Procedure 601-Prisoners Flashcards
.01 This procedure establishes guidelines for the proper handling of prisoners by officers from;
the initial point of arrest to booking at the proper detention facility.
.02 When handling prisoners, officers do so with the highest regard for the;
- legal process,
- the individual’s rights,
- the prisoner’s safety,
- the safeguarding of personal property.
A. BC Jail prisoners;
B. COSA Detention Center prisoners;
C. BCJ Detention Center prisoners;
D. Field custody prisoners.
.05A. Officers use discretion in deciding whether to handcuff certain prisoners prior to;
transport to a detention facility, medical facility, or a law-enforcement facility.
.05A. discretion in deciding whether to handcuff certain prisoners is guided by prudent judgment, incorporating;
sex, age, temperament, disability, and the type of offense committed..
.05 A. 2. Although discretion in deciding whether to handcuff certain prisoners is allowed by this procedure, officers are not relieved of their duty to;
prevent prisoners from escaping, accessing weapons, or attacking others.
.05 B. The following prisoners are handcuffed without exceptions:
- Charged with felony offenses;
- Involved in violent incidents;
- Appear capable of violent resistance;
- Prisoners not searched;
- Intoxicated;
- Multiple prisoners;
- Transported in police vehicles;
- Entering detention facility or processing room
.05 C. When prisoners are handcuffed.
.05 D. (2) prisoners may be handcuffed with a single set of handcuffs while awaiting the… arrival of a second officer.
.05 E. Prisoners that may have their legs secured with leg Irons in addition to being handcuffed.
Prisoners who are violent and/or appear to be under the influence of drugs.
As soon as practical after an arrest and before a search is made:
.05 C. How prisoners are handcuffed:
- With their hands behind them;
- Double-lock for officer and prisoner protection;
- Prisoners are not handcuffed to fixed object.
.05 E 1. Prisoners will not have their hands and legs secured together in any form or position commonly known as…
.05 E 2. If violent prisoners cannot be properly restrained, additional officers… .
will be used to help physically restrain the prisoners
.05 F. Plastic handcuffs may be used when…
mass arrests are anticipated:
.05 F 2. Plastic handcuffs are removed with wire cutters at the….
detention facility, processing room, or in the field
.05 F 2. to remove plastic handcuffs, other types of cutting instruments are…
not used.
.05 G. Prisoners inside the detention facility are un-handcuffed only by…
detention facility personnel.
.05 G. Prisoners inside a processing room will be un-handcuffed at the direction of…
personnel assigned to the processing room.
.06 A. Officers are responsible for conducting a search, not to include a strip search or body cavity search, of prisoners to…
remove all weapons, dangerous objects, contraband, or evidence.
.06 B. Prisoners are searched as soon as practical after…
an arrest is made and prior to transport
.06 C. If an officer detects an object which feels like a weapon, contraband, or evidence, inside or under the clothing, the officer may…
reach into or under the clothing and seize the suspected item.
.06C. The reaching inside of clothing to immediately retrieve a weapon, contraband, or evidence discovered during a search incident to arrest…
is not considered a strip search.
06 D. They are responsible for searching the prisoners again, including hand-carried containers.
Officers assuming custody of prisoners from other officers
06 E. Are held accountable for any prisoner arriving at a detention facility or processing room with a weapon, dangerous object, or contraband on his person.
Transporting officers
06 F. Should search a female suspect or prisoner absent exigent circumstances…
a female officer.
06 F. Exigent circumstances include but are not limited to circumstances involving…
officer safety, the safety of the suspect or prisoner, or any other person.
06 G. In situations where a male officer has either direct knowledge or reasonable suspicion to believe that a weapon or dangerous object is secreted in a particular place on a female, other than within a body cavity of a female and if a female officer is not present.…
the male officer may reach directly into the area to seize the weapon or dangerous object,
.06G. When a male officer must reach directly into the area on a female prisoner to seize a weapon or dangerous object, such actions shall be…
documented in the officer’s report.
06 H. A strip search of prisoners (not to include a body cavity search) may only be conducted by officers having…
probable cause to believe a prisoner possesses weapons, dangerous objects, contraband, or evidence on his/her body, which may not be detected or recovered by the usual search technique.
.06H. The person under arrest is at the detention center or ready to be transported to a detention center.
May be stripped searched.
.06H. The prisoner must voluntarily consent to the strip search in writing or a;
warrant to conduct a strip search must be obtained prior to the search.
.06H. The searching officer and any others present must be the;
same sex as the prisoner.
.06H. Strip searches will not be conducted in public places so the search must be;
conducted in a private and secure room at the jail or Detention Center.
