Primary Systemic Veins Flashcards
Cephalic Vein
Drain the superficial hand, forearm, and arm on the lateral side
Basilic Vein
Drain the superficial hand, forearm and arm on the medial side
Median Cubital Vein
Cephalic and basilic veins meet at the elbow
Blood donations
Radial Vein
Drain the deep hand, forearm, and arm on the lateral side
Ulnar Vein
Drain the deep hand, forearm and arm on the medial side
Brachial Vein
Ulnar and Radial Vein join to the arm pit
Axillary Vein
Under the arm pit (Ailla)
Subclavian Veins
Under the clavicle
Right and Left Brachioceophalic Veins
right and left subclavian veins are joined by the external and internal jugular veins
External and Internal Jugular
Draining the head and neck on each side
Superior Vena Cava
Drain the two brachiocephalic veins into the right atrium
Azygos Veins and Hemiazygos
Right and left respectively
Drain the intercostal veins
sends blood into the SUPERIOR vena cava
Deep Femoral vein
Found in the thigh
Formed after the popliteal vein
Superficial great saphenous vein
Medial to the femoral vein
Merge to form the external iliac vein
Used in coronary bypass surgery
Deep anterior and posterior tibial veins
Drain the leg unite at the popliteal vein
Right and Left internal iliac veins
Drain the deep pelvis
Common iliac veins
Formed by the external and internal iliac
Drained into the inferior vena cava
Right gonaldal Vein
Drains directly into the inferior vena cava
Left gonadal vein
Drains into the left renal vein
Right and Left Renal vein
Drain kidneys into the inferior vena cava
Hepatic Veins
Drain the liver into the inferior vena cava
below the diaphrag,