Procedure 615-Exposure to Communicable Diseases and Other Public Health Risks Flashcards
.02A. All officers, while exercising extreme caution when handling individuals having or suspected of having contagious diseases or parasites, will not intentionally;
ignore or avoid contact with those individuals when necessary in the performance of a lawful objective.
.02C. shall strive to ensure the safety of all officers in situations involving the possible presence of contagious diseases, parasites, or infectious materials and evidence through the utilization of all available precautions and barriers prior to ordering officers into such situations;
Supervisory officers
.05A. Officers responding to requests for police services who come into contact with individuals showing outward signs or manifestations, avoid unnecessary physical contact with the persons, other than for the following reasons:
- The rendering of emergency first aid;
- To stabilize a life-threatening situation;
- To effect an arrest.
.05B. Members forewarned of, or who suspect, the presence of a contagious disease or parasite take appropriate precautions to prevent unnecessary skin contact by using the various equipment provided in;
an Infection Barrier Kit.
.05C. Members unable to avoid close personal contact with a person believed to have a contagious disease or parasite should decontaminate themselves and their vehicle;
as soon as possible in accordance with this procedure.
.06A. Officers arresting persons with outward signs of contagious diseases or parasites, or persons;
suspected of having contagious diseases or parasites isolate those prisoners from other prisoners.
.06B. Prisoners who require medical treatment as the result of highly contagious diseases are transported by;
an E.M.S. unit.
.09D Prisoners who are suspected of having contagious diseases or parasites, but have been cleared from the need of medical attention are processed for the alleged offense with the nature of the suspected contagious disease or
parasite noted in the officer’s report and;
on the booking slip.
.09D. Who is advised of the prisoner’s suspected condition at the time of booking?
The City of San Antonio Detention Center supervisor.
.07B. At any scene where body fluids are present or where contagious diseases or parasites are suspected;
Officers should use Infection Barrier Kits
.07C. Victims believed to have contagious diseases or parasites are not handled by officers, unless necessary, without;
protective gloves or other precautionary measures.
.07D. At scenes where body fluids are present, or other contagious factors exist;
Officers shall not eat, drink, or smoke.
.07E. Who is notified in cases where evidence is believed to be contaminated with infectious material, contagious diseases, or parasites and needs to be recovered /transported to the Property Room or the Medical Examiner’s Office?
The Crime Scene Unit is notified
Officers shall notify members of the Crime Scene Unit the evidence may be contaminated with infectious material, contagious diseases, or parasites;
prior to the Crime Scene Unit member entering the scene and collecting the evidence.
.07F. Evidence recovered at crime scenes, involving infectious material, or contagious diseases, before being placed in the Property Room, or taken to the Medical Examiner’s Office is;
properly packaged and clearly marked in accordance with Crime Scene Unit procedures
.07G. The owner or person in charge of the premises where an incident occurred, to obtain the proper procedure for decontaminating the premises, is advised to contact the
Metropolitan Health District
.09A. Members Potentially Exposed to Communicable Diseases: shall ensure the area of exposure is immediately washed and sanitized, and shall;
immediately notify their supervisor of the exposure incident.
.09A. They, will arrange for the person who exposed the member to be tested/booked while the member, who was exposed to the communicable
disease, is treated at the hospital.
.09A. In order to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, a member who claims a possible work-related exposure must be tested for Viral Hepatitis and HIV;
within 10 days of the exposure.
.09A. Members are encouraged to immediately take the medications prescribed by physicians, as some medications are believed to reduce the risk of contracting HIV;
by 80% If taken within 2 hours of the exposure.
.09A. Members, who believe they were exposed by a prisoner, refusing to be tested, will complete an Affidavit in Support of Mandatory Testing, and be assisted by;
Follow-up unit Detectives or the Night CID Unit Detectives will assist the officer in completing the affidavit.
.09A. If members are accidentally exposed by a person other than a prisoner, he is asked to voluntarily submit to a test for communicable diseases;
at the City’s expense.
