Posterior arm and shoulder Flashcards
What are the 3 movements of the scapula?
upward/downward rotation
What are the 3 most superficial muscles of the back?
trapezius, deltoid and lastissimus dorsi
What are the 3 sections of the deltoid and their roles
anterior part = flexes the arm
middle/lateral part = abducts the arm
posterior part = extends the arm
What are the 3 different fibres of the trapezius muscle and their roles
ascending fibres = lowers the shoulder
horizontal fibres = retract the shoulder
descending fibres = elevate/lift the shoulder
What are the boundaries of the quadrangular space? What does it provide a passageway for?
• Inferior margin of teres minor
• Surgical neck oh humerus
• Superior margin of tere major
• Lateral margin of long head of triceps brachii
AXILLARY nerve and posterior circumflex numeral artery and begin pass through this space
What is the boundaries for the triangular space and what passes through this space?
Communication between axilla and posterior scapular region,
Formed by: Medial margin of long head of triceps brachii
Superior margin of teres major
Inferior margin of tere minor
The circumflex scapular artery and vein pass through this gap
What is the origin, insertion, innervation and function of Anconeus?
Origin: dorsal side of lateral epicondyle of humerus
Inserts: olecranon of ulna
Innervation : Radial nerve
Function- Accessory msucle in extension
What is the origin, insertion, innervation and function of the triceps brachii?
Triceps brachii
Three heads
Long head- Origins- infraglenoid tubercle on the scapula
Medial head- posterior surface of humerus Lateral head posterior surface of humerus
Insert- Olecranon process of ulna
Innervation - radial nerve C6,7,8
Function: Extension of the orearm at elbow joint
Accessory adductor and extensor of arm at glenohumeral joint
What serves as a passasage for the suprascapular nerve?
Suprascapular notch that froms a foramen with the suprascapular ligament
What happens when the suprascapular ligament becomes calcified?
It become narrow and compresses the nerve
What is the origin, insertion, innervation and function of Subscapularis?
Origin: Subscapularis fossa
Inserts- on lesser tubercle of humerus
Innervation: superior and inferior Subscapularis nerve
Function: stabilis glenohumeral joint- Medially rotation
What is the origin, insertion, innervation and function of teres major?
Teres major-
Origin: elongate oval area on the posterior surface of the inferior angle of scapula
Insertion: medial lip of intertubercular sulcus on the anterior surface of humerus
Innervation- Inferior Subscapularis nerve
Function: medial rotation and extension of arm at glenohumeral joint, stabilisation of joint
What is the origin, insertion and function of teres minor?
Teres minor
Origin: upper two thirds of a flattened strip of bone on posterior surface of scapula immediately adjacent to the lateral border of scapula
Insertion: inferior facet on the posterior surface of the greater tubercle of humerus Innervation
Innervation: Axillary nerve c5,6
Function: rotator cuff muscles- lateral rotation of arm at glenohumeral joint- stabilisation of joint
What is the origin, insertion, innervation and function of infraspinatus?
Origin: medial two thirds of the infraspinous fossa of the scapula and the deep fascia that covers the muscle
INSERTION: Middle facet on posterior surface of greater tubercle f humerus
Innervation: suprascapular nerve (C5,C6)
Function: rotator cuff muscles- lateral rotation of glenohumeral joint - stabilisation of joint
What is origin, insertion, innervation and function of Supraspinatus?
Origin: medial two thirds of Supraspinous fossa of the scapula and deep fascia that covers the muscle
Insertion- superior acet on greater tubercle of humerus
Innervation: suprascapular nerve C5,C6
Function: rotator cuff muscle- participates in abduction of glenohumerl joint, stabilisation of glenohumeral joint
What are the 4 rotator cuff muscles?
4 Rotator cuff muscles
* Supraspinatus
* Infraspinatus
* Teres minor
* Subscapularis
What is origin, insertion, innervation and function of Levator scapulae?
Levator scapulae
Origin: Transverse process of TVII TPR ;V and sacrum, iliac crest, ribs X to XII
Insertion; upper portion medial border of scapula
Innervation: C3 to C4 and dorsal scapular nerve c4,5
Function: elevates scapula
What is the origin, insertion, innervation and function o rhomboid minor?
Rhomboid minor
Origin: ;power portion o ligamentum ruchae, spinous processes o CVII and Ti
Insertion medial border of scapular between spine and inferior angle Innervation
Innervation: dorsal scapular nerve C4,5
Retracts and elevates scapula
State the origin, insertion, innervation and action of the trapezius muscle
origin = external occipital protuberance, spinal processes C7-T12, superior nuchal line and medial margin or ligamentum nuchae
inserts = lateral 1/3 of clavicle, spine of scapula and acromion
innervation = accessory nerve, C3 and C4
elevates, retracts and depresses scapula
State the origin, insertion, innervation and action of deltoid
origin = lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula
inserts = deltoid tuberosity of humerus
innervation = axillary nerve
flexes, medially and laterally rotates and abducts the arm
State the origin, insertion, innervation and action of latissimus dorsi
origin = spinous processes of lower 6 T vertebrae, thoracolumbar fascia and lumbar vertebrae, iliac crest and lower 3/4 ribs
inserts = floor of intertubercular sulcus
innervation. thoracodorsal nerve
addiction, medially and laterally rotation and extension of the arm
Which 3 muscles lie deep to the trapezius muscle?
levator scapulae, rhomboid minor and major
State the origin, insertion, innervation and action of levator scapulae
origin = transverse process of C1-4
inserts = superior medial border of scapula
dorsal scapula nerves and cervical nerves 3+4
elevates and downward rotates the scapula
State the origin, insertion, innervation and action of rhomboid minor
origin = nuchal ligament and spinous processes C7-T1
inserts = medial border of scapula
dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
downward rotates scapula
State the origin, insertion, innervation and action if rhomboid major
origin = spinous processes T2-5
inserts = medial border of scapula just below the spine
dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
retracts, stabilises and downward rotates the scapula
What is the movements of the scapula?
Movements of scapular
* Elevation and depression
* Protraction and depression
* Upward and downward rotation
What is the origin insertion innervation and function of rhomboid major?
Rhomboid major
Origin: spinous process of TII to TV
Insertion: medial border of scapular between spine and inferior angle
Innervation: Dorsal scapular nerve C4,5
FUNCTION: retracts( addicts and elevates scapula)
What is the origin, insertion, innervation and function of trapezius?
Origin: superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of CV11 toTXII
Insertion: lateral one third of clavicle acromion, spine of scapula
Innervation: Motor acesssory nerve- c4 and c4
Function: assists in rotating scapula during abduction o numerous above horizontal, upper fibres elevate, middle fibres adductor lower fibres depress scapula
What is the role of horizontal fibres of the trapezius?
Pull shoulde together protraction
What is the origin, insertion, innervation, and function of lattismus dorsi?
Latiismus Dorsi:
Origin: Spinous process of TVII to LV and sacrum, iliac crest, ribs X to XII
Insertion: floor of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
Innervation: Thoracodorsal nerve C6-C8 - from posterior cord
Function: Extends, addicts and medially rotates humerus
What is the role of ascending fibres?
LOWER the shoulder