Procedure 319-Civilian Observer Program Flashcards
.01 This procedure establishes guidelines for civilians to obtain authorization to ride as observers with San Antonio police officers in police vehicles and outlines the responsibilities for…
civilians and officers that are involved in the
Civilian Observer Program
.02 A. The Civilian Observer Program is a program which allows and encourages civilians to ride as observers with San Antonio police officers to get a…
better understanding of police work and also to create a spirit of involvement in the area of community policing.
02 B. The Civilian Observer Program is administered and coordinated by the…
Station Commander having command authority over the service area where the civilian observer will be assigned during the ride.
02 B. To assist with coordinating and implementing the Civilian Observer Program, Station commanders may designate…
Assistant Station Commanders or Unit Directors.
02 C. Any civilian may participate in the Civilian Observer Program who has received…
written authorization on SAPD Form #166-AR, Civilian Observer Authorization and Release.
02 C1. Sworn officers from other jurisdictions, military personnel working in law enforcement related areas or individuals who have been referred by the Chief’s Office, Mayor’s Office, City Manager’s Office or related City departments;
Criteria to assist in determining whether to allow an individual to ride:
02 C2. Professors or students enrolled in a criminal justice program from an institute of higher education, with proof of enrollment in the program;
Criteria to assist in determining whether to allow an individual to ride:
02 C3. Members of the Department authorized by their supervisors to assist in understanding police operations within the Department (Dispatchers, 911 Clerks, Crime Scene Investigators, or Police Service Agents); and
Criteria to assist in determining whether to allow an individual to ride:
02 C4. Citizens completing training in the Citizens Police Academy, Cellular on Patrol, Volunteers in Policing, Victims Advocacy, and Family Assistance Crisis Team are entitled to a minimum of one ride.
Criteria to assist in determining whether to allow an individual to ride:
02 Individuals who are very active in the above listed programs may be authorized to ride…
more than one time at the discretion of the Chief’s Office.