.09A. The transportation of this person to University Hospital, if the person consents to the test, will be arranged for by;
a supervisor
.09A. If the person does not consent to be tested, he will be identified and allowed to leave, and members will immediately contact the Homicide Unit or the Night CID Unit and complete the Affidavit for Testing, and once signed, it will immediately be;
delivered in person to the Accounting and Personnel Office.
.09A. The Accounting and Personnel Office will hand deliver it;
no later than the next business day, to the Health Department‘s Epidemiologist.
.09A. Who will arrange court proceedings to determine if the person who exposed the officer will undergo testing for communicable diseases?
The Health Department
.09A. If the members are exposed to a patient’s blood or body fluids while rendering assistance at an emergency or while transporting the patient to the hospital:
a. The hospital may test for Hep B or C without consent.
b. Members should, first ask patient to voluntarily submit to a test.
.09B. The assisting officer, guarding the prisoner will ask for voluntarily consent to a test, but regardless of whether he consents or refuses, he is asked to sign a Consent /Refusal to Draw Blood, the officer writes;
“Refused to Sign” on the portion of the form where
the prisoner is supposed to sign, then dates and signs the form as the witness.
.09B. If the prisoner refuses to be tested for communicable diseases, the;
assisting officer will notify the follow-up unit/Night CID Unit and his supervisor.
.09B. The follow-up unit Detectives or Night CID Unit Detectives will complete SAPD Order for Testing, and present it as well as copies of completed SAPD Forms #CD-1 and #CD-2 to a magistrate, having jurisdiction over the prisoner, to sign, then;
a copy is made and given to the personnel at University Hospital, so the prisoner can be tested.
.09C. Once a supervisor is notified of a potential exposure incident, he will ensure the exposed officer and the prisoner are;
transported to University Hospital for testing.
.09C. If members are accidentally exposed to infectious material by a person other than a prisoner and the person consents to the test;
a supervisor will arrange for the transportation of this person to University Hospital.
.09C. The supervisor will properly complete all Workers’ Compensation forms and ensure all forms are delivered to the;
Accounting and Personnel Office
.09E. Members who would like to know the results of the communicable diseases exams will call the;
Epidemiologist with the Health Department.
.10A. For members who receive medical attention, as a result of exposure to contagious diseases, or parasites;
Supervisory officers complete all required Workers’ Compensation forms.
.10B. Supervisory officers acknowledge receipt of the supplemental report, authenticate the incident, and make the reports a;
part of the officer’s departmental personnel file.
.10D. Information regarding individuals exhibiting signs of communicable disease is confidential and not released other than;
through official police correspondence.
.11A. A supply of Infection Barrier Kits and replacement items shall be available to all;
supervisors by the Fleet Services Management Office.
.11B. Supervisors shall ensure Infection Barrier Kits are supplied in each marked police vehicle. Issuance of Infection Barrier Kits and replacement items shall be documented in a written log by members of;
the Fleet Services Management Office assigned to each substation.
.11C. Members who need items for their Infection Barrier Kits shall notify their supervisor in writing. Supervisors shall replace these items and then forward the report to the;
member of the Fleet Services Management Office assigned to his substation.
.11D. An adequate supply of Infection Barrier Kits and replacement items shall also be kept in stock at every substation for issuance to members by;
supervisors in emergency situations.
.11E. Infection Barrier Kits consist of Infection Barrier Items and a CleanUp Kit;
packaged in 12” x 15” clear, re-sealable bags.
.12B. The only acceptable method of disposal is to seal the items in one of the;
red disposable bags marked “Biohazard Infectious Waste” contained in the Infection Barrier Kits, and then taken to the Fleet Services Management Office.
.12B. For officers to dispose of the [red] biohazard infectious waste bags, a large;
trash can marked “Biohazard Infectious Waste” will be placed directly outside of the Fleet Services Management Office.
.12B. Officers disposing of biohazard infectious waste
shall document in a written report the method used for disposal. Copies of the report are routed to the;
officer’s supervisor and the Fleet Services Management Office.
.12C. After the trash can labeled “Biohazard Infectious Waste” is full, a member of the Fleet Services Management Office will deliver the Biohazard Waste to;
the Health Department Lab
.13B. Police vehicles are cleaned using the;
hospital grade disinfectant, which can be obtained through the Fleet Services Management Office.