.06H. Only the minimum number of personnel necessary to ensure the;
safety of the persons involved will be present, to include a supervisor, during the strip search.
.06H. A minimum of two officers are required to be present
(searching officer and witness).
.06H. The search must be done discreetly and with the utmost respect for;
the prisoner’s privacy and dignity.
.06H. The requesting officer’s report must contain:
a. Supervisor’s name present during search;
b. Names of all present during the search;
c. Exact location the search took place;
d. The results of the search.
.06H. A copy of this must accompany the written report.
the search warrant or written consent.
06 I. Officers having reasonable suspicion only, to believe a prisoner possesses weapons, dangerous objects, contraband,or evidence on his/her body which may not have been detected or recovered by the usual search technique shall;
Notify Detention Center personnel of their suspicion during the booking process and include their names in the details of the report.
06 J. Body cavity searches must be conducted at a qualified medical facility and under the following guidelines:
- Under the authority of a search warrant; or
2. The prisoner must voluntarily consent to a body cavity search in writing prior to the search.
06 K. Officers having probable cause to believe a prisoner possesses weapons, dangerous objects, contraband, or evidence within his body which, would constitute a danger to the safety of the officers or others, shall
obtain a search warrant, transport the prisoner to a qualified medical facility, and request a body cavity search of the prisoner for those items within the body by qualified medical personnel.
.07A. A prisoner is entitled to reasonable protection while under arrest. Officers use reasonable care and diligence to;
preserve the lives, health, and safety of prisoners.
.07A. Prisoners are secured as soon as practical in police vehicles with;
safety belts.
.07A. Prisoners are not placed in a prone position or any other position which could cause;
positional asphyxia.
.07A. Unruly and combative prisoners are transported in a prisoner transport wagon whenever possible. If no prisoner transport wagon is available;
a second officer accompanies the transporting officer to a detention facility.
.07B. Prisoners, for security and safety reasons, including prisoners exposed to (OC) spray, may be moved to locations away from the original arrest scene;
only after receiving approval from a supervisor.
.07B. If exigent circumstances exist and there is not enough time to notify a supervisor;
the officer will immediately notify the dispatcher of the relocation.
.07B. If exigent circumstances exist requiring an officer to relocate a prisoner, the location shall be located on the most;
direct route to a detention facility, and be in an open, well-lighted area
.07B. There will be no exchange of handcuffs on the prisoners;
during this transfer process.
.07C. When a prisoner is detained in the field for questioning;
the prisoner shall be kept secured in the following manner:
.07C. The officer in possession of a prisoner shall be responsible for the;
safety and security of the prisoner, and for the prisoner’s actions;
.07C. If the officer in possession of a prisoner relinquishes custody of the prisoner to another officer, he shall;
remain with the prisoner until the accepting officer takes physical custody of the prisoner.
.07C. The officer shall document in his written report the;
name of the officer who accepted custody of the prisoner.
.07 D. When a prisoner is taken to a processing room for processing prior to being taken to a detention facility, the arresting officer will:
- Retain responsibility for security of prisoner during questioning and processing;
- Ensure the prisoner is not left unattended; and
- After processing, take the adult prisoner to the Detention Center to be magistrated, or take the juvenile prisoner to the Bexar County Juvenile Detention Center.
.07E. While transporting prisoners, officers exercise caution and remain attentive, through observation of prisoners’actions and;
behavior, to prevent the escape of prisoners and for the prisoners’ safety.
.07E. Officers remain aware the security afforded by placing prisoners in police vehicles equipped with physical barriers;
is minimal and the escape of unattended prisoners is probable.
.07F. If a prisoner escapes from an officer, the officer immediately notifies;
his supervisor and advises the Communications Unit of the description of the prisoner, the direction of travel, and the charges against the prisoner for broadcast to other field personnel.
.07F. The involved officer shall complete an offense report and place any property belonging to the escaped prisoner in the;
Property Room.
.07F. He shall make a determination as to the cause of the escape.
The officer’s supervisor
.07F. If the cause of the escape is determined by the supervisor to be a procedural violation on the part of the officer;
the supervisor shall immediately forward a written report on the escape, through the chain of command, to the Internal Affairs Unit, requesting a full investigation.
.07G. If a prisoner escapes from an officer in another jurisdiction, the officer shall immediately;
notify the law enforcement agency in the other jurisdiction.
.07G. The law enforcement agency in the other jurisdiction;
will handle the escape.
.07G. The officer will immediately notify ;
his supervisor as to the circumstances surrounding the escape.
.07G. The officer’s supervisor (with input from the other jurisdiction) shall make a;
determination as to the cause of the escape.
