Procedure 620-Pursuits and Stop Techniques Flashcards
.02A. The Department recognizes its responsibility to apprehend criminals. This is balanced by acknowledging that in the course of discharging their duties, officers must;
do so in a manner reasonable and commensurate to the circumstances of each situation.
.02B. Officers, involved in pursuits and/or utilizing stop techniques while operating emergency vehicles, exercise due regard for the safety of all persons, constantly aware no assignment is too important and no tasks are;
to be expedited with such emphasis that the basic principles of safety are jeopardized.
.02C. Officers engage in a vehicular pursuit and/or utilize stop techniques only when;
the benefit of apprehension outweighs the risk to the officer and/or the public.
.02D. Officers are held accountable for the consequences of;
reckless disregard for the safety of others and violations of this procedure.
.03A. The San Antonio Police Department requires its officers to exhibit a sense of prudent judgment derived from;
departmental training, acquired knowledge, skills, and ability in the operation of all emergency vehicles.
.04. Means a marked police vehicle or a marked police motorcycle equipped with emergency warning devices, warning lights and sirens, or a command response vehicle.
Emergency Vehicle:
.04. Means to drive behind a subject vehicle without using emergency warning devices or any other method of instruction to stop by the officer. The police vehicle must adhere to traffic laws and traffic control devices.
.04. Means an attempt by an officer, while driving an emergency vehicle with lights and sirens activated, to apprehend the occupant(s) of a vehicle who are evading arrest by maintaining or increasing the speed of a vehicle and by ignoring the officer’s instruction to stop or are taking evasive actions.
.04. May consist of increasing speed making aggressive driving maneuvers ( going off-road, disregarding traffic controls, turning off vehicle lights, and/or weaving in/out of traffic), or similar actions.
Evasive actions
.05. Officers operating emergency vehicles must exercise sound judgment, carefully consider the facts, and weigh the
seriousness of the offense against the consequences of jeopardizing the safety of others by continually
.05. Environmental factors used by officers for evaluating risk of pursuit against safety.
- Time /day of week; 2. Lighting conditions;
- Volume of traffic; 4. Type of roadway;
- Roadway condition; 6. Weather conditions;
- Vehicle conditions; 8. Speeds;
- Pursuit duration ; 10. Types traffic devices;
- School zones /areas large crowds gather.
.06 A. Will be utilized for pursuits and/or stop techniques;
Only emergency vehicles
.06 A. On expressways, expressway exit or entrance ramps, divided highways, or any other street designated for one-way traffic;
Officers will not drive emergency vehicles the wrong way.
.06 A. Officers will not transport prisoners, witnesses, suspects, complainants, or any person who is not a member of the Department who has not signed SAPD Civilian Observer Authorization and Release;
when driving emergency vehicles in emergency operations.
.07A. Officers authorized to engage in vehicle pursuits may utilize emergency vehicles for emergency operations, provided:
emergency lights and siren are activated;
.07A. At all traffic control devices which require a stop under normal driving conditions and in consideration to vehicular and pedestrians;
Officers will reduce speed and proceed when it can be done safely;
.07A. At intersections marked by yield signs or yellow flashing lights;
Reduce speed for vehicles and pedestrians and proceed when it can be done safely;
.07A. Officers will reduce speed and proceed when it can be done safely when driving emergency vehicles in pursuits through or into school zones
during normal school hours or into areas where large crowds are known to congregate, such as city parks and outdoor public events.
.07B. A managing supervisor will determine the number of emergency vehicles engaged in a pursuit to;
a maximum of (4), inclusive of the primary and secondary vehicle.
.07B. Shall not engage in pursuits.
Vehicles not normally used for patrol and/or traffic enforcement (prisoner transport wagons, etc.)
.07B. Officers will not continue a pursuit or assist in a pursuit unless;
immediate authorization to continue the pursuit or assist is received from the managing supervisor.
.07B. Officers will not engage in;
paralleling, ramming, caravanning, or driving alongside a pursued vehicle.
.07B. Officers will not set up;
.07B. Must abandon a pursuit when an emergency vehicle with roof-mounted emergency lights enters the pursuit.
Emergency vehicles without roof-mounted emergency lights and (2) wheeled motorcycles
.07B. If a pursuit is terminated by the officer in the primary vehicle, the managing supervisor, or at the direction of a dispatcher, all officers;
shall discontinue the pursuit.