.13C. Police vehicles containing contagious disease or parasite are sealed and immediately returned to the assigned substation by;
contract wrecker for decontamination by the Fleet Services Management Office.
.13C. Police vehicles are sealed by placing;
yellow police tape around the vehicle and placing a notice with the word “Contaminated” on the driver’s side window.
.13C. The officer sealing the police vehicle shall send a written report detailing the reason for sealing the vehicle to;
his Unit/Shift Director and the Fleet Services Management Office.
.13E. Prisoner transport wagons, as a precautionary measure against contagious diseases or parasites, shall be sprayed with a hospital grade disinfectant by the assigned officer;
upon completion of each tour of duty.
.13E. The hospital grade disinfectant shall be supplied by the;
Fleet Services Management Office and kept in stock at any unit assigned a prisoner transport wagon.
.14B. Prior to showering, contaminated clothing should be placed in a;
plastic bag and sprayed with a hospital grade disinfectant available at all substations.
.14B. All directions on the disinfectant container should be followed before;
washing the clothes in soap and water.
.14B. Officers, upon request, shall be provided with a soap and shampoo, which;
will kill parasites, and shall be supplied by the Fleet Services Management Office and kept in stock at every police substation.
.15B. The officer will then take his approved report and his PPE Kit, for replacement of equipment and /or;
the Armory and Supply Office
.15E. When the need arises, officers may use their half face air purifying respirators, located in the unsealed portion of the PPE Kits;
at anytime during their tour of duty.
.15E. Will replace these half face air purifying respirators as needed.
The Armorer
.15E. A supply of these respirators will be kept in the ready room for officers to use when the Armory and Supply Office is closed, so that;
Supervisors can issue replacement equipment as needed.
.15G. If the PPE Kit is deployed at an incident which did not require the Fire Department and if the officer has any reservations on how to dispose of the equipment or supplies, he shall;
have the dispatcher contact the Fire Department’s Haz-Mat Unit,
.15H. Any new seals issued for PPE will be documented at the time of issuance and a copy of the new serial numbers, along with the officer’s monthly inspection report will be;
kept in the officer’s field file.
.15I. Will schedule and ensure each officer under his command is annually refitted and tested with his full face air purifying respirator,
Unit/Shift Directors in January of each year,
.15I. The supervisor will forward the officer’s report on loss or damage PPE through his chain of command to the;
Labor Relations Committee for a determination as to the cause and what extent the officer is responsible.
.16 The PPE Kit, Mark 1 NAAK contains;
[3] - Mark 1 Nerve Agent Antidote Kits.
Mark 1 Nerve Agent Antidote Kits contain:
- one auto injector of 2 mgs of Atropine.
* one auto injector with 600 mgs of 2 Pam-Chloride.
.16B. The Mark 1 Nerve Agent Antidote Kits are only to be used on the officer by himself or other first responders who are;
already in their protective equipment.
.16C. The Mark 1 Nerve Agent Antidote Kits are to be used by an officer when he believes;
he has been exposed to a nerve agent and begins showing signs and symptoms.
.16C. Symptoms of nerve agents include:
Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, Gastrointestinal Distress, or Emesis (SLUDGE).
.16C. If an officer believes he has been exposed to a nerve agent, the officer shall:
a. remove himself from area;
b. notify the dispatcher to start EMS;
c. empty front pockets;
d. Measure a hand above knee /below the hip;
e. Inject Mark 1 NAAAK injectors both thighs.
[Recommend inject both thighs simultaneously]
.16C. To help EMS determine how many series of shots the officer has taken, after injections, place the
bottom cap of each of the Mark 1 Nerve Agent Antidote Kits on his fingers.
.16C. An officer shall a second time inject himself if he continues to feel the effects of the;
nerve agent (SLUDGE) after 10 minutes.
.16C. An officer shall a third time inject himself if he continues to feel the effects of the;
nerve agent (SLUDGE) after 10 minutes.
.16C. Officers shall not inject themselves with more than the;
three Mark 1 Nerve Agent Antidote Kits provided in their PPE Kits in a given day.