Procedure 311-Court Appearances Flashcards
.02. If members are needed to attend court, preliminary court proceedings, or pretrial conferences, they are:
- Subpoenaed.
2. Notified by the court liaison detail by computer generated notice, fax notice or telephone.
.02. Courts in this agency’s jurisdiction utilize officers’ writtten reports, sworn statements, or complaints at…
Preliminary court hearings and arraignments in lieu of an officer’s presence.
.02. Members subpoenaed or notified by the court liaison detail to attend court or pre-trial conference held in the Bexar county courthouse or justice center shell check in with the…
Court liaison detail prior to reporting to court or a pretrial conference.
.02. Members attending all other courts signing with…
The court bailiff.
.02. Officers provide verification of attendance in court by submitting court attendance cards signed by…
Court Liaison Detail Personnel.
.02. Officers provide verification of attendance in a court or pre-trial conference by submitting a completed court attendance card signed by…
Court Liaison Detail personnel.
.02. If an officer attends a court, a hearing, or a pre-trial conference at a location other than the Bexar County Courthouse, the Bexar County Justice Center, or the City’s MC, the officer shall write a report and attach it to the overtime card along with the notice to appear indicating:
a. The name of the court or hearing.
b. The dates and times.
c. The reason for attendance.
d. The name and phone number of a contact person from the court or hearing who can verify the officer’s attendance.
.02. Off-duty members dismissed by a county or district court or after completing a pre-trial conference shall also checkout with the…
Court Liaison Detail.
.02F. If a member is needed to testify in a proceeding, he is notified by (__ __ __ __) his attendance is necessary and shall fully cooperate with the directions of the (__ __ __).
(Court Liaison Detail personnel)
Court Liaison Detail
.02F. When a member is required to attend two different courts at the same time, he attends the higher court and notifies
lower court and/or Court Liaison Detail of his whereabouts.
.02F. When a member is required to attend a court and a pre-trial conference at the same time, he attends court and notifies the…
Court Liaison Detail so the pre-trial conference can be rescheduled.
.02G. Members do not testify in a civil proceeding unless they are properly subpoenaed by either the…
plaintiff or the defendant in the case.
.03A. The Court Liaison Detail, located in the Bexar County Criminal Justice Center, is manned by…
members of the San Antonio Police Department.
- Unlike municipal court subpoenas, which are RECEIVED by the member’s unit, subpoenas issued by District and Bexar County Courts are RECEIVED…
in the Court Liaison Detail, where they are then DIRECTED to the respective member’s unit of assignment.
.04. All units maintain a subpoena log, which members check upon (__ __ __) to determine if they have any subpoenas.
(reporting for duty)
.04. Members shall accept and sign for their subpoenas in the subpoena log and make the necessary return…
immediately upon receipt of a subpoena.
.04C. Subpoenas issued less than six (6) days prior to the court date may be delivered by…
Bexar Cty deputy sheriffs.
Bexar Cty DA’s Office investigators.
Court Liaison Detail personnel.
.04D. When a subpoena is issued for a date on which a member will be on vacation, the subpoena is immediately returned to the Court Liaison Office with…
notification the member is on vacation, with the beginning and ending dates of vacation.
.04E. Once a member has received a subpoena, he shall not schedule…
Any type of leave for the date and time of the standby period.
.04E The member may not schedule leave for the specified date and time if (__ __ __) or a (__) (__) contacts a member and places them on stand-by or advises them they are to appear in a court on a specific date and time,
(Court Liaison personnel) or a (judge) (verbally)
.04E. To ensure the member has no subpoenas during the period of the requested leave…
A supervisor reviews the subpoena log prior to authorizing leave for members.
.02G. Immediately upon receiving a civil subpoena, members shall notify their…
chain of command and contact the Legal Advisor’s Office to see if an attorney needs to review the civil case.