.07B. When any officer, supervisor, or dispatcher announces that a pursuit is terminated, all assigned officers shall;
turn off all emergency warning lights and siren, slow down and adhere to all traffic laws and traffic control devices.
.07B. When any officer, supervisor, or dispatcher announces that a pursuit is terminated, the officers in the pursuit shall;
notify the dispatcher of their location.
.07B. Once a pursuit is terminated, officers must receive authorization from a supervisor to continue to follow the vehicle, if granted, the vehicle may only be followed as a;
Code-One response, while adhering to all traffic laws and traffic control devices.
.08A. Officers must weigh the hazardous circumstances and environmental factors associated with a pursuit against the;
possibilities of serious bodily injury or death to other motorists, pedestrians, the pursuing officers, and the offender.
Officers must understand there is a point at which the risks outweigh;
the benefits of apprehending a suspect.
.08B. Traffic infractions, ordinance violations, non-violent misdemeanors (not involving the use of firearms), and non-violent felonies.
Pursuits are not authorized.
.08B. The individuals fleeing are suspects only and the actual crime has not been determined.
Pursuits are not authorized.
.08B. The occupants has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a violent felony offense (i.e.
Aggravated Robbery or Aggravated Assault, and/or other crimes against a person in which violence is an
element to the felony offense);
Situations where pursuits, if initiated, may be
continued, depending on the hazardous circumstances and environmental factors.
.08B. The occupants has committed or is committing a violent misdemeanor offense involving the use of a
Situations where pursuits, if initiated, may be
continued, depending on the hazardous circumstances and environmental factors.
.08B. The occupants is known to be wanted under an active warrant for a violent felony offense.
Situations where pursuits, if initiated, may be
continued, depending on the hazardous circumstances and environmental factors.
.09A. Primary Vehicle Driver activates the vehicle emergency warning devices from the point at which the officer;
engages in the pursuit until its termination;
.09A. Primary Vehicle Driver immediately notifies the dispatcher of the location, direction of travel, speed, reason for the pursuit;
the presence of other law enforcement agencies, the description of the vehicle being pursued, and the number of occupants;
.09A. Primary Vehicle Driver provides updated information regarding the;
direction of travel, speed, and other pertinent details.
.09A. Primary Vehicle Driver Radio transmissions are kept as short as possible to allow communication between;
the dispatcher, managing supervisor, and assisting officers.
.09A. If any mechanical problems develop in the primary vehicle.
Primary Vehicle Driver Abandons the pursuit.
.09B. Secondary Vehicle Driver officer must receive immediate authorization from the;
managing supervisor or dispatch supervisor to assist in the pursuit;
.09B. Activates the secondary vehicle’s emergency warning devices from the point at which the;
secondary vehicle enters the pursuit until its termination.
.09B. The secondary vehicle’s siren may be deactivated if it;
interferes with radio communications;
.09B. Becomes the primary vehicle if the primary vehicle;
abandons the pursuit;
.09B. If any mechanical problems develop in the secondary vehicle;
abandons the pursuit.
.09C. If a Supervisor engages in a pursuit, then another supervisory officer;
regardless of rank, must be identified as the managing supervisor and must approve and manage the pursuit;
.09C. Immediately authorizes continuation or orders termination of the pursuit depending on the hazardous
circumstances and environmental factors present as stated by the primary vehicle driver;
Managing Supervisor
.09C. Ensures not more than {4} emergency vehicles are engaged in a pursuit;
Managing Supervisor
.09C. Ensures the Helicopter Detail, if available, is notified.
Managing Supervisor
.09C. Once a police helicopter has a pursued vehicle in sight, the managing supervisor may authorize the continuation of the pursuit based on the following circumstances:
a. The severity of the offense;
b. The number of occupants in vehicle;
c. The likelihood of the suspects being armed;
d. The preservation of physical evidence; or
e. Other justifications which can be articulated.
.09C. Directs the tactics of the pursuit;
Managing Supervisor
.09C. Constantly evaluates the pursuit;
Managing Supervisor
.09C. Assigns additional officers to assist with traffic control, accident investigation, foot pursuit, and/or perimeter security if the termination ends with the apprehension of the vehicle or subjects; and
Managing Supervisor
.09C. Orders the termination of a pursuit at any time hazardous circumstances or environmental factors present an unreasonable risk to public safety.
