming units or shifts
designated to be recalled, thereby ensuring notification of all affected personnel.
3. Notified Service Area, Shift, and Unit Commanders notify their respective oncoming supervisory personnel.
4. Apprised supervisory personnel notify their respective oncoming subordinates.
E. Phase II and Phase III
1. All relief days, vacations, training activities, support activities, and other leave (except sick and injury leave) are
automatically canceled.
2. The Incident Commander notifies:
a. The on-duty Communications Unit Shift Supervisor; and
b. The Office of the Chief.
3. The Office of the Chief notifies the Office of the City Manager and Mayor.
4. The Communications Unit Shift Supervisor directs and supervises the:
a. Notification of all Division, Section, Service Area, Shift, and Unit Commanders and upon completion;
b. Initiates a follow-up notification of all non-supervisory members, thereby ensuring notification of all
5. Division, Section, Service Area, Shift, and Unit Commanders notify their respective supervisory personnel.
6. Subordinate commanders notify their respective subordinates.General Manual Procedures – Section 800Emergency Operations Page 4 of 4 Effective Date:July 31, 2010
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 806 – Mobilization
7. The Incident Commander may request television and radio stations to assist in the recall of personnel.
A. The Incident Commander ensures the recalled members receive specific assignments. Assignments are prioritized
and given at the staging area. Assignments may be divided into four (4) categories:
1. Relief of on-duty members;
2. Containment at the scene or control of the perimeter surrounding the occurrence;
3. Provide service coverage to other sections of the city; and
4. Assignments involving specialized needs are coordinated with the appropriate specialized unit commander.
B. The Incident Commander determines the need for a twelve (12) hour shift operation. The twelve (12) hour shifts are
identified as follows:
1. The first shift is identified as ALPHA.
2. The second shift is identified as BRAVO.
All Department operations are conducted in accordance with Department procedures relative to the occurrence and the
Emergency Operations Plan for the City of San Antonio.
General Manual Procedures – Section 800Emergency Operations Page 1 of 4 Effective Date:July 31, 2010 San Antonio Police Department GENERAL MANUAL Procedure 806 – Mobilization Office with Primary Responsibility: TSC Effective Date: Prior Revision Date: July 31, 2010 October 01, 2009 Office(s) with Secondary Responsibilities: PSC, PNC, FTC, IDC, SSO Number of Pages: 4 Forms Referenced in Procedure: None Related Procedures: 314, 802