.07G. If the cause of the escape is determined by the supervisor to be a procedural violation on the part of the officer, the supervisor shall;
immediately forward a written report on the escape, through the chain of command, to the Internal Affairs Unit, requesting a full investigation.
.08A. All vehicles used to transport prisoners will be searched for weapons, dangerous objects and contraband at the;
beginning of each shift and before and after transporting prisoners.
.08B. Adult prisoners are transported from the location of arrest directly to the proper detention facility without delay, except when;
transporting the prisoners to a law-enforcement or medical facility.
.08C. Juvenile prisoners, prior to being taken to the Bexar County Juvenile Detention Center, are transported from the location of arrest;
directly to the Juvenile Processing Office for processing.
.08C. The exception to transporting directly to the Juvenile Processing Office is when processing the juvenile for;
DWI or when transporting the juvenile to a medical facility.
.08D. Prisoners with any types of disabilities are transported using the;
most reasonable accommodations that fit the needs of the prisoners.
.08E. These prisoners will not be transported with other prisoners.
Prisoners who have been exposed to an electrical charge from an ECD.
.08F. Officers shall attempt to positively identify all prisoners being transported. Positive identification may be made;
through a driver’s license or other written forms of identification.
.08F. The identification used to identify prisoners should accompany all other necessary documentation needed to;
process the prisoners at the detention facility.
.08F. Any information regarding a prisoner’s attempt to escape, mental illness, suicide potential, or any other personal traits of a security nature shall be recorded on the;
documentation that accompanies the prisoner to the detention facility and verbally related to the
detention facility personnel or processing room personnel.
.08G. Prisoners who have been exposed to OC spray or an electrical charge from an ECD, will be
transported to the detention facility or processing room by the;
arresting officer in his marked patrol vehicle, if possible.
.08G. If the arresting officer is not assigned a marked patrol vehicle;
a marked patrol vehicle will be used to transport the prisoner exposed to OC or an electrical charge from an ECD.
.08G. If the prisoner is so violent that damage would be caused to the marked patrol vehicle;
a prisoner transport wagon may be utilized, with the approval of a supervisory officer.
.08G. Prisoners exposed to an electrical charge
from an ECD who are to be transported by prisoner wagon, will be transported;
without other prisoners in the prisoner wagon.
.08G. Who will the transporting officer ask to notify the appropriate detention facility or processing room personnel that a prisoner exposed to OC spray or an electrical charge is being transported to their location.
the dispatcher
.08H. Unless the incident is of such magnitude, that immediate action is required, to prevent the loss of life, or substantial damage to property;
Officers do not handle other police incidents while transporting prisoners,
.08I. Officers do not allow prisoners to communicate with;
non-police personnel while being transported.
.08J. All officers, when transporting prisoners, obtain a time check from the dispatcher;
- upon leaving the scene of the arrest, upon
- incurring any delays along the route,
- upon arrival at the destination.
.08J. In addition to time checks, officers furnish their vehicle odometer reading to the dispatcher upon;
leaving the scene and upon arrival at the
.08K. Juveniles are not transported in the same police vehicle as adult prisoners, unless they have a;
husband/wife, parent/child, or brother/sister relationship, and the reason for the arrest was of a nonviolent nature.
.08L. Male officers transporting female juvenile prisoners do so only with the;
help of a secondary officer riding in the same police vehicle.
.08M. Police vehicles used primarily for transporting prisoners have physical barriers between the front and rear seats and may be used to transport;
a maximum of (2) prisoners if there is only one officer. Both prisoners are secured in the rear seat with safety belts. {prior test question}
.08M. When a second officer is available to help with the transportation of multiple prisoners, a;
maximum of (3) prisoners may be transported, all are secured in the rear seat with safety belts, and the 2nd officer in the front passenger seat.
.08N. Police vehicles not primarily used for transporting prisoners do not have physical barriers between the front and rear seats, but may be used to transport only (1) prisoner.
The prisoner is secured in the front passenger
seat with a safety belt.
.08N. When a second officer is available, he sits behind the driving officer and a maximum of;
(2) prisoners may be transported, with (1) in the front passenger seat and the 2nd in the rear seat behind the first prisoner.
.08O. Prisoner transport vans (wagons) are assigned to the;
North Patrol and South Patrol Divisions for use by officers assigned to those divisions.
.08O. Prisoner transport wagons may be used to pick up additional prisoners, if approved by;
a supervisor and the pick-up point is near the return route to a detention facility.
.08O. Female prisoners are not transported in the same prisoner transport wagon with male prisoners, unless they have a;
husband/wife, Common-law marriages do not satisfy a husband/wife relationship.