Managing Supervisor
.09C. When notified by the dispatcher and assuming the responsibilities of the managing supervisor.
Supervisors will be held accountable for failing to respond.
.09C. When notified by the dispatcher, supervisors shall take the responsibility of the managing supervisor;
regardless of the unit of assignment of the primary or secondary vehicle in the pursuit.
.09C. Accountability extends for failing to terminate pursuits when hazardous circumstances or environmental factors would cause a reasonable and prudent person in the same circumstances to reasonably believe an unreasonable risk to public safety exists;
Managing Supervisor
.09C. Accountability for ensuring the procedural guidelines governing pursuits are complied with shall rest with the;
highest ranking officer monitoring or responding to the pursuit.
.09C. While the highest ranking officer monitoring the pursuit oversees it, this does not;
relieve the managing supervisor of his /her assigned procedural tasks and responsibilities of the pursuit.
.09D. The Helicopter Detail shall utilize its airborne video equipment to record all pursuits and entailing foot chases;
until officers secure the actors..
.09E. Ensures the handling dispatcher assigns a managing supervisor and secondary vehicle to the pursuit, and records the identity of other officers assigned to the pursuit;
Dispatcher and Communications Supervisor
.09E. Affirms the dispatchers on other affected communication channels provide their officers with information relative to the pursuit;
Dispatcher and Communications Supervisor
.09E. Assigns a radio frequency specifically for the use of the officers involved in a pursuit, if necessary;
Dispatcher and Communications Supervisor
.09E. Apprises the managing supervisor of any traffic problems relative to the pursuit;
Dispatcher and Communications Supervisor
.09E. Announces the termination of a pursuit at the direction of the managing supervisor or in the absence of a managing supervisor.
Dispatcher and Communications Supervisor
.09F. The pursuit will terminate at the Bexar County line, except when;
continued pursuit is authorized by the managing supervisor;
.09F. When a pursuit enters into another jurisdiction, notifies the managing supervisor and dispatcher;
the secondary vehicle driver.
.09F. Notifies the appropriate law enforcement agency of the vehicle description, circumstances of the pursuit, and if assistance is requested;
The dispatcher
.09F. If the offender is apprehended out of county, the arresting officer;
waits for the arrival of the managing supervisor and an
officer from that jurisdiction.
.09F. In all pursuits which end in the apprehension of the offender outside of Bexar County, the offender is taken, without unnecessary delay;
before a magistrate of the county in which the arrest is made; and
.09F. He is notified of all pursuits which continue out of Bexar County.
The ranking on duty officer, {of all SAPD}.
.09G. Maintains liaison with other law enforcement agencies involved in pursuits which enter into the City of San Antonio; and
.09G. Assigns a managing supervisor to supervise the Department’s officers in their assistance with the pursuit.
.09G. Determines the number of police vehicles from the outside agency involved in the pursuit;
Managing Supervisor:
.09G. Determines if assistance is specifically requested by the initiating jurisdiction;
Managing Supervisor:
.09G. Determines if assistance from the Department is required;
Managing Supervisor:
.09G. Notifies the Helicopter Detail, if available, to respond;
Managing Supervisor:
.09G. Does not assign officers to engage in the pursuit if there are (2) marked police vehicles from outside agencies already engaged in the pursuit;
Managing Supervisor:
.09G. Assigns an officer as the secondary unit if there is only (1) outside agency marked police vehicle
involved in the pursuit;
Managing Supervisor:
.09G. Assigns officers to assist with traffic control, accident investigation, foot pursuit, and/or perimeter security at the scene of termination;
Managing Supervisor:
.09G. Terminates the SAPD officer’s involvement if the actions of officers from another agency present an
unreasonable risk to public safety;
Managing Supervisor:
.09G. Submits a written report, with SAPD case number, giving the details of the pursuit and the names of all SAPD officers involved in the pursuit.
Managing Supervisor:
.10B. Primary vehicle driver’s report will include:
- Reason or probable cause for engaging pursuit;
- Vehicle description and occupants;
- The location officer engaged the pursuit;
- The route of the pursuit;
- An account of the violations committed;
- Summary of tactics to apprehend offender;
- Point of abandonment or termination;
- If apprehended, his involvement in arrest.
.10C. Secondary vehicle driver’s report will include:
- Location officer engaged in the pursuit;
- Summary of tactics to apprehend offender;
- Point of abandonment or termination;
- If apprehended, his involvement in arrest.
