Lecture 8 (Digestive Glands) Flashcards
Salivary Glands
- Parotid: large anterior to the ear goes from cheek to jaw
- Sublingual: below the tongue
- Submandibular: below the jaw
Keeps mouth moist, moistens food, keep teeth clean, good for enamel, neutralize acid in food and drink
Beings digestion of starches and fats
Saliva may absorb tobacco tar increase the risk of esophageal cancer
Viral infection Of parotid salivary glands they become swollen very contagious Adult men: exposed to virus can be rendered sterile
Stones of salivary glands
Saliva crystallize, form in the ducts become swollen
Cancer in the salivary glands
2/3 tumors are benign
have to remove because the high collection of lymph nodes, cervical nodes
6 inches long
behind the stomach and intestines
Pancreatic ducts release enzymes into the duodenum.
Release insulin
Creating hormones
Pancreas has abundant rough ER
Diff cells that make hormones
Seat Belt Injuries
Lap belts
May compress abdomen, causing the pancreas to rupture,
Enzymes will release into the abdomen
Digest the body cavity and organs
Symptoms: fever yes or no, abdominal pain
caused by reaction to medication
Pancreatic Cancer
Difficult to diagnosis, no specific abdominal pain
difficult to treat
Will spread before it is recognized, go to liver, spleen, stomach, lungs
The liver
Largest Gland, bile
200 hundred diff functions
Gall stones
Crystalized bile, high lvl of cholesterol this is common
Bile is used to metabolize fats
Small stones = bad = block duct = cause back up in the liver
When excess bile enters the blood stream
Yellowing of eyes and skin
Get from pancreatic cancer
reaction to medication
Jaundice in new borns
Immature live cant not do its job = jaundice
UV lights helps liver mature, 10 -15 mines
Infection of the liver
making it enlarged
can be permanent
Scaring of the liver reaction to medication 1. fatty liver 2. hepatitis 3. alcohol
Liver cancer
Primary: starts in the liver
Secondary: started somewhere else
Liver function will stop, get very sick, may become jaundice
Transplant of Liver tissue
Partial live: part of the right lob, cells will grow in young kids
Originally; whole in liver including gall bladder.