Procedure 602-Juveniles Flashcards
.01 This procedure establishes departmental guidelines for handling juveniles in accordance with;
Title 3 of the Texas Family Code, effective January 1, 1996.
.02A. The S.A.P.D. investigates all criminal activities alleged to have been committed by juveniles and, when applicable, presents;
completed investigations to the District Attorney’s Office for prosecution.
.02B. The S.A.P.D. is also committed to the development and
perpetuation of programs designed to prevent and control juvenile delinquency.
.02B. To accomplish this goal, all components and personnel of the Department shall share the responsibility for;
participating in or supporting the Department’s juvenile operations function.
.04A. All officers, when dealing with juvenile offenders, shall use the;
least coercive remedies among reasonable alternatives.
.04A. Remedies which should be considered, when dealing with juvenile offenders:
- Outright release;
- Issuance of citations or summonses; and
- Referral to juvenile court.
.04B. Juveniles may be arrested under any of the following circumstances or pursuant to:
- Juvenile Court Order under the Family Code;
- Laws of arrest in state or federal statute;
- Conduct violating penal laws of TX or penal ordinances of any political subdivision.
.04C. Juveniles may be taken into custody under the following circumstances:
- Determine whether juvenile is alleged to have been harmed or in danger of being harmed;
- As status offenders, as defined in Family Code,
.04D. Juveniles are arrested and/or taken into custody in accordance with;
Procedure 601, Prisoners.
.04E. Officers read SAPD Form #66-E, Rights Warnings, to juvenile offenders in custody;
prior to questioning. for which they are arrested and in accordance with the CCP
.04F. A child under {10} years, taken into custody for a criminal offense cannot be detained for;
investigative purposes without permission from the child’s parent, custodian or guardian.
.04F. If permission is not granted to detain a child under {10}, he is released to the custody of a parent, custodian or guardian, with a copy of the report;
sent to the Juvenile Processing Office and the appropriate follow-up unit.
.04F. If a parent, custodian or guardian cannot be located, the child is;
returned to the Juvenile Processing Office.
.04F. The officer shall prepare the appropriate reports, documenting how he determined the;
age and identity of the underage child or attempted to, and the actions taken in attempting to locate a parent, custodian or guardian
.04F. Copies of the reports are routed to the;
appropriate follow-up unit.
.04G. Juveniles arrested and/or taken into custody, if not field released are;
immediately returned to the Juvenile Processing Office for processing.
.04G. A juvenile’s parent, custodian, or guardian is notified of the arrest;
as soon as the arresting officer is able.
H. Juveniles booked into the Bexar County Jail by mistake are released immediately and referred to the Juvenile Processing Office if presented with;
- A certificate of birth or a certified copy.
- A baptismal certificate, with {2} sworn affidavits.
- Juvenile’s age has been previously certified.
I. Adults taken into custody for outstanding juvenile warrants are;
transported to the Bexar County Juvenile Detention Center.
.05A. A field release from custody is made whenever possible, when the officer;
believes it would be in the best interest of the juvenile and the State of Texas.
.05B. Officers conduct a warrant and missing persons check on all juveniles;
prior to a field release, and handle any active juvenile warrants or reported missing cases.
.05C. Juveniles may be issued misdemeanor citations for Class C offenses, and the letter;
“J” signifying Juvenile is written in the upper right-hand corner of the citation.
.05D. During school hours, juveniles who have been detained for curfew or Class C offenses, when field released are returned to;
their school, and a copy of the curfew violation is routed to the Juvenile Processing Office.
.05D. If the juvenile has been expelled from school, the juvenile is released to;
a parent, custodian, or guardian.
.05D. If the parent, custodian, or guardian can not be located, the juvenile is taken to;
the Juvenile Processing Office.
.05E. Juveniles are released to other agencies under the following circumstances:
- Care and protection of the child in custody;
- Child asks for assistance, aid, help, or guidance in criminal or civil matters the agency can provide;
- Another law enforcement agency has jurisdiction over the child, per Texas Family Code;
- The BCJ Detention Center for processing through the Juvenile Court.
.06A. Juveniles charged with traffic offenses are issued traffic citations, and released;
- At the scene if safe to do so and they have a
valid driver’s license in their possession; - To the custody of a parent, custodian, or
guardian; or - Returned to the Juvenile Processing Office if
unable to locate a parent, custodian, or guardian.
.06B. The release of a juvenile, at the officer’s discretion, to the custody of a parent, custodian, guardian, adult relative, or;
other responsible adult is documented in a written report.
.07A. Juveniles suspected of driving while intoxicated or under the influence are
handled in accordance with Procedure 507, Driving While Intoxicated Arrests.
.07B. Juveniles detained for the offense of D.W.I. are transported to the Juvenile Processing Office after;
any chemical or associated tests have been administered.
.07C. When juveniles operating motor vehicles are involved in accidents resulting in a death, the probability of a death, or S.B.I. and there is probable cause the accident occurred because a juvenile was intoxicated, what member is dispatched to the scene of the traffic accident?
member of the Homicide Unit or Night CID Unit.
.07C. When juveniles operating motor vehicles are involved in accidents resulting in a death, the probability of a death, or S.B.I. and there is probable cause the accident occurred because a juvenile was intoxicated, the juvenile suspect is taken into custody for;
the offense of Intoxication Manslaughter, Intoxication Assault, or D.W.I.
.07C. When juveniles operating motor vehicles are involved in accidents resulting in a death, the probability of a death, or S.B.I. and there is probable cause the accident occurred because a juvenile was intoxicated, the juvenile suspect, if not injured, is transported to the Juvenile Processing Office for processing;
after any chemical or associated tests have been administered, or the juvenile suspect, if injured, is transported to a medical facility.
.07C. When juveniles operating motor vehicles are involved in accidents resulting in a death, the probability of a death, or S.B.I. and there is probable cause the accident occurred because a juvenile was intoxicated depending on the result of the investigation;
the member of the Homicide Unit or Night CID Unit will determine the charge, if any, to be filed against the juvenile.
.11A. When a juvenile is in the company of an arrested adult, in order to return the juvenile to the custody of his parent,custodian, or guardian, or responsible adult at home, the;
arresting officer assesses the situation and uses his judgment and discretion as to the most expedient manner.
.11A. Factors taken into consideration in order to return the juvenile to the custody of his parent,custodian, guardian, or responsible adult are;
age, mental or physical competence, time of day, distance from home, and availability of a responsible person.
.11B. If proper arrangements cannot be accomplished at the scene, the officer transports children to the Children’s Shelter located at 2939 W. Woodlawn Avenue when they are;
{12} years of age or under, the Children’s Shelter will accommodate all children, provided there is room.
.11B. Transports juveniles, to the Bridge, located at 3103 West Ave,when the juvenile’s age is;
{13} years or older, the Bridge accepts children in crisis and runaways.
.11B. The Bridge will accommodate all children, provided there is room, however, the Bridge will;
scrutinize children who are suicidal, homicidal, and children who do not want to stay at the Bridge.
.11B. If the above options have failed, contact;
The Juvenile Processing Office.