.10E. Helicopter officers’ reports will include Assigned duties, and a summary indicating if;
pursuit was videotaped and the location of the videotape;
.10E. Evaluation of the pursuit to include procedural violations, recommendations for training, and other pertinent concerns in relation to the pursuit;
Helicopter Detail Officers
.10E. The Helicopter Detail Officer’s report is forwarded to his/her chain of command with a copy submitted to the;
appropriate Division Commander of the officer initiating the pursuit.
.10F. Dispatcher’s report will include:
- Time, date, duration, and route
- Units assigned include names /badge numbers
- Managing supervisor assigned;
- Pursuit details, include difficulties encountered;
- The report is forwarded to the Communications
.10G. Will include: Identity of officers involved / assignments relative to the pursuit; a summary of any accidents or other incidents arising from or related to the pursuit;
Managing supervisor’s report
.10G. If he terminates the pursuit, the time and location the pursuit was ordered terminated; Recommendations for any needed corrective or disciplinary actions to include training.
Managing supervisor’s report
.10G. Managing supervisor’s report will contain all pertinent AVL and/or video records to document the need for;
any corrective or disciplinary actions should be included;
.10G. Managing supervisor’s report will contain a summary of information obtained from reviewing all available in-car video and the GPS (AVL) records of all officers assigned to the pursuit, whether they were;
assigned as the Primary, Secondary, or other duties;
.10G. Summary of pertinent information gathered from reviewing the Audio records from dispatch concerning the pursuit.
Managing supervisor’s report
.11A. The Managing Supervisor: as soon as practical after the conclusion of the pursuit, prepares SAPD Form #103-NEN; and route the form through electronic mail to the following offices:
a. Office of the Chief;
b. Applicable Assistant Chief;
c. Patrol Division Commander:
d. Tactical Support Division Commander
e. Police Media Services Detail.
11A. Conducts an analysis of the pursuit using the AVL system, video evidence and audio recordings from dispatch as well as the reports submitted by all officers and completes the appropriate section of the SAPD Form #103, Pursuit Evaluation Report;
Managing Supervisor
.11A. Attaches copies of the officers’ reports, including his report, any pertinent AVL records, and a copy of SAPD 103-NEN, to the pursuit evaluation report, and forwards the packet to his shift/unit director.
Managing Supervisor
.11B. Reviews all submitted reports, and conducts an evaluation of the pursuit, directing any questions to the managing supervisor. This evaluation is directed towards identifying violations of policies and procedures and any needed corrective or disciplinary action;
Shift /Unit Director:
Completes the appropriate section of the pursuit evaluation report and forwards it, along with the attached reports, to his section commander.
Shift /Unit Director:
.10C. Reviews the pursuit report submitted by the handling dispatcher;
Communications Supervisor:
.10C. Conducts an evaluation of the pursuit as it relates to dispatch procedures and directs any inquiries back to the dispatcher;
Communications Supervisor:
.10C. Completes the appropriate portion of the pursuit report form noting any additional information on the pursuit to include procedural violations, training recommendations, and other pertinent information and faxes a copy of the report to the managing supervisor.
Communications Supervisor:
.10C. The Communications Supervisor forwards the original copy of the pursuit report to the;
Communications Director.
.10D. Completes the appropriate portion of the dispatcher’s pursuit report and directs any questions back to the Communications Supervisor;
Communications Director
.10D. Forwards a copy of the pursuit report to the appropriate Division Commander of the officer initiating the pursuit.
Communications Director
.10E. Reviews all submitted reports and shall also be responsible for reviewing all available data (including but not limited to vehicle GPS data, video evidence, and audio tapes maintained by Communications) for the noted pursuit prior to completing the pursuit evaluation report;
Section Commander
.10E. Reviews data prior to COMPLETING the pursuit evaluation report, {e.i., he completes pursuit report???};
Section Commander
.10E. Conducts an evaluation of the pursuit towards identifying violations of policies and procedures and any needed corrective or disciplinary action, directing any questions to the shift/unit director.
Section Commander
.10E. Completes the appropriate section of the pursuit evaluation report and forwards it, along with the attached reports, to his Division Commander.
Section Commander
.11F. Reviews all submitted reports;
Division Commander
.11F. Shall be responsible for reviewing all available data, including but not limited to vehicle GPS data, video evidence, and audio tapes maintained by the Communications, for the noted pursuit prior to completing the pursuit evaluation report;
Division Commander
.11F. Conducts an evaluation of the pursuit, directing any questions to the Section Commander. This evaluation is directed towards identifying violations of policies and procedures and any needed corrective or disciplinary action;
Division Commander
.11F. Completes the appropriate section of the pursuit evaluation report and forwards the pursuit packet to a Patrol Division Commander for entry into the Pursuit Information Database;
Division Commander
.11F. Forwards a copy of the pursuit packet to the Internal Affairs Unit, if disciplinary action is recommended.
Division Commander
.12. He is responsible for maintaining the Pursuit Information Database, and will complete an annual written evaluation of all pursuits to determine their effectiveness and to recommend any training, or policy modifications needed.
Patrol Division Commander
.12. The annual evaluation will be presented to the Chief of Police, and will include items 1-4 as following:
- Reason for pursuit initiation
- Number of pursuits initiated
- Number of pursuits terminated
- Number of pursuits abandoned
.12. The annual evaluation will be presented to the Chief of Police, and will include items 5-8 as following:
- Miles covered
- Time duration of pursuit
- Speeds involved
- Other jurisdictions involved
.12. The annual evaluation will be presented to the Chief of Police, and will include items 9-12 as following:
- Arrests/Apprehensions
- Hazardous circumstances
- Environmental factors as per .05
- Risks identified
.12. The annual evaluation will be presented to the Chief of Police, and will include items 13-16 as following:
- Policy/Procedure violations
- Training Issues identified
- Technical difficulties
- Crashes
.12. The annual evaluation will be presented to the Chief of Police, and will include items 17-18 as following:
- Property damage
18. Injuries
.13A. Situations where an officer follows a subject vehicle, but does not or has not engaged in apprehension efforts;
do not constitute pursuits.
.13A. Following a subject vehicle for more than {15} minutes;
requires supervisory approval.
.13A. However, once a subject vehicle speeds away or takes any evasive action in an effort to distance itself from police, regardless of whether emergency warning device have been activated, the officer shall;
immediately discontinue following the vehicle unless it meets the criteria for a pursuit.
.13A. This technique is ideal for establishing reasonable suspicion and/or probable cause when dealing with DWI suspects.
Following a subject without engaging in apprehension efforts.
.13B. Boxing-In: The managing Supervisor may take advantage of situations where the fleeing vehicle is slowed to;
a near stop by traffic conditions or other obstacles, or while traveling at speeds less than {30} miles per hour.
.13B. The managing supervisor may direct assisting police vehicles to box in the fleeing vehicle while less than 30, or nearly stopped, utilizing officers that have.
completed boxing-in training. No other manner of boxing-in is authorized
.13C. Officers may deploy a Tire Deflation Device in accordance with appropriate SOP, if they have completed the;
Tire Deflation Device (TDD) training, with approval from a supervisor, .
.14A. In all instances where a suspect evades police and /or a pursuit is terminated, all pertinent information will be entered into the;
Be On the Look Out (BOLO) System and a follow-up investigation will be conducted.
.14A. Suspect and Vehicle information will be entered as either:
a. Pursuit – SUSPECT; or
b. Pursuit – ARRESTED
.14A. Pursuit – suspect entries will remain valid for;
{2} calendar years and Pursuit – ARRESTED entries
will remain valid for one calendar year.
.14A. The following pertinent incident data will be entered into the COMMENTS section of the BOLO notice:
a. Location;
b. Circumstances;
c. CFS number;
d. Other data of investigative value.
.14B. Any Officer involved in a pursuit where the suspect evades apprehension or where a pursuit is terminated will contact;
the Communications Office and ensure that a BOLO is generated;
.14B. The officer will generate a report for the offense of EVADING ARREST OR DETENTION, and forward a copy of the report to the;
Traffic Investigation Detail {TID}
.14C. Will be consulted on evading cases, and will coordinate with Patrol or follow-up units handling the primary offense, to ensure timely and accurate handling of any evidence collection and execution of warrants that may be generated.
The Traffic Investigations Detail (TID)
.14C. Will ensure that the BOLO system is updated, via the Communications Office, when changes to the status of the pursuit category (Suspect or Arrested) are needed.
TID or the follow-up unit assigned to